The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1043: Tumbling sight

— "Enchanted Vines!"

— "Enchanted plants!"

— "Birth!"

Dark elves are not like elves. Compared to the latter, dark elves have long cultivated lethal plants to fight the enemy. Most of these plants are extremely dangerous and aggressive cannibal plants.

At this moment, under the power of magic, these seeds are rapidly growing in the sea. With Erwin's catalysis, in less than a few seconds, they grow into vines full of venom, and they are sharp. Teeth cannibals, even some weird plants that can't be said to look like ghosts.

These plants are equally effective even in the deep sea, and their lethality is extremely horrible. Each plant is full of danger, firmly guarding the ship and the point of the ship, and instantly resisting the attack by the fallen.

Erwin is now full of spirits. She has proved Chen Feng's vision with facts. She is not a useless waste. She is not just a vase for hosting auctions. At the critical moment, she can also turn things around!

At this moment, Erwin is more like the queen of vegetation. She controls these mutant plants in a strange way, killing all fallen people nearby.

"this is!?……"

The situation here naturally could not escape Li's eyes. For Erwin's ability, Li showed great surprise again. The other party was not only a superb archery master. It seemed that he could also release some strange things. The ability, these bloodthirsty vines in front of you, is the best proof.

The vines are powerful enough to easily strangle the lower and middle ranks of the fallen.

In addition, the top will continue to exude highly toxic, even after falling on the skin, even the fallen will be corroded, and the cut vines will quickly regenerate. However, when it reaches a certain level, it will gradually die. At this time, Erwin will sprinkle a little seed and start casting.

The fighting continues.

However, the fallen's offensive has weakened a lot, and the battlefield has gradually shifted to the sea, and not many fallen have exposed their heads.

The fallen people seemed to want to start from under the deck, but unfortunately Erwin's vines had covered all the warships. Even if the fallen people tried to destroy the ship, there were no extras in front of the numerous growing vines. ability.

The battle went well beyond Chen Feng's imagination, and he also knew that the reason why this scene appeared was because he had caught the fallen by surprise.

Those fallen people seem to be used to making the enemy fear, they are good at manipulating the emotion of fear, and let the enemy fall into panic the moment they see themselves, because they are the devil fallen, they have learned some psychological tactics that belong to the devil alone , But they did not expect that they encountered Chen Feng.

As a grass root from the end, in Chen Feng's dictionary, there are always only four big characters, that is, quick battle. Since it cannot be escaped, it is a desperate blow. Only in this way can you truly escape the cage and die from death. Raw.

The scale of victory has been tilted. What Chen Feng has to do now is to keep the fruit of this victory and not allow the fallen to have any chance to come back.

However, Chen Feng did not relax his vigilance, because the sense of crisis in his heart did not disappear, but when the fallen became more and more defeated, it became more and more intense. The half-step epic already had a strong sixth sense. With the sixth sense in the past, Chen Feng avoided After a lot of harm, this time, he can be sure that in the deep sea, there is also a terrible existence.

In the next second, Chen Feng seemed to feel something, and looked towards the northwest.

The passage of time seemed to slow down at this moment. Chen Feng could see that in the deep sea, something was flying towards him at an extremely fast speed. What she could hear was the whistling of pure power and his heart. Tell the beating pop.

That power is extremely horrible, just like Karina's fatal blow before. It is near, getting closer. No matter how strong the will for survival erupts in Chen Feng's heart, it will not be able to change this momentum. It's like a dormant cobra. When the enemy hesitates for a second, it launches an attack. It doesn't care how long this process takes, what it cares about is how fast it can kill the enemy!

This momentum surpassed the limit, and it suddenly spanned dozens of meters and rushed to the face with monstrous power!

Ten meters away, Chen Feng could feel that his temporary shield of flame was almost sealed ...

Eight meters away, he could feel that his skin was frozen cold, and even frost had formed on his eyelashes. Five meters away, Chen Feng felt that he was going to be frozen to death, filled with anger from the inside. The cold mang in the roll seemed to freeze the blood!

Three meters ...

At this moment, Chen Feng saw what was attacking himself. It was a weapon similar to a three-pointed fork, exuding the same breath as the endless sword. There was no doubt that it was a secondary artifact.

Even though Chen Feng wore a secondary artifact on his body, this attack was too terrible. Even if he defended it, he was hit hard by the shock!

The secondary artifact is not invincible. In the case of surpassing his defense, Chen Feng may still be penetrated by a fork.

The three-pointed fork was only three meters away from Chen Feng. He felt that his spirit was completely concentrated. He could not detect the temperature, and it seemed that the whole body's blood had been frozen.

But at the juncture of the crisis, Chen Feng grinned suddenly with a cruel grin, similar to facing Karina's mistake, Chen Feng would not commit a second time.

What does the summon beast do? In addition to fighting, the greatest effect of the summoning beast is sacrifice. Chen Feng has been holding a gesture, which is a gesture that is unique to him.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly started the final seal, and a sense of blessed and acquainted spirit appeared ~ ~ There was no gap immediately followed by a sense of ecstasy!

A magic circle emerged out of thin air, followed by black asphalt scales, walking upright like a human, 15 feet tall or higