The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 980: Destruction [2 in 1

The death of the king of worms not only means the collapse of the Zerg base, but also means that an important plan of the worm community is destroyed.

This is the real windfall!

Saruman hid aside, watching everything in front of him with cold eyes. Its original task was to fulfill Chen Feng's requirements, summon the atrophy in this land, and destroy and kill as much as possible. All surroundings are corroded, which will greatly reduce the speed and possibility of enemy invasion.

But now ...

The situation began to change suddenly in a direction that Saruman couldn't imagine. There is no doubt that the weird-looking zombie was the initiator of this battle, but it is such a powerful king of thousands of insects that has been promoted to the epic In this way, the atrophy will be killed in a single blow.


Even though Saruman lived countless years, when I saw this scene, I still felt a strong sense of unrealism.

Just like the epic indigenous people encountered before, Saruman can see clearly how many beasts Chen Feng used, even in the case of serious injuries, he borrowed the endless sword to kill it, and among them, there was burning The main credit of the devil.

Saruman knew that he had reached a level of life when he reached the epic stage. Even though the king of tens of thousands of insects looked a little bloated, in the past, most of daily life was born of worm eggs, so the strength itself was slightly weaker, but the epic The rank is the epic rank. Even if the force is not very strong, the spirit and defense of the king of worms is certainly not weak. However, in the eyes of the swarm, such a great existence as a divine residence is shrunk. Killing, this brushed Saruman's worldview.

Saruman originally thought that fighting with each other must have been a battle of dragons and dragons. If so, it would satisfy Chen Feng's mind and kill the atrophy, but who can think that this is simply a one-sided situation. The king of insects is almost Without any defensive action, he was slaughtered directly and died on the spot.


At this moment, the small bugs were buzzing and flapping their wings like madness, and they were sad and furious. At this moment, they had forgotten all the fears, and swept over the atrophy overwhelmingly. The suffocating tsunami with a wave height of 100 meters has completely swallowed up a coastal area!

When the King of Bugs came over just now, countless bugs and grandchildren followed the crowd again, and the spectacular scene was almost indescribable. It was like a locust crossing. Those bugs are hundreds of times bigger than locusts!

They vowed to revenge on their mothers, even if they died in battle, they would have to bury the shrinking ones!

"You obviously have a body, but you don't know how to cherish it. In that case, let's all die!"

The atrophy turned his head and glanced scornfully at the densely rushed insects. Although their worm legs, tentacles, sharp teeth, big jaws, and steel wool were sharp and poisonous, they exuded faint cold light, but in the eyes of the atrophy But there is no threat at all!

"There are countless grudges here, let these grudges purify your flesh!"

The atrophy gently spit out such a sentence, just like the hundreds of thousands of worms in her eyes like several ants that can be trampled to death. You must know that ants bite to death, even if the individual worms are not strong Strong, but when condensed together, it can still give people a horrible oppression.


The atrophy's voice had just fallen, and in the swamp beneath his feet, a huge monster suddenly emerged. The monster was like an octopus, but it was infinitely larger than the known octopus. The order is close to the coast, and in the past, many strange creatures can be encountered, but compared with the octopus in front, there are still some little witches.

I saw its huge dragon body, roaming freely in the poisonous swamp, setting off a whirlwind of poisonous mist, the endless icy ice blades in the whirlwind, as dense as raindrops, endless!

Where the small bugs that rushed to the surface could eat away, they were immediately attacked by various ice-thorn ice blades and poisonous winds, causing severe injuries and deaths. They were either penetrated through holes, or rotted into the blood flowing in the ground.

In less than ten seconds, the swarm of swarms died and wounded hundreds of heads under this horrible monster, including some silver peaks and gold-level worm kings.

This monster is transformed from endless resentment, and even part of the atrophy ’s physical energy is different from the divine residence relying on faith, and the gods rely on these resentments for energy and vitality.

In this world, there are thousands of divine residences. Everyone has different ideas. Since the requirements and worships are different, there is one thing that troubles everyone in this world. That is the idea of ​​resentment.

No one is born with one's own will, without any worries and resentments, and those resentments are the source of the power of God ’s iniquity. They have endured countless resentments at the beginning of their birth. A series of events led to the passing of faith, but the day of resentment but not disappearing, countless dimensions, countless times, these are all entangled with intelligent creatures.

Tens of thousands of secondary bugs. It ’s almost like a bunch of poor worms in front of the atrophy. You can abuse them as much as you want, and there are more and more corpses on the ground. They are as shocking as the sea of ​​corpses, with broken limbs and broken bones everywhere, some are not dead. The worms struggling freely on the ground, meandering, or desolate.

The surrounding land is still corroding. These dead and undead insects fell into the swamp and were swallowed by the silt. A strange scene appeared. As more and more bugs fell into the mud, The body of the octopus actually swelled a bit.

This octopus can devour flesh and blood for its own use, and these worms are full of resentment. Their god's house died in front of their eyes, and their ID home was tragically destroyed by others. This resentment has reached a certain limit, whether it is for the atrophy or the giant. Octopus, can be regarded as a tonic.

At this time, there are still 30,000 to 40,000 flying bugs with red eyes burned by the fire of vengeance. The insect power of the raging waves is not diminished. They are still desperate to kill the atrophy!

Thirty or forty thousand heads are still very tricky. Although the atrophy can go away, it does not conform to his style of doing things. It is a promise to kill these bugs and leave one.

"It's annoying, it's all going to die."

Due to the atrophy's eyes, the surrounding air became cold. He looked into the distance and focused his eyes on a volcano ahead.

