The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1006: irony

Silver City.

Before this, it was also a bustling city, but because of the end, the surrounding environment had completely changed.

This land has many powerful monsters, weird plants, dangerous environments, brutal indigenous people, and all kinds of unexpected but dangerous things.

The forces are intertwined here, and the two most powerful are the Brotherhood and Dragon Gate!

Originally, the two major forces occupied this place, maintaining the environment of Silver City, but recently, a group of outsiders appeared in the northwest.

They have n’t been here long, and the number is not very large, but their strength is very strong. They have taken the initiative to trade with Silver City, and they have given Silver City what it lacks most, food!

And Silver City gives the population!

The cold current around them is getting more and more serious. For a long time, their lives have been quite sad, but recently they have been a little better because the messengers sent out brought back a batch of important supplies.

Silver City traded the food they needed for the old, the weak, and the disabled, and temporarily met their needs. Unfortunately, these supplies can only support them for three months at most, and after three months, they will return to a difficult state.

The upper floors of Silver City are scared, the weather is getting colder, and the amount of food stored in the city is becoming less and less. In this case, the order seems to have enough food, even for the old, weak, and sick. Silver City got plenty of food.

Silver City must consider its own future. In order to store more food, they may only go the old way, that is, human trafficking.


Fan Teng was in a bad mood.

He sat around the wall of the camp and looked around, playing with a black pistol in his hands. Since receiving the help of order and bringing back a batch of important supplies, his mood has not been very good. Naturally it is not because of the help and demands of order.

As an adult, he knew that everything needed to be paid for. He was displeased by the opposition of some people and a group of feminists. The other party was the brotherhood and the forces under the Dragon Gate, because women were the majority, and they were named [Wild Rose].

The leader was a woman over fifty years old. Because the other party said that she could not use women as bargaining chips for food, she halted the plan of Silver City!


But it's a chicken eater with no power at all. Why can't you trade those who consume food for food?

This is a distorted idea.

Fan Teng has completed blackening. This is an absolute self-interest. In his consciousness, those weak guys have no meaning at all.

Because of this, when he exchanged food with his companion, he didn't have any thoughts of resistance. Instead, he wanted to abandon all the weak and exchange for the food he needed.

The human heart is dark, Fan Teng looks like a human, but it is just a monster in human skin.

Because of this, Fan Teng would think ...

They can neither defend the city nor go out to hunt for food. Why, why should they try to raise those guys by themselves?

A vicious man with a tattoo on his neck came over, Fan Teng looked at the other person, then frowned, "Did you find food?"

Fan Teng is the predator of the predator group. Originally it was a fat, and he could be more corrupt in the past, but before the cold current arrived, his career also encountered a bottleneck.

It was too cold outside, and more and more beasts and bugs froze to death. There were few monsters around. Even if they can survive in such cold weather, their strength is not weak.

The evil man reached the wall through the stairs. He shook his head and said fiercely, "No shit, there are no more prey around, we are going to starve to death!"

Expected answer.

Fan Teng nodded slightly, then frowned, "How are the wild wolves moving?"

As if remembering something.

The wicked man changed his face and whispered, "You are not going to die? That group of guys have already changed. Even the Brotherhood has eaten at each other's hands. Are we going to hunt each other? This is simply impossible. thing!"

Fan Teng sighed, then slammed the wooden fence, anxiously: "This **** weather ... this **** monster!"

Even if the beast has changed, Fan Teng never thought that a guy like the wolf would be so dangerous. There are hundreds of them. The power of the leader has broken through the legendary ranks. They are very cunning and entangled in the wild, like Like predators, they hunt food around them, and they also select outside humans for ambush. They have a good appetite and swallow all the bones of their belts.

Those wild wolves had good teeth, and Fan Teng even suspected that the dragon captives of the dragon gate leaders could be eaten away by the opponent little by little.

Fan Teng gave a sigh and slowly said: "We abandoned the waste before and exchanged some food for us, but for a period of time, we have already consumed half of it, so go on ~ ~ we will all die! "


"Why not sell those useless people and protect fighters like us, isn't it better?"

"Go to the lobby for a meeting at the team leader level!"

Just then, a messenger appeared, she looked at the others on the fence, and she said, "There are important things to discuss."

Fan Teng jumped out of the fence without any hesitation and walked towards the conference hall.

Many people have gathered in the room, most of them are famous figures in Silver City. At the top are three men with strong faces.

The leaders of the Brotherhood and Dragon Gate are also the rulers of Silver City.

Not far away, Fan Teng saw a woman who seemed to be dying as soon as she was about to die. In the past, her eyes were full of light, but now, it is like an extinguished light.

The three did not speak, and the Brotherhood's character as a military division coughed and said, "We have discussed and [Wild Rose] accepted the previous proposal, and we will draw up a group of people to go to order, which will help The connection between our two forces. "

This passage caused a great uproar. Those who can come here to listen to it are the weakest in silver rank. They have survived for two years in the last days and have a certain status. Naturally there are no foolish people.

Fan Teng's face could not help but reveal a smile of joy and went to order, but it was just a beautified rhetoric. No wonder the leader of the wild rose would show that expression, because she finally compromised.

As a member of the doomsday, Fan Teng has no compassion at all. For him, what concerns him most now is not the fate of his companions, but himself and his subordinates. How much food can he get this time?


What an ironic idea!

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