The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 986: Broken justice


During the period when Chen Feng left, he was managed by Xu Hongzhuang. The other party was not like Wei Xun who led the blood warfare department. The whole body was covered with blood, which made people a little daunting. In addition, it is the first professional to step into the legend in the true sense, so it has a strong appeal in the order.

Order has long been a behemoth, like a puppet, swallowing everything it can see into its stomach.

Someone likes a peaceful life.

However, some people like to excite and adventurous. Many of the soldiers are still eager to use force to conquer everything.

The winter is approaching, and the environment changes suddenly from week to day. The originally normal weather has been cooling for a week. Even if it only drops by one or two degrees a day, this still adds up.

The cold air came to this land quietly. In other forces, the land could not be reclaimed. Because it was too cold outside, many jobs were forced to stop. The cold current affected many lives, which led to the survival of some forces. A large number of people nest at home, it is too cold outside, people can only reduce their activities to save energy.

But these situations are quite different in the order. The order has hoarded food long ago, and intentionally encourages the survivors to hoard food. There is not much entertainment in the last day. Even if the order encourages birth, the child will receive some additional subsidies, but Every day to hide children at home to make children, the time is short, it is called faster, but as time goes by, it will make people feel a little tedious.

The factory of order did not stagnate. Every day, there was a large white smoke circling above the factory. The order restored part of the industry. Millions of people. There was no shortage of professionals. Under the union of survivors and wise men, order From the original reliance on the cast iron division to build weapons, it has become a real pipeline project, such as those with enhanced firearms and full firepower, enough to create more than 300 firearms a day. As for cold weapons, it is even more numerous .

The development of order is beyond imagination. There is no doubt that order has already prepared for the cold current.

However, Silver City, which has established diplomatic relations with order, is not so optimistic. Order and Silver City have completed the transaction. In addition to exchanging food for the population at the beginning, when the weather is getting colder every day, Silver City submits it again. Requirements for transactions.

This time, the population is no longer the old, the weak, and the disabled, but female-based survivors. These survivors are younger, and they are undoubtedly more expensive than the old, the weak, and the disabled.

Even though there is some margin in Silver City, the cold current has affected farming, and the surrounding beasts and bugs have also frozen to death. Whether internally or externally, Silver City has lost its source of food. The most cruel thing is, Starvation and smashing have already occurred in Silver City on a large scale.

The survivors lost their food sources and lived with panic all the time. Even though Silver City would provide certain food subsidies daily, in order to combat the cold current, the food was obviously handy.

Panic began to spread in the sky above Silver City. After thinking about it carefully, the superiors decided to make a second change.

In the last transaction, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the city exchanged food, and those were genuine food, and the order proved its trustworthiness with facts.

As for how to choose the population to change food this time? This is not too complicated a question.

Males are potential fighters. Even if they eat more food, they can resist foreign enemies at the critical moments. The most unfortunate, they can hold stones and smash down when defending the city. Shy and timid on the side.

Moreover, apart from the use of force, women have not received much attention in other forces. As the end of the world comes, civilization is slumped. In this case, bullying of women often occurs. This is the bad nature of human nature. In times of peace, everyone claims to be a civilized person, but because laws constrain people's conscience, no matter how bad, there is always a moral bottom line.

Because everyone knows what the price will be once you hit this bottom line!

Jail? Or the most brutal death penalty!

But now is the end. People have seen more deaths and experienced real despair. Without restraint, morals are no longer bound, and they naturally return to the most primitive beastly nature.

Xu Hongzhuang held this meeting because she saw this list of food in exchange.

There are 30,000 people in the list, of which 90% are women, and the remaining 10% are men and some children.

Xu Hongzhuang vowed to fight for justice, and once regarded Chen Feng as a real demon, because his opponent's style of work was incompatible with himself!


Two years have passed ~ ~ In addition to order, the outside world has become a barren land in the image of Xu Hongzhuang.

What Chen Feng said before has been fulfilled. Although she doesn't want to admit it, Xu Hongzhuang still has to sigh. In this world, order may be the last pure land of human beings ...

Xu Hongzhuang awakened from her dreams, and all her original illusions were shattered in front of the experience. As a confidant of Chen Feng, Xu Hongzhuang naturally came into contact with the cold current. As the name implies, she gathered the population through the cold current and approached her neighbor, Silver City Sit on the sidelines.

Originally, Xu Hongzhuang also raised objections, but before the cold current came, the other party dismissed a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, which made Xu Hongzhuang slightly dissatisfied, and just in exchange for food, it was clear that there was still food. The other party once again proposed to use the population in exchange for food rations. The approach of Silver City made Xu Hongzhuang completely chilled, so he changed the camp. Even if this would kill a lot of people, there is no reason to die in the past.

Compared to Silver City, order is undoubtedly more suitable for survivors.

Xu Hongzhuang's solicitation order quickly received responses from many people. Even people who were not interested in it were in fear and pleased each other's ideas, and came to the meeting.

Chen Feng did not let a family dominate the idea. Several forces are also considered political opponents. In the past, due to the personality problems of their respective leaders, there was some friction in their work. If it is an ordinary little thing, several people will naturally not be able to sit so together, but this time Different, Xu Hongzhuang resisted Chen Feng's banner.

As far as order is concerned, Chen Feng has already become a symbol imprinted in his heart, even if several parties have had more friction in the past, but the next night after the notice, they all gathered in the room to listen to what Xu Hongzhuang had. intend.


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