The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 992: Hidden danger removal

A deep dive is a very powerful creature.

Especially the elite deep dive in front of it. It has the ability to control ordinary deep dives. It can roam in the deep sea unlimitedly. It can also run flat on the sea. It is clear that after giving the opponent a certain amount of damage, the injury of the elite deep dive can be recovered in a short time.


The above is actually useless!

The elite deep dive was still suppressed to the extreme by Xu Hongzhuang, there was no room for resistance at all!

There is a saying-"Let's not break!"

Xu Hongzhuang has no doubt about her explosive status at this moment.

Although Xu Hongzhuang chose the path of pursuing justice, this did not exclude her from becoming a true strongman.

Killing does not mean only destruction. Xu Hongzhuang has learned a lot on Chen Feng. The most important point is that if she wants to protect something, she must first have the power to protect!

With speed, strength, and explosive power, in the case of Xu Hongzhuang's almost runaway, the defeat of the elite deep dive may be a matter of course.

Xu Hongzhuang is very convinced

If she can't kill the elite deep dive now, she and her fleet will face a real suffering!

The fallen angels have suppressed the remaining stalkers, and there are many professionals who can rely on them. To some extent, this opportunity is almost irreproducible.

The elite deep dive has been divided in two and a half, and even her right arm was directly cut off by Xu Hongzhuang. Xu Hongzhuang is good at observing the enemy's expression. In the first second, Xu Hongzhuang noticed that there was a madness in the eyes of the elite deep dive. Surging.

At the same time, Xu Hongzhuang suddenly felt frightened somewhere on the other side, just like in a quiet wasteland. Suddenly, there were a pair of green eyes in the distance, which made people feel suffocated.

It is for this reason that Xu Hongzhuang made every effort to cut off the opponent's right arm directly.

The body was divided into two, and the right arm was also cut off directly. The expression of the elite deep dive was getting more and more embarrassing. In the end, it was already a crazy look.

As the pupils of anger and madness gradually turned red, his face turned into a pale and dark horror with dark blue, and the corners of his mouth finally showed very obvious fangs.

The outline of the face frame became cold and cruel, and the lower jaw was sharpened sharply.

The vitality of the elite deep divers is very powerful. Even in this tragic situation, they did not die immediately. Instead, they squeezed the power of life and tried to make the final struggle.

Xu Hongzhuang's pupils shrank a little, and the whole person disappeared again. The next moment, the sword in the palm seemed like a whirlwind, and swept directly to the elite deep dive in front of her.

Dangdang block!


Obviously, the sound of a crack sounded, and a lot of scars were added to the chest of the elite deep dive.

Xu Hongzhuang ’s crazy attacks are constantly reducing the defense of the elite deep dive. There is no doubt that the elite deep dive has strong vitality, but after bearing so many attacks, it is still approaching the edge of collapse.


A look of anxiety rarely appeared on the face of the fallen angel.

She didn't know how long she could persist. As a slave of Chen Feng, she naturally fulfilled the order of the other party. During the time when the other party went out, she obeyed Xu Hongzhuang unconditionally.

Even the sun shines on itself, because the fallen angels have changed from angels to fallen angels, their energy changes, and they tend to dark matter.

However, in order to stop the other deep dives, the fallen angel did not hesitate to exert the energy of this light attribute. For the fallen angel, every minute and every second is suffering.

Can't just give up!

The fallen angel understands that once the sun is over, the monsters in the deep sea will definitely rush towards the fleet as soon as possible!

The fallen angel is not a puppet, she also has her own wisdom.

She must support Xu Hongzhuang, otherwise the defeat of the fleet is only a matter of time, and those deep dives seem to be about to run away.

The variables of the battle are still there!

It depends on who can't hold it now!

Are they soldiers from order, or are they submerged by the sun?


The situation of deep dives is really bad.

In fact, their casualties have been very serious. At first they were attacked by Xu Hongzhuang, and they had lost their first move. Later, a "sunshine" was also recorded, which directly restrained the throat of the deep dive.

If the number of both parties is the same, the winning side definitely belongs to the Order Army, but there are too many deep dives. Because of the elite deep dives, the number of surrounding deep dives has exceeded 3,000, and this is still a conservative number.

If it wasn't for the fallen angels who had the ability to restrain deep dives, I'm afraid they would have been wiped out. But as the power of the fallen angels slowly depleted, their situation gradually fell.

This is not that the fighters in the order are not good, but the environmental factors are too serious. If it is land, the soldiers cooperate with the magic martial artillery. Not to mention ordinary deep dives, even elite elites. Into residue.

But here is the sea, and deep dives can gain endless power here. Even if it is injured, as long as it is invaded in the deep sea, the injury will recover a little bit.

Faced with such monsters, professionals are naturally in an absolute disadvantage. It can be said that it is not easy for them to support up to now!

But in any case, they need to persist, even if it is quite difficult to drag this horrible monster.

Disadvantageous start!

The order has encountered such difficulties before the island war has begun. Two gold-level masters have died in the hands of elite deep dives.

Almost all the surviving professionals are killing themselves!

One of them was so eye-catching that he became a real orc, fighting the first front of the deep dive on the front!

Wang Xudong's injury was already very serious. Yin Hong's blood slipped down his fingertips, but he still didn't take a step back.

Because he can't!

In this case, if he stepped back, everyone would die here!

Blood, tiredness, hurt.

He had already begun to get used to these things before he knew it.

From the moment the Doom arrived, he witnessed the killing and the death of his partner. He had once been confused and desperate about the future!

But after he came to order, he found himself again. He was not lost or degraded, but he was clearer that the world could no longer look at it as before ...

He must become strong! powerful! More powerful!

