The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 978: Doomsday Strikes

"I'm going to kill all of you!"

With the sound of the atrophy's death, the wave of insects fell into turbulence again, and some higher-order insects had wisdom, and they knew how severe the loss was this time.

In less than half an hour, more than 100,000 low-order bugs died, including dozens of gold kings of the worm and several legendary kings of the worm!

These are the mainstays in the entire Worm World, so they are killed and become a cold body.

The insect emperor, who was like a beetle, hesitated to use forbidden techniques in order to kill the atrophy, and put an end to the battle, but who can think that even if the pseudo-epic insect emperor did not hesitate to explode, it was just the atrophy The monster's epidermis was bruised without directly dying!

how can that be?


All the insects present were all excited and trembling, and the sound of the wings flapping wildly became one, and the eyes of thousands of horrors, unbelief, and fear were all focused on the atrophy!

That monster ...

That monster will appear again at this moment!

If these bugs knew what the atrophy was, perhaps it wouldn't be so morbid!

The atrophy is a **** iniquity. It is an immortal existence from the beginning of the birth. Even the divine house can only seal the other party and cannot really kill it. Because of this, the atrophy is imprisoned for hundreds of years. After being tortured and tortured for hundreds of years, this has the extremely distorted character now.

Not even the divine real estate can really kill, let alone a false epic worm emperor?

But there is one thing that the bugs did. It really angered the atrophy. The pain of the atrophy has become an instinctive reaction. The previous self-detonation, even if it did not cause fatal damage, also aroused some of the atrophy. That pain is so profound.

"To die!"

When the atrophy spoke this sentence again, the figure disappeared again, and when it appeared, it had already reached the top of a surviving insect emperor. It reached out and scratched, the other person's head was pierced, and his brain was flowing on the ground. on.

"It hurts ... I hurt ... Since you don't want to give your body to me, then come with me to bear this pain!" The atrophy sneered on the top of the insect emperor, his eyes radiating bloodthirsty cold mango.

The blood-red scum scattered and flew, and the sharp fingertips instantly penetrated the giant worm's back cover, penetrated its brain, and shot out of its eyes with Senhan's black mang ...

The worm emperor was completely killed by the atrophy without humming. The mountainous body also fell from the air ...

When he died, his other eye was still very wide, and he could hardly believe that his companion blew himself up for himself, but he was still attacked and killed by the ugly monster in front of him!

Too despicable!

At this time, where does the Zerg still have any combat power? Most of the high-level combat power is dead with the dead, leaving these old, weak, sick, and low-level bugs? Just to kill the atrophy, the Emperor Worm didn't have time to evacuate his companions, so the explosion just now caused at least tens of thousands of low- and medium-level bugs to turn into flesh!

After paying so much, only the atrophic ones suffered minor injuries. All this was unexpected by the bugs!

All the bugs stayed in place at this moment, and even the worm kings were all cleaned up like weeds, not to mention those Zerg soldiers with silver and bronze ranks.

The atrophy sneered, and the lacquered black emitted from the whole body became more and more fierce, like a Tengu food day. The entire void was dissolved in the darkness, and all the surrounding land and insects were wrapped!

The earth begins to rot!

After a period of slaughter, this land finally could not withstand the erosion of the atrophy and began to destroy. This is a world occupied by insects. Without science and technology, this is a very large forest area. The environment can be said to be very beautiful. But at this moment, the trees began to wither and collapse, and the clear water began to become turbid, like a pus, and a stench rolled up from the bottom of the sea. As for the land, it became rotten. Taste of the Everglades!

Heaven and Hell!

Centered on the dimension leading to the human world, within a few minutes, this land for bugs began to become completely unrecognizable.

The rotten land did not stop, but intensified. Every second, a large area of ​​the jungle was eroded. Those undead and insects were dodging, and they were trapped in the metamorphosed swamp. They were still trying to struggle, but it seemed to hide under the swamp Some kind of monster, no matter how struggling, can't climb out again. The appalling scenes are staged in the Worm World, and in an instant, it becomes a real purgatory.

The abyss is devoted to death. Saruman is in the Bone Plain, and is accustomed to destruction and death. Even if it has a powerful ability to destroy, but even so, when he saw the scene in front of him, he could not help frowning. .

If you have to make a comparison, the destruction of Saruman is only a child ’s play, and the destruction of the atrophy is a real disaster!

It was also at this moment that Saruman understood intuitively why the divine house regarded divine sin as a nail in the eye, because the other party's existence for one day was a hidden danger for the divine house's rule.

Even if each other has a blood relationship, the meaning of the existence of divine iniquity is destruction. Even the most wicked divine residence also requires believers to crochet divinity. It is because of this that they form an antagonistic relationship with each other!

The killing of a worm emperor did not satisfy the atrophy. In the next second, he moved freely, dragging a residual image, and rushed towards the two worm emperors not far away.

Each worm emperor is a legendary powerhouse, placed in order, it can exist on an equal footing with Wei Xun and Xu Hongzhuang, but here, in front of the atrophy, it is like a chick, and it can not exert any force at all. From the beginning, he was ravaged. In a short period of time, more than ten worm emperors died in the hands of the atrophy. Even in order, there are not so many legendary powerhouses, but the atrophy is in this worm world, reaching [Ten People Cut]!

Two poor bugs turned around and wanted to run. But it was too late. I saw the atrophy stepping on a thunderstorm and catching up instantly, waving his arms like death, slashing around the two worms at a fast speed, smashing the vulnerable parts of them.

This is not assault, but abuse!

In less than ten seconds, these two mighty worm emperors drank hatred in the hands of the shrinking one. The mountain-like body fell straight from the air and crashed into the ground. At this time, the land had become a swamp. If you smash it like this, it won't be long before it will be swallowed by the swamp!

Saruman naturally does not allow such wasteful things to appear ~ ~ At this time, all the worm emperors on the battlefield have no signs of life, and no worm will affect Saruman again. This Lich is a Shining, they came to the middle of the two worm kings, and wiped with their hands, the two huge bodies disappeared in place!

This time, Saruman also suffered heavy losses. The bone dragon and a legendary skull were killed by the siege of the Zerg, but the high risk was accompanied by a huge harvest. For these two corpses alone, Saruman's loss was reduced by many times, and This land was destroyed and there was no possibility of recovery. The result that Chen Feng hoped for had already happened, except that some high-order bugs had the opportunity to break into the human world by flying, such as the large forces of low-order bugs. The possibility of invading the human world!

Plan succeeded!

From this perspective, Saruman not only did not lose money this time, but also unexpected gains!

At this time, tens of thousands of artillery bugs were staring blankly at the atrophy, still unbelievable ...

It ’s over, everything is over. But there are more than a dozen legendary insect emperors. They do n’t belong to a force, but they are gathered here for a purpose. But now, their bosses die in front of themselves. This makes the surviving insect soldiers fundamentally I don't know how to express my emotions today.

And all of this was given by the monster in front of him, and it was He who brought the land to destruction with unimaginable power!


At this time, a loud noise came from the center of Worm Island, and the ground shook the mountain. The active volcano that was originally scorching black smoke also spewed hot magma like money!

Saruman's eyelids jumped, it seemed to remember something, the figure flickered, disappeared at the fastest speed, hiding in the shadow corner, it looked at the desire, the cold face couldn't help but become dignified: "Dead So many children and grandchildren, Lord, are we finally going to appear? "

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