The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1004: Frank

Chen Feng stood in place, and he watched Li congratulate himself, at this time he looked slightly better. At least he knew that the Naya people had changed their minds and no longer arrogant!

The Naya people are not stupid yet, knowing that at this time a certain price should be paid to restore trust and cooperation between each other.

Chen Feng's expression was still cold.

It may be because he has experienced too much, and unknowingly, habitually shows people with indifferent expressions, especially on strange land like this.

Of course, Chen Feng will not force the other side too tightly. Chen Feng is just cold and not stupid. He knows that the Naya people have done enough gestures. If they blindly hold the shelf, they will cause the other side to rebound, as if not far away. Surprise] The soldier, even after Li's persuasion, no longer advocates provocation, but the opponent's eyes still have bad eyes!

Chen Feng needs to take into account the feelings of some other Nayas. After all, a camp cannot be all wise men, such as Li, but few.

If you can be friends, Chen Feng does not want to become an enemy with the Naya people. This is a strange land. The indigenous people live in the jungle and have the habit of blood sacrifice. Therefore, there is no possibility for the two sides to cooperate, but the Naya people are different. , The other party is a smart race, get to know each other, which helps humans to survive on this island!


It's time for noon.

The Naya walked over with a pot of fish soup and placed it carefully on the table.

It is difficult to ask the Naya people to make exquisite food. The food here is relatively scarce. Most of the time, the Naya people live by hunting wild animals and catching fish.

There are different cooking techniques for edible ingredients, such as pure cooking, but a strange fragrance. Because there is no industrialization, this fish soup is very delicious. Immediately, the party quickly finished a simple lunch. .

Chen Feng lived in the last days. He did n’t have too many requirements for food. He could enjoy the mountain and sea food, and he had eaten moldy steamed buns. Moreover, he has reached the epic realm of half a step. He can take in the nutrients he needs from energy. For food, Most are just addicted for no other reason.

The weather on the island of dreamland is also very unstable. In the morning, it is still clear and clear, and now it is dark, and the entire island is enveloped in a dark world.

The rain outside the window is still raining, and there are signs that the wind is getting worse. Chen Feng came to the window and looked at the camp outside through the wooden window. The heavy rain made the outside view not only dim but distorted. In the hazy twisted field of vision, you can see many Naya people jumping happily in the rain!

The island of Dreamland has few entertainment items, and heavy rain is the weather that children prefer, and they enjoy the comfort of rain falling from the sky and hitting them.

The Naya people are not ordinary people. They are born warriors. Even children who are a few years old are about one and a half meters tall. They look very strong. Coupled with the special growth environment, they are immune to the cold after heavy rain. risk.

"It makes you laugh, these children like rain very much." Li sat and explained.

"How can I ..." Chen Feng shook his head, his mouth cracked with a smile, and human children had been so happy, but after the end of the world, few children showed such carefree smiles.

Not only adults, but also children, everybody is carrying some unspeakable grief, harsh environment, terrible monsters and sudden weather, just taking one out will not make children really laugh. .

Children living in the human world have already bid farewell to innocence. Compared with how to play and how to spend each day safely, it is the most important thing for every human child!

But here it is different. Even if the Naya people live in a closed environment, they can even be regarded as backward, but there are no monsters and no so-called energy storms. Even ordinary people can live a peaceful life.

In this smooth environment, they naturally don't have too much trouble!

If Chen Feng were to choose a place to live, he would not hesitate to choose this place, because it can make his soul feel peaceful, but he cannot stay here. Chen Feng is carrying too much stuff on his body, and a stable life cannot let Chen Feng set foot on himself. In the state of expectation, he needs to work hard as always to have the state he expects!

When Chen Feng finished this sentence, there was a quiet breath in the room. Except for the sound of rain hitting the ground and the noise of children, there was no noise in this room.

"You killed him, didn't you?" The silence lasted for a while, Li said in a low voice, his voice filled with doubt.

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, I killed him!"

This is not a good thing. Similarly, Chen Feng does not have an unnamed habit. Even if the so-called [He] was killed by Rose and believers, Chen Feng obviously took all the credit to himself. For this, Luo It is impossible for Si to come to argue with herself from the abyss.