His heart was still full of sorrow, but he didn't show it anymore, because he knew that the world would not have mercy on the weak, and that if he wanted to live, to live well, he could only rely on himself!

Wang Xudong seemed to be aware of the changing situation.

His offensive became more and more violent, and even the counterattack of the mutated deep dive did not hide, relying directly on the strong physique and the ability of the transformed orc and the enemy to resist.

Wang Xudong's main goal is to change the deep dives, the strength of those deep dives is more powerful, the abnormal constitution allows them to have stronger power and full of breath of life.

The strength of each metamorphic deep dive has a golden level. Even though Wang Xudong is at the golden peak, it is still difficult to counter such a large number of metamorphic deep dives.


Wang Xudong's chest was penetrated by sharp claws. Although he was not fatally injured, he pierced his lungs, and his breathing was a little chaotic.


Immediately, this metamorphic deep dive lost his active posture, was seized by Wang Xudong, and his arm was severed with a punch.


With a roar, Wang Xudong's eyes became extremely crazy. At this time, he completely transformed into a beast, his strength broke out, and the mutated deep diving man looked thinner!

This is the master of the blood battle department second only to Wei Xun. Even, Wei Xun can have today, relying on the cultivation of Chen Feng, and Wang Xudong? Wei Xun actually helped the opponent very little, even if it really gave something, but it was just a stage for easy killing!

But even so, Wang Xudong still counts on countless killings to reach today, only one step away, he can reach the peak and step into the legend!

Wang Xudong also has his own ambitions. He is in awe of Chen Feng, because he knows that no matter how hard he tries, he cannot catch up with Chen Feng. Because the other party is a god, because of the other party ’s existence, the order can continue to this day.

But for Wei Xun, Wang Xudong didn't have so much pressure. Yes, the other party has a gratitude for himself, but it only provides a stage. If there is a chance, he is not unable to replace it!

Order is an upward force. The capable person is ingrained here. It is not clear that Wei Xun has become a legendary stage. Therefore, for Wang Xudong, if ... he can take the lead in breaking into the legend, he may not be bloody. He will be in charge!

It is precisely because of this kind of thought in his heart that Wang Xudong now, like a monster, completely ran away, and started a killing mode in front of the surrounding metamorphosis.

At this time, the relationship between Xu Hongzhuang and the elite deep dive also reached a feverish stage.

The body of the elite deep dive was divided into two, and even the right arm was cut off directly. Even so, this strong man cannot die!

as long as……

He can return to the deep sea, and it is still possible to recover!

The metamorphic deep dive also has its own opportunity. It was originally just an ordinary deep dive, but by chance, it got a golden skeleton arm. Since then, its life has changed dramatically.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is like the human world [30 years Hedong, 30 years Hexi] Since then, the elite deep dives have skyrocketed, and the weak deep dives have slowly surpassed the legend of today , Touch the power of epic!

Not only the growth of strength, but in addition, when holding the golden bones, the elite deep divers also found that they can control their kin, as long as the comrades within a mile nearby can summon them for their own use.

This is also true after he came to the human world.

There is only one point. After excessive use of the golden bones, the elite deep divers will fall into hours or more crazy periods. During that crazy period, it will lose consciousness and be completely occupied by killing.

In the past, the elite deep dive has long been a king. Even if it falls into madness, its subordinates will let it go. But this is a strange world. The elite deep dive has also seen many powerful native creatures. If it is crazy, For a long time, maybe it will be completely killed because of exhaustion!

It is for this reason that the elite deep-diver would mind the use of golden bones so much. It has already been used three times when summoning the same race against Xu Hongzhuang. According to past experience, it will lose half a day of consciousness in the future ...

And if it is used for the fourth time, it will lose its consciousness, even the elite deep dives themselves do not know, so it is not used at all. It is from that moment that the elite deep divers have the idea of ​​escaping. Attack just fine.

But what the elite deep dive did not expect was that Xu Hongzhuang ’s explosive power was too terrible, and she was severely damaged. Even her right arm holding the golden bone was cut off. ~ fate, as if leaving for the first time It went away.

The elite deep dive has been forced to the limit, it has completely lost the opportunity to resist, but it does not want to die, it does not want to die here!

It clearly has a huge opportunity, with so many men next to it, it is only a matter of time to dominate this area of ​​the sea, it is fully capable, and achieves its prestige here!

But now ...

Feeling the severe pain in the body, the eyes of the elite deep divers became even more reluctant.

But compared to the elite deep dive, Xu Hongzhuang's expression was very calm.

Xu Hongzhuang knew what she was going to do, kill the other party and completely block the other's life.

At this moment, Xu Hongzhuang almost completely gave up any defensive measures, and rushed straight forward and rushed forward all the way, instantly pushing the elite deep dive into some limit.

Xu Hongzhuang's eyes were full of murderous intentions. At the moment when the figures of both sides were staggered, the sword in the palm penetrated through the heart of the elite deep dive.

Glow of Terror!

As soon as Xu Hongzhuang gritted her teeth, the accumulated hot breath broke out at this moment, and the sword in her palm reflected the light like a scorching sun!

These powers come from the fallen angel. Xu Hongzhuang has always incorporated it into the sword, and she has been waiting for this opportunity!

And just after piercing the opponent's heart, Xu Hongzhuang immediately pulled it out, and then chopped down at the opponent's neck.

The glow of hot light passed, the head of the elite deep dive was cut off, and its lips moved slightly in midair.

Even though there is so much perseverance in this world, from this moment, its life has stopped abruptly, completely losing consciousness and life!

And at the moment when the elite deep dives died, the other deep dives seemed to perceive something and fell into a daze. They roared, like a group of lost lambs, completely lost their direction under the guidance of the leader ... ...

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