Chapter 1036

The mermaid coalition finally stopped the attack. The ten-meter-long tsunami suddenly disappeared, and the aftermath of the waves still allowed the crew to try what the river was.

The ship was undulating, and it was not until the ten minutes passed that the sea surface subsided. Even though the fighters who were able to participate in the mission were elite, the undulating sea surface still made many people feel sick. After the aftermath, the deck was full. Filthy, disgusting smell permeated all around.

"Everyone cleans up! I can't finish it in three minutes, so I kneel on the floor and lick it clean!" At present, the momentum of the army must not be chaotic. If this dirty environment is maintained for a long time, morale will inevitably be affected. Wei Xun hurriedly ordered.

Professionals on the simple battleships occupy the majority. They use their unique abilities. Where it takes three minutes, it takes only ten seconds, and the deck is renewed, without the previous foul odor.

The deck was cleaned up, but the soldiers were not so calm, but looked a little fearfully forward. Although the tsunami disappeared, the illusion of ten meters still hovered above the sea, and the illusion was high above all others. Whether it is a bronze warrior or a legendary powerhouse, they need to lift their heads and look at each other.

But there are exceptions. Chen Feng has no fear in his eyes, and some only have a disdainful look that never refuses to lose. He sees the essence of this illusion. If one person can condense a figure of more than ten meters, Chen Feng may still face some, but this is considered What, it's just a whole mermaid's blind-eye method. It depends on the affinity of the water element. Now that the tsunami has been lifted, the threat will not be too great.

Suddenly, countless vortexes appeared on the sea. Then, the human soldiers and the Naya people saw a picture that made them unforgettable forever, just above the sea. At this time, there were more than a dozen figures, mostly women, and men only occupied A few, they look beautiful, especially women's faces are extremely weak. When you see the opposite, you will have a feeling of pity in your arms.

This is the mermaid's talent. Like the succubus, they are inherently charmed. Like some legends, on the vast coastline, you can always hear the beautiful singing. Those crew members tend to instinctively move the ship toward Sailing in the direction of the voyage, but waiting for the crew was not a beautiful trance, but a dense reef or a whirlpool of terror.

The mermaid's heart is far more terrible than her face, not as weak as her face. The mermaid is a group of extremely xenophobic creatures. Whenever a creature passes through their territory, they like to use singing or illusion to bring the enemy to a place of death.

These creatures have a beautiful ketone body but no good soul.

"Throw the throne!" At this moment, in the first place among many mermaids, a beautiful lady came out, she looked extremely graceful, her face looked like her early thirties, but her skin quality was very good, whether it was fair His skin is still big eyes, and people can't help but shine.

The age of mermaids is several times that of humans, and mermaids who break through the golden or legendary ranks will have a longer life. In front of this seemingly charming mermaid, the real age is likely to break through the century. , Can become the leader of thousands of mermaids, the other is obviously a legendary powerhouse.

"With the throne, I will let you leave here safely. I only count three times. If the time comes, the tsunami will appear again!"


This mermaid seems to have learned something from Chen Feng. She also treated her with her own humanity, and immediately gave many soldiers a difficult problem.

There is an interpreter on the battleship. The other party ’s ability is to hear the language of other creatures. This is the realm. Chen Feng naturally does not act as a translator. Therefore, this professional becomes the ears and mouth of a soldier and other creatures. He passed everything he heard, such as to the soldiers around him.

At this time, the soldiers finally understood that the beautiful figure in front of them was brought in by Chen Feng, and the other person asked for the figure held in the palm of Chen Feng.

It was also a mermaid, but compared to those beautiful figures, the mermaid was covered with plasma, and her hair covered her face, making people not see the other person's true appearance at all.

How to choose?

Return the mermaid to the other side, but here is the coast, and seeing the miserable look, the injuries are very serious. If the mermaid is returned to the other side, what is the counterpart ’s revenge on the battleship? After all, this is the sea, and it takes a long way to get back to the camp.

What if the mermaid is not returned to the other party? Whether it was the previous tsunami or the ten-meter-long illusion that still stands now, it always haunts everyone's eyes. What if this mermaid suddenly goes crazy? Really, the dead net is broken, and the tsunami before it is re-released? Everyone felt the desperate atmosphere and naturally did not want to bear the second time!

Both the human warrior and the Naya are now in deep thought, they don't know how to choose!


The charming mermaid does not look like she was joking. She counted to the second number and fell into the calm sea again and again, as if a ferocious beast was about to be resurrected at the bottom of the sea.

And when everyone's heart mentioned his throat, he only heard a smirk from the front, and then, he saw Chen Feng's palm with a high-speed concentrated micro-meteor flame, locking the only male mermaid in front. Just threw it over!


A fierce explosion sounded ~ ~ The flames of micro-meteors fell from the sky, as if the intensive bombing generally fell on the male mermaid. The fierce explosion sounded instantly, and the attack was too sudden, so As for that mermaid, when it burst completely and its body and blood splattered around, the two forces came back to life!


Chen Feng passed the last number to the mermaid with the devil's horn. He raised his head, and there was no fear on his face. He just stared at the eyes of the leading mermaid, and said in a cold voice: "Leave here, I will Return the throne to you when you dock. Don't challenge my patience. I will pinch your throne's neck before the tsunami. If you wish, you can come and try. "

There was no sound around, and Chen Feng's voice sounded again: "This time, I will not give you extra time. If you show a little bit of hostility again, without three seconds, I will pinch the neck of the throne as soon as possible. You will eventually get each other, but all you get is a cold body! "

(End of this chapter)

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