The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1014: Multi-party cloud movement

It is true that Fu La is the strong backing of Chen Feng. Compared with other summoned beasts, Fu La is regarded as Chen Feng's real right arm. Whether it is the demon lord who plans the abyss or the [Ms. Fu La] who helps train recruits, order can be within two years. With the influence it has today, it is indispensable for the other party to contribute.

Hearing Fura ’s agreement, when Chen Feng was about to speak, the evil spirit's voice suddenly came from the door, and seemed to be eager to try: "Master! And me! What mermaid, give it to me, I will help you Eat it! "

The little girl was dressed in a black princess dress.

Her expression seemed a little excited, and her cute little face was full of the desire to fight, as if she had been stung.

Some time ago, Chen Feng was anxious to be promoted, so he ignored the bad demons. For this devil, as long as he can accompany his master, no matter what he does, he will be willing.

There is a bloodthirsty smile on the corner of the evil demon, but when he sees Fura, he raises his eyebrows. The look is like saying, "Look, I can accompany the master, and you stay alone." Here it is.

The bad demon is a bit childish, and Fula has already known the other person's habits, so he doesn't have too many expressions on his face, but just looks at the other person's provocations with cold eyes.


This night is doomed to many people.

When Chen Feng was actively preparing for the mermaid, a secret meeting was held in the still deep sea.

"let's start."

The first woman to speak was a woman, a very beautiful woman.

This woman has a very delicate face, but instead of human legs, she has a whole golden tail under her body, and the look in her eyes is too cold, like ice, without the slightest emotion.

"We have found enemies, some enemies we have never seen before. This is their body." A male mermaid came over, and a human body was in his arms.

[Mermaids are not only women, there are also some male mermaids, but the ratio of men and women is very low, and men only account for ten percent of the population. 】

"Originally we could use the phantom to make the other party die in a deep sleep, but one of the enemies was awake and our troops were defeated."

The others present looked at each other and seemed to be silent at this moment.

That's right.

They are all mermaids.

"What should I do now?"

Talking is a pretty strong mermaid. The upper body has extremely exaggerated muscles, and Kong Wu's powerful body, even the tail seems extremely strong. If you swing it, the surrounding sea surface will shake for a minute.

"The enemies are from unknown areas, but this is our home. Those dirty creatures cannot transition from here to pollute the environment in which we live." At first, the beautiful mermaid said, and then she looked around. Shen Shen said, "Some guys on the other side escaped, they might retaliate against us, but we should make them clear who is the real master here!"

"Once the unknown is found again, use all the staff and kill without amnesty!"


The mermaids around should talk to each other. At this time, they are not half connected with the legendary glamorous people, but they are like avengers swimming from the underworld.


Chen Feng had no idea what happened in the deep sea.

In fact.

He had assembled the fleet the next day, but he had one more thing to do before he set off.


The dull drums of war sounded.

Chen Feng came to the port in a black costume, behind him were a team of heavily armed soldiers, and a Nayat outfit from the order.

Since Chen Feng told Li that without the suppression of the divine house, the surrounding monsters would gradually recover, and then harass the island, the female chief from Naya was trying to find a new way for the people.

Plan ahead.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, President Li would want things to be the worst. Only in this way can the problem be better solved.

Just like this time, Li will follow Chen Feng personally to participate in the battle to kill the mermaid, and this is also the first step for the Naya people to leave the island for the new world.

The damaged plane was extremely huge. The last time Chen Feng saw the surrounding sea, so when he came again, he packed several warships in the damaged plane. After Chen Feng took out several huge warships overnight, The Naya people even regarded it as a miracle. When they saw Chen Feng again, their eyes were always full of awe.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

Chen Feng needs to inspire morale and give his men confidence in victory.

But he didn't talk too much nonsense, and promised no generous rewards, because it was not needed at all.

A huge bone was placed on the deck of the ship where Chen Feng was located. This bone was derived from the sea monster. The soldier and the Naya ate the flesh and blood of each other and left the bone.

All the soldiers and the Nayar who saw it with their own eyes could not help showing a hint of shock. Even if there was no flesh on their bodies, but the bones were there, still giving people a kind of oppression from the soul.

Chen Feng stood on the deck and looked down at everyone. There wasn't much talk. As a leader, he always believed that doing things was more important than speaking.


It was the demon artillery cannons on the deck. These cannons made deafening bombardments ~ ~ Naya people heard these sounds for the first time, so they could not help but open their mouths and looked at Chen Feng.

The amazing thing was not over yet, Chen Feng suddenly spread his arms, and then a few looming figures came around Chen Feng.

They are an old man who looks deserted and a behemoth that burns fire.

The breath of death spreads!

Chen Feng summoned Saruman and Burning Demon. There is nothing more convincing than strength. Chen Feng has given what should be given, and now it is courage. Chen Feng is telling everyone that the power he has is What others cannot estimate, in the face of this horrible strength, no matter what the enemy is, there is only one end, and that is death!

The breath of death calmed the other pirates for a while, but there was a force brewing in everyone's mind.

Chen Feng looked down at them.

Eventually, he lifted the endless sword in his hand, and the energy originating from the secondary artifact began to bloom around, yelling: "Kill!"


A neat roar sounded, whether human or Nayar, at this time, the whole blood was boiling under the burning of the endless sword, and all the weapons carried by him were pulled out, and they were emitted toward the sky. A loud roar!

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