This active volcano is not far away. At this time, a lot of fiery lava was spewed out. The air was full of sulfur and smoke, and those fire elements were extremely strong!

I saw the atrophy snarling, and the octopus thoughtfully snarled again. The octopus swelled its abdomen, then spit forward, and saw a black odorous substance toward the active volcano in the distance Just sprayed over!


Like some kind of violent chemical reaction, this dirty energy fell into the volcano, and the horrible volcano was like a violent shaking drink opened, and a wave of bubbles popped out of it!

Moreover, these flames are not as red as they were, but they are stained with a dark color. This dark energy is highly toxic. As long as they are stained a little, they will suffer from rotten belly and painful death!

And these heat waves spewed towards the swarm ...

This scene is like holding a large number of "burning bombs" to detonate in the forest, letting a large number of trees catch fire, forming a horrible fire, and roasting the living creatures in the forest into coke corpses.

And those worms naturally burned quickly under this terrible natural energy, no matter what worm you will be the worm king, you only need to bath for a few seconds under the poisonous flame, you will lose All moisture and vitality!

Almost all flying bugs have been eliminated by the atrophy. The ground was full of deadly terrible corpses, which became ice scum, or were pierced through numerous caves. Either dried corpses or coke, under the destruction of poison and fire, they came to the end of life.

As for those 100,000 larvae, they never dared to attack the atrophy anymore, but fled in a panic and ran away in all directions. They are not stupid, knowing that the situation is over. Even if he went on the attack, he was just dead.

But what about the larvae that escaped?

The volcano has been detonated, and there is a large forest around it. After the magma flows on the ground, the forest suddenly ignites fiercely, and the most terrible is not these. Even if it is on fire, even if the ground underneath is eroded, those bugs Can escape further afield, far away from this land of right and wrong.

But now it's different ...

You know, the volcano can be spewed into a thick and extremely toxic substance by the octopus, which directly leads to the toxic lava in those lavas. As a large area of ​​forest is burned, a toxic smoke filled with toxic substances also exists. At this time, it began to collapse around.

The surrounding insects have begun to despair. The smoke contains extremely terrifying toxicity. For example, the golden-level insect king will take a few sips, and the action will become slow. Once the other party stays in this poisonous mist for a long time, The body may be corroded and slowly turn into a pool of blood with a foul smell!

When the atrophy and Saruman did not come here, the place was thriving. The king of worms gathered a group of worm kings. Once they started war against humans, a dozen meters of the legendary worm king and hundreds of worm gold ranks The King of Bugs and the mother standing behind countless bugs!

Once all these bugs emerge from the dimension, not to mention the general forces, even if the order wants to defend it, it must be suffering. Even if it is defended, how many people will die?

And now, it is such a terrible group, but it was paralyzed by the arrival of the atrophy. Not only did the king of worms die tragically, but more than a dozen worm kings were slaughtered one after another. Preparation, but an attempt to destroy them all!

This is the iniquity!

Dedicated to evil!


"It seems the plan is about to change!" Saruman hid, his face calmed again, secretly thinking.

To this day, the atrophy has not been killed by the majesty for the sake of the insect world, but has been killed all the way, completely defeating the morale of the insects, and even the backing behind was dug out and stepped on the feet and chopped a few feet.

That mother worm can't help it ...

Saruman's gaze no longer focused on the shrinking one, but instead, the shrinking one ignored the king of the worms aside.

The fatal wound of the king of worms was craniotomy, but at this time, there was a strange fluid like butter in the thick corpses and brain.

Saruman is proficient in human research. He was originally a Lich, and he used various corpses for research and experimentation. Humans and insects have many similarities.

The King of Thousands of Insects is weak in body, and even if transformed into undead, the strength is not as powerful as imagined. After all, the other party mainly relies on fertility and mental attack. Even if it is transformed, it will only be a half-step epic.

Even so, it can't be said that the King of Thousands of Bugs is waste material all over him, without any useful value ...

It is like the king of the worms to fill those sticky things, which is the best material, which contains the energy essence of the king of the worms. If it is used to feed ordinary insects ~ ~ Maybe it can be created Several legendary insect emperors came out!

You know, there are many insect-controlling agents in the order now. The energy of their awakening is controlling insects. If you put these in front of each other, it will inevitably cause a turbulence. After all, who doesn't want to have one more legendary slave?

Of course, besides bugs, humans can also use this material. The energy of this substance is pure. After human consumption, it can improve the physical body and increase the potential. As long as you make unremitting efforts, it is not a dream to promote the legend, but there is one point, these energy contain too many bugs Genes, even if they are not too harmful, once they are taken, human genes will be somewhat infected, and after a period of time, they may become like insects.

This king of worms is also the mother of worms. I do n’t know how many worm genomes they carry. After being infected, humans will grow wings or compound eyes, and they will even become insects. Unlike people, worms are not like worms. If Saruman wants to conduct experiments in this area, the residents of the order cannot start, but only against certain criminals who have committed the death penalty.

However, this does not rule out that some people will apply on their own initiative. After all, this is not a peaceful era, but an ugly eschatology that is always shrouded in danger. The arrogant sons and daughters of the heavens are all in luck. This is more than two years after the end , I have already gone all over the master, the monster does not know how many mutations have occurred, and the advent of unpredictable dimensions, it can be said that many people don't care about their looks, what they care about is just how powerful they are!

Saruman and the atrophy are in two very different ideas. The former has already figured out how to use these spoils perfectly. For the latter, the spoils are not important at all. For this god, he A strong aversion to this land has developed, and what he has to do now is how to destroy it without leaving ... a living!

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