The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1023: Not broken

Chapter 1024: No Breaking, No Standing

At this moment, the face of the tower was distorted and embarrassed. In order to protect the coral fortress and the throne inside, it had already used the killer sacrifice. The ultimate goal was to destroy the coalition formed by the monsters in the abyss.

The [Frost] composed of hundreds of mermaids has exceeded the fatal blow of the legendary strongman. Chen Feng looked carefully. This is a large magic that was condensed on the premise of overdrawing the strength of countless mermaids.

Mermaids are marine creatures, and are inherently sensitive to water elements. Even the most common mermaids have the power of a bronze level, not to mention that there are also many masters of silver peaks in their own gold ranks.

It can be said that as long as Chen Feng can subdue each other, the human world will immediately have thousands of low-priced elemental professionals.

This is the charm of different dimensions!

In this unfamiliar sea, because the mermaid has no enemies and the relative ease of life, it can't play its full value at all, but it is different in the human world.

Nowadays, the entire human world is still shrouded in doomsday despair. As long as these mermaids can be obtained, Chen Feng will truly control the waters around the order, and there is no need to worry about when the dimensional cracks are opened from the bottom of the sea, the camp is unknown.

Anything can happen at the end.

Like the abyss monster in front of them, with the help of Chen Feng, these monsters have appeared in strange dimensions, and the dimension walls around the human world have already been damaged. Who can guarantee that the human world will not suffer from such monsters? Assault?

Seeing those angry mermaids, Chen Feng's eyes glowed. Compared to those indigenous people, this is a truly valuable slave!

Chen Feng's original plan was to let the abyss sea monsters and the mermaids fight, and then there would be a one-stop solution to these two forces. Until now, Chen Feng regretted it.

Abyss sea monsters have no value. Chen Feng has the ability to communicate with the abyss. He can summon a steady stream of abyss monsters as long as he wants, so this batch of death is dead. More often, the monsters in the abyss are a one-time item.

The abyss is synonymous with chaos. Leaving these existences is like placing a time bomb around you, which may explode at any time.

Chen Feng will never create hidden dangers and create the necessary troubles for himself. Therefore, these abyss monsters are best to die in front of them. If they do not die, Chen Feng will also take a friendly shot. As they help themselves, Chen Feng will personally send them to the Nether to be reborn and end. This sinful life.

But mermaids are different. They are beautiful and powerful, and they have wisdom that is not weaker than humans.

They have too many advantages, so that even Chen Feng [captive] wants to captive him and become a part of the human order, to work against the doomsday and work hard to offset the previous sins.

As for the current frost ...

Let's use it as a resume for the interview. Let the mermaids express themselves to determine their future positioning. Can they be miserable slaves in their poor life, or can they become a part of order?

The poor mermaids didn't know that they originally thought that this was a battle of life and death among the clan, but sadly, no matter whether they won or failed, their fate was already doomed.

The horrific ice-based energy gathered together and formed an unknown sea monster underwater. This sea monster stood up straight, and every inch of its scales looked exquisite, as if the monster was really resurrected.

The monster opened his eyes, his eyes were coldly refracted on the monsters of the abyss, but just looking at it, the blood of some low-level abyss monsters was frozen, and then his heart stopped, and he died.

The sea monster is like a real dragon. It is over a hundred meters long. Even in the endless deep sea, it is a behemoth!

This monster rammed into the deep sea, and the all-powerful abyss monsters that had formed the coalition were suddenly smashed apart. In just one round of attack, hundreds of abyss sea monsters died directly.

The mermaid pulled back!

However, there was no relaxation on Tari's face. This mermaid was considered a general figure and was not dazzled by this little victory.

What Tali wanted was to completely destroy the sea monsters in front of him.

Maybe I felt the mood in the tower. [Frost Sea Monster] stopped suddenly. Then, it stayed in place, the pupils dilated, and a huge blue energy bomb radiated from its mouth.

With the sound of "Ziz", a strange energy ripples bloomed

The next moment, like a nuclear explosion, a strong explosion exploded on the frost sea monster's head, which was shocking and unparalleled.

Even the release of all these mermaids, at this time, there was a deep layer of fear in their eyes. Under such power, the people present were like ants and could not do anything about it.

The mermaid warrior who just persuaded the tower just now feels that his hands and feet have become a little numb. This is the source of his fear. It is afraid that this terrible energy will endanger the coral fortress, the throne, and his homeland.

But the situation at this time was that the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. No one could stop the monsters that suddenly appeared. Rather than being jade broken, it was not enough. The mermaid warrior was forced to accept all of them even if he was unwilling.

After all, these monsters will not be allowed to break into the coral fortress anyway ...

The abacus of the monsters played very well.

The sea monsters from the abyss have erupted an absolute deterrent. If they cannot be stopped, once they are allowed to break into the castle, the safety of the throne cannot be guaranteed.

This is a defensive blow from the mermaid!

Looking at all this, the liver in the tower is cracked, and he can hardly describe his mood, angry, annoyed, and decisive. The battlefield of all these negative emotions is like a slaughterhouse, and the abyss sea monsters present are the slaughter. Pigs in the farm.

last blow!

Real final blow!

The frosty sea monster swelled his throat, and the indescribable power permeated the abyss sea monster.


The surrounding battlefield was almost rendered in red in front of this power, with ghosts crying and corpses everywhere, but at this time, the dormant tortoise suddenly stretched out its head, which often gives people a kind of Slow-moving creatures burst into amazing speed at this time.

Just when all the abyssal creatures felt desperate and even couldn't help wailing, the scorpion turtle ran into the presence of all its companions at once!

Behind the abyss monster, as if tens of thousands of dying people were howling, a layer of black frost appeared in the entire air.

