The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1002: value

Chen Feng established a foothold here by almost miraculous means.

Several corpses were hung on a large wooden post. The shattered corpse was sutured and hung directly on the mast. It was the indigenous strongman who died in the hands of humans. Chen Feng led a team and attacked another In an indigenous camp, he captured several of the management, and instead of rebelling, he directly killed the killer.

Chen Feng never dragged his feet when he was doing things. He knew when to do and when not to do something. Compared to the gentle face before, Chen Feng at this time wanted to expose the strong side to the Naya people.

This is a deterrent!

The Naya people have lived here since they were young, and have never touched the outside world. For them, the word deterrence is still vague, but one thing is that when they looked at humans in the past, they were more often confused and confused. Disdain, first from the height Naya people are generally around three meters, and humans are only half of them.

In addition, human beings can only be regarded as defeated soldiers, relying on the land provided by the Naja people to start their livelihood here. The Naja people are not farmers in the wilderness, but a group of hunters who rely on arrows and bone knives to hunt for food in this jungle. Or, they will never show pity to the beasts on the side of the road. If they really see a beast timidly calling for help, they will also cut their necks and take them back to the camp to eat and eat instead of taking care of them. Let it go.

The special environment has created unique Naya people. They worship force and naturally get used to admiring the strong. Because of this, when they first faced humans, they showed a lot of enthusiasm. Instead, some Naya people still Target humanity everywhere, target this external force.

At that time, humans were scared to live in the land given by the Naya people. Some humans who accidentally crossed the boundary were even played and beaten by the Naya people. Even if they did not kill people, they once mocked them and said that It is a small beast on the dolphin island. It looks similar to a pig. It is plump, dull, and has no force. It is the food of most species on this island.

What a reason!

Chen Feng had stayed here for a while before, and when he heard the news, his eyes glowed with blood.

The order under His Majesty is a well-known stronghold of human territory. Even if you look at the entire human world, order can be used as a noun. All enemies that oppose yourself are stepped on by yourself. However, a barren land, even Dare to humiliate order like this, completely treat humanity as a party to bully at will.

This is exactly a face!

And he ruthlessly gave Chen Feng a slap in the face. He can even imagine the other person mocking human beings. You are just a group of poor worms who can only live with us!

Chen Feng needs to change all this.

However, the Nayya people are still their allies by name. In addition, the other people are different from the indigenous people. The latter live in the jungle, but they are the most basic barbarians. However, the Nayya people have their own civilization, and their overall strength is also strong. The important point is that humans are foreigners after all. Once the potential tour guide of the Naya people is killed, humans can be considered as lonely trees in this land. Overall, there is some discomfort!

It is for this reason that Chen Feng has targeted the indigenous people. He believes that it is necessary to kill chickens and tamarins and tell those arrogant Naya people that human beings, even when they come to an unfamiliar environment, are equally powerful and will not be so-called [Dolphin] can't be taken lightly!

Chen Feng overthrew the indigenous people and now hangs the strong among the indigenous people on wooden stakes. Among these indigenous strong people, there is even a legendary master who has the same strength as Li, but even so, it is still extremely tragic. Hanging high, the pair looked very weak, without a good piece of skin, a miserable look, even the Naya people couldn't bear it!

Chen Feng still did not move!

He did not continue to walk forward, but only received the kneeling of slaves, and the admiration of many humans and the Naya.

It was a demonstration.

It was also a show of strength and power. If the Nayaya could not give him the respect he wanted, Chen Feng might take some radical actions and tear his skin to the point, but he would cut off all trade with each other!

If I had never seen the sun, I could have endured the darkness.

This is the most authentic portrayal of the Nayarians. If they have not contacted humans and have enjoyed those convenient lives, the Nayars can fully tolerate a relatively primitive life, work, hunt, and make children daily, and live like this forever. Although boring, this is the life of everyone. Without comparison, naturally there is not much ambition and desire.

But now it is different. They enjoy the convenient life from the human world, and even Li is immersed in the magic of [shampoo].

The island of dreamland is like a tropical rain forest. There is no so-called winter, but it will soar to about forty degrees when it is the hottest. In addition, it is located on the coast. Even if it is washed with clean water, it will not take long for you to see some. Peculiar smell.

Women love beauty, which is the instinct of all female creatures, and the Naya people are no exception. If they can smell the fragrance every day, who would like to be associated with stench!

Even if it ’s like Chen Feng invited Naya people to fight this time, Li ’s additional condition is a few boxes of shampoo. The rich fragrance is like a dream, which gradually infatuates women on this island. Of course, for example, shampoos are popular among women. , Then instant noodles and snacks are children ’s favorite, and beer and liquor are unprecedented experiences for Nayarians. The drowsy feeling is accumulated in their minds. The feeling is so drunk that Nayars have Some words simply cannot describe that kind of pleasure.

What is corrosion?

This is corrosion!

Corrupted the other party fundamentally and turned it into a group of dimensional creatures devastated by convenient life. This is Chen Fengdao's bloodless war of aggression.

Chen Feng ended the indigenous base camp. In fact, since then, the island has undergone tremendous changes. Human beings will replace the indigenous people and become one of the forces that balance each other in these centuries.

in other words.

Chen Feng's plan was successful!

He has proved his value and expanded his influence. No matter whether the Naya people now hate humans or like humans, they cannot treat each other with the scornful eyes of the past, because human beings have proven themselves with strength, and no one can Bully us, before you start, naturally you need to think about what kind of counterattack you are about to face!

Feng Chen proved the value of humanity with blood!

The status of humanity also changed at this instant. Originally, it was only relying on the identity of the Naya alms, and changed to the same level.

Time passes by every minute.

Chen Feng's brow frowned slightly. He was counting the time. If the Naya people really did not give themselves due respect, he would now interrupt the trade between the Naya people, and he has already established himself here. If he could not cooperate happily, he would be able to treat the indigenous people like that, and turn the Naya people into ... humble slaves!

There was a riot in the crowd ahead.

Then he saw the crowd crowding in all directions, and the shock appeared in front of him. He was a famous warrior among the Naya fighters, and his strength was close to Lei. Behind the shock, Li was posing.

The so-called formal dress is a piece of white fur. Even if the owner of the fur is dead, there is a strong breath on the fur, which means that the owner of the fur is not unusual.

This is the first time she appeared in front of Chen Feng in this posture!

At this time, the female chief from the Nayar tribe ignored the others around her and ignored them, either in awe or fear, but came to Chen Feng step by step.

"Praise your strength!"

Li Wei bowed her head slightly, then quickly raised her head, staring directly at Chen Feng in front of her. This was also her first formal praise of Chen Feng.

She is showing her respect.

Not only to Chen Feng, but also to convey a meaning to the entire island of dreams ~ ~ There was a loud noise around, because Li wore clothing that was only worn during the annual festival, which represented a great meaning It's too big!

This is an identification!

It also represents a compromise, human beings. This creature from a different world has the strength to be on an equal footing with the Naya!


But in the astonished eyes of many Naya people, Li's thoughts began to fly away like birds in the sky.

Time goes back one day.

In the room, Li stood with a dark face in the center, and there was a stone statue in front of him. The stone statue resembled that of Li You by three points, but the other person's eyes were deeper, like the sea.

This is a powerful man who led the Naya people to glory, rescued from the rule of the beast, and then gradually became the owner of the island.

But it was such a powerful warrior that the object of Li Chong's worship was still dead and died in the annual sacrifice. It was so unknown!

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and Li controlled his emotions, then turned around and condensed, "Has the human army already occupied the Black Forest?"

Startled slightly, "Yes!"

Li's hands clenched obviously, and then said, "They actually did it. The indigenous peoples are not weak, but they have no ability to fight back. Even in the jungles that are good at combat, they are still captured. land!"

After a moment of shock, he said, "Chief, although this is a bit excessive, we may have kept a terrible beast! The beast was seriously injured in the past, but now it has recovered its strength and exposed its minions. The beast is so strong and powerful, it makes me feel uneasy, very disturbed! "

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