The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1016: Kill 4 parties

Wei Xun showed amazing lethality. At this time, he transformed into a giant shark and roamed freely in the sea. No matter the strength, speed, or explosive power, the mermaid was not comparable.

The mermaid encountered an unprecedented enemy. After the legendary Wei Xun had the ability to transform, he suddenly became a lingering nightmare for the enemy.

In addition, those undead who are scattered around also participate in the killing now.

Undead will not feel tired.

With the sound of artillery fire, the undead under the sea quickly moved towards the mermaid at an astonishing speed. Those undeads used their hands and feet to entangle one by one near the enemy.

The mermaid is a marine creature and is not afraid of the sea, but those undead are wrapped tightly around each other's neck with their arms. The force is so strong that the mermaid can't break free. Without the help of a companion, it soon dies and follows the undead. Under the sea.

The undead wandering under the sea swept out like a serpent, entangling enemies one by one.

Standing on the deck, Chen Feng did not rush to kill the enemy, but raised his arm, rubbed out a fireball, and fired at the enemy.

The flames did not look ordinary, but they were black-purple. When they came into contact with the mermaid, they immediately wrapped them to form a huge fireball, but there was nothing stranger than those flames. In the sea, even if the mermaid had been burned to death, those flames still showed no signs of extinguishing.


The sea where the dead had gathered shook.

After a fierce attack, the enemy finally reacted and began to fight back against the undead with elemental power.

Even if the undead have amazing flexibility in the water, they are still hit by the body under the attack of too horrible elements, and the undead are pierced by ice cones. In any life, it is an absolutely fatal injury. But it didn't take long for an amazing scene to appear ...

I saw Saruman standing on the deck lifting the bone bone scepter, then countless ghosts appeared in front of them, and then those ghosts strung into the body of the undead.

Only seeing the ghost creep into the body of the undead, and then the body of the undead began to recover little by little.

Just like the flesh and blood of human beings, the place where the undead was hit was restored little by little!

This is the terrible thing about transforming undead.

It will never be easily killed like other creatures, but as a cost, Saruman will feed a batch of ghosts for the other to eat.

The number of undead is still abundant.

In other words, unless the enemy concentrates his strength to hang all the undead, Chen Feng is not afraid of being killed by such a powerful man.

"It seems that Saruman has made great progress during this time." Chen Feng glanced at the Lich on the deck and turned his head calmly.

"Full speed ahead!"

Seeing that the mermaid was in a passive state, Chen Feng immediately ordered: "Go straight towards those guys!"

Several battleships began to accelerate.

The sharp collision angle rushed directly to the mermaid in front of it, and then immediately broke it into pieces, and many mermaids died on the spot.



The face of the tower changed greatly, angrily; "Are all the advance troops dead?"

Tari is the very strong male mermaid in the previous meeting. He has a strong body. Two mermaids can stand close to each other to match his body.

Before that, it vowed to the Queen that he would let the enemies who came to be buried under this sea, but ...

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

I just thought I was a mermaid playing a cat-and-mouse game. After being attacked continuously, I immediately felt that the character had turned around.

They felt as if a shadow had enveloped them in the mist, waiting for the opportunity to hunt them.

The sound of gunfire.


Bellowing roar.

The mermaid in the back didn't know what happened and was attacked suddenly, followed by a killing ceremony that shocked all mermaids.

In just ten minutes, they lost at least hundreds of companions.

But they didn't even kill an enemy.

Fear spread.

The unknown enemy is the scariest!

Tarry couldn't help himself, but he couldn't help it, because until now he didn't know how to face the rotting life in the sea, let alone board the ship that needed to look up.


The mermaid standing next to her suddenly said: Look! The monster came towards us! !! "

Not far away is a mutant mermaid. Saruman's newly researched undead has the ability to spread the virus. After being bitten by the other party, the rotting curse will bloom in the flesh, and it will take even a few minutes. The lower mermaid will be eroded and become a dead soul.


When Tali heard his spirits refreshed, he immediately shouted, "Kill it, kill it!"

The mermaid warrior on the side hurriedly shot ~ ~ A few ice cones in the void began to condense, and then suddenly penetrated the body of the undead.

Saruman is not a god. He cannot do everything. It is impossible to send a ghost to heal after every undead is injured.

And at this moment, more and more mermaids came over. They were no longer the handsome appearance before, but became ugly rotten undead, and their tails even began to rot, from time to time Corruption has flowed out and polluted the surrounding sea.

"All dead! ... all dead! ..."

The mermaid beside Tali exclaimed involuntarily when she saw her former companion become this look.

A bit incoherent discourse.

But the words spoke to everyone in the vicinity can not help but startled, feeling the whole body cold.

As if a cold gaze was watching them in the mist.

"how is this possible?"

Tali mouth said a little dryly: "How could our elite be defeated like this ?!"

how is this possible!

When did such terrible enemies appear in the surrounding waters!

"grown ups."

A mermaid, like a military officer, took a spit, and lowered his voice: "This kind of attack is terrible. The casualties have reached 50%. Even if we go on like this, we will only lose it ...


"Let's retreat first?"

It was scared.

It wasn't just him, even the other mermaids around him could not help expressing a little fear in their hearts after seeing their companions become like this.

To know.

The companion who died in the other's hands did not sink into the ocean floor, but became the ugly monster, wandering unconsciously in the sea.

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