"How did you do that?" Even though she had made some mental preparations, after hearing Feng Feng's admission, Li still had an unbelievable feeling, her eyes were a little dazed, and her voice trembled.

Li's memory is still in the annual festival of more than ten years. Thousands of Nayarians, including some strong men like their fathers, died inexplicably, and from that moment on, that land became a taboo for Nayar No one wants to take a step there. In addition to not wanting to evoke tragic memories, there is one thing, that is, dare not!

The Nayah Chief is not sure what happened there, but it is certain that a terrible and horrible creature appeared on that land, and the other side sucked all the life in the square number, and no soul could be in that area. Living on the land, everything is lost in an instant, including beasts and vegetation!

[He] has always had a strong shadow in Li's heart. Because of this, the other party is constantly training her power, so that one day, when the monster really comes, she can better protect her people!

However, not long ago, the pressure that had been lingering in my heart disappeared for some reason, and Li Bai was puzzled. In order to confirm her idea, she forced herself to go to a sleeping place, but she was surprised to find that in the next After a few heavy rains, there were some green shoots on the original bare ground.

[He disappeared? 】

Li Neng affirmed this idea. She has lived here for half a life, and naturally knows his influence on the surroundings. The true restricted area of ​​life, no matter how strong the survival rate is, she cannot survive on that land.

As the chief of the Naya people, Li has always had a huge rock in his heart. That is the existence of [His]. The existence of the other party for a day is like a disaster to this land.

But Li did not expect that the other party would disappear one day. After calm down, Li came to a conclusion that the other party ’s disappearance might be related to Chen Feng. Chen Feng had disappeared for several months, but when he appeared again, the backlog was The disaster above Naya's head disappeared so quietly, all the spearheads were directed at Chen Feng!

Li Li was only a tentative inquiry, but did not expect that it was really the other person who did it. It was the human being in front of him that destroyed the impossible existence!

Lei ’s kindness to humanity is not just explained to surprise, because of the trade and weapons of both sides, the Naya people are born warriors. When fighting, they often put aside life and death. A small matter and a weak heart, afraid to confront humans directly?

The ultimate reason is only one point. That is the mysterious feeling shown by Chen Feng. The other party alone destroyed the existence of the divine-like residence. How powerful is the other party? This is something Li couldn't even imagine.

"How did you do that?" Li thought for a long time and couldn't help asking.

"Secret." Chen Feng replied to each other in two words.

There was silence again.

Chen Feng couldn't always say that he had hired a powerful helper, so to speak it out, apart from affecting his compulsion, there was no help at all.

The most taboo is the form of communication between people, how my friend is, this has no second role at all except to show some incompetence.

Instead, Chen Feng ’s short answer ~ ~ will give the other party a space for imagination. Sure enough, after hearing Chen Feng ’s slightly indifferent voice, Li could not help himself, then said, “I ’m a bit abrupt. Now. "

A young girl can sit in the chief's position on her own. If the status is related to her parents, the tribe puts the worship of the leader on the children. This is excusable, but what about strength? Li is also an amazing generation. With the body of a female stream, he is comparable to the legendary human beings. In addition, the opponent is proficient in jungle warfare. If he is in the dense rain forest, Li can completely fight two masters of the same level at the same time!

Li knew when she should be as ferocious as a cheetah, and also when she was as docile as a cat. Compared to other people, she knew how to think.

In any case, Chen Feng's strength confirmed Li's conjecture. Until then, Li was glad that his decision was so correct. The opponent's strength was even more terrifying than he thought. It was not as frightened as that. The injured beast has grown up, but from the beginning, it is a real beast to convenience. However, what he and Jing see are only the whiskers on the other side. When they see only a small point, they see through themselves. Each other, it all seems so ridiculous.

After a few seconds of silence, Li looked up, she dispelled the fear in her heart, and said, "Will we be allies for a lifetime?"

Since you can't resist, lie down and enjoy it. Li can't change the right of human beings to speak on this land. Since you can't refute, you might as well open up to accept it, which is a good thing for each other.

Chen Feng meditated for a few seconds. Li only felt that these seconds were so good, and when she couldn't help but want to ask again, Chen Feng slowly spoke, only two words were spoken, but Li showed joy. Smile.

"of course!"

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