But at this critical moment, the demon tortoise was standing in front of all his companions. At the same time, his body suddenly reflected countless sharp ghost faces, and the tortoise shell turned red, like crying blood.

Above that tortoise shell, there are many images symbolizing death ...


A loud crash suddenly came from the front.

Gathering the energy of hundreds of mermaids and colliding with the sylvanian tortoise, a harsh metal sound erupted!

Boom boom!

At this time, the demon tortoise has bet everything, it must maintain the tortoise towering here, and once it cannot bear to escape, its team will be completely defeated.

This is an unexpected shock!

At this time, the energy turned into hundreds of heavy stormy waves. Even if the demon tortoise successfully blocked it, because the energy was too horrible, the abyss near the abyss was turned into a dark ashes and annihilated in the deep ocean.


Must be blown up!

The eyes of the tower seemed to be staring out, and he and his companions had already consumed countless energy. Once this frosty sea monster was blocked, without the aid of force, the consequences would be disastrous!

You cannot let this happen.

The hair in the tower stood up one by one, and the whole person seemed to be struck by lightning. The skin also became transparent. If you look closely, you can even see the dense blood vessels under the skin.

He squeezed his power and poured it into the mouth of the frosty sea monster. This is a crucial moment. Once defeated, not only himself, but also the throne, but also the dead, no possibility of survival!

But at this moment ...


The monster turtle changed its mouth suddenly, and its mouth suddenly became large. There seemed to be ten thousand ghosts in the body howling, and the energy below zero was swallowed up by the ghosts' mouths.

Thousands of people hit the peak and disappeared.


The demon tortoise really blocked this devastating blow!


After devouring this energy, the demon turtle had a sore throat and suddenly spit out a thick plasma.

Blood splattered from all over the body, flowing all over the body, looking like a **** person from afar.

The demon tortoise's body was shaking, slightly shaking, it clenched its teeth and wanted to stand up, but how terrible was the condensing power of the hundreds of mermaids. Even if it had been lingering in the abyss for a long time, it was also completely corroded by the power at this time Not far from death.

Abyssal creatures are extremely selfish and cannot sacrifice their lives for others. The reason why this ogre turtle to carry this attack is not because of other people, but simply wants to use that energy to temper the tortoise shell.

The growth of the demon tortoise is different from other races. The tortoise shell is like a weapon. It needs to be hardened and refined to become thicker. Their realm is like this. As long as the tortoise is thick, the realm will be promoted step by step until it hits the desired realm.

The higher the realm, the heavier the tortoise shell becomes. If you want to break through the realm, you have to find a stronger attack. This has a feeling of indestructibility.

Like an eagle,

When the eagle reached the age of 40, its claws began to age, unable to effectively catch its prey. Its beak became long and curved, almost touching its chest, severely hindering its feeding. Its wings became very heavy, because its feathers were thick and thick, making it difficult to fly.

It has only two options: wait for death, or go through a very painful update process.

It must try to fly to a steep cliff where no birds or animals can go, where it will stay for about 150 days.

First, it threw its sickle-shaped beak toward the rock, until the aging mouth and leash fell off its head, and then quietly waited for the new beak to grow. Then it used the new beak as a pliers, pulling the toenails from the toes one by one.

After the new toenails grew, it took down the old feathers. After 5 months, the new feathers grew and the eagle began to fly.

It risks the pain of death and starvation, transforms itself, reshapes itself, and departs from its past. This process is a process of resurrection.

Like just now, what the tortoise turtle goes through is such a process. As long as it can counter the large magic that the mermaid collectively makes, it can reborn, impact half-step epic, and even stronger, but unfortunately ... ...

Even if the demon tortoise is doing a wishful thinking, it also underestimates the mermaid's determination. It can withstand this fatal blow, but because the energy is too horrible, causing the energy to overflow, it ca n’t bear it all at once, life is at its limit. Seeing To die on the spot.

Despair is breeding!

At this time, the tortoise is bound by invisible shackles, desperately struggling, but it cannot stop the fear from exaggerating. When the fear completely erodes its soul, its body is like being melted, ticking, and flowing out. Large body fluids.

The surrounding atmosphere was shaking more and more fiercely, and its body was agitated slightly, and the sounds of squeezing bones kept exploding. When the momentum rose to the highest level, the tortoise shell broke and broke into pieces.

The demon turtle's pupils tightened, and unspeakable panic erupted deep in its eyes. It urged the energy to recover the tortoise shell but to no avail.

This monster from the abyss has a strong desire for life. It is clear that it has reached a higher order, but all this has passed away from it in an instant.

The monster turtle's eyes were red, and I didn't know whether it was because of fear or desire for life. It stood up like back to the light and began to run away.

The tortoise shell on his body is still rupturing one inch, everything around him has slowed down. It just feels that every step needs to use huge power. Even with its current physical fitness, it feels strenuous, and the body seems to move between movements. To be torn apart.

It doesn't want to die, trying to escape the threat of death ~ ~ However, everything in front of it has numb its brain ...

Just listening to "Guz", its eye sockets spit out a lot of blood flowers, and half of its head exploded directly, exposing scarlet granulation.

Still, it didn't stop, it still went crazy like crazy, the huge body shook fiercely like a small boat fluttering in the wind and rain, shaking its head and swinging its tail, his voice widened to the extreme hissing roar venting pain.


However, the next moment, his head completely exploded, blood, and broken bones sputtered all around.

The monster from the abyss ended the life of sin.

At this time, in addition to the Demon tortoise, the tower and the mermaid were dead in the same despair. The demon tortoise was dead, but ... the large magic on his side was blocked, and thousands of mermaids were gone. Unleash the energy of the second magic ...

Despair, at the same time came to the head of all mermaids.

(End of this chapter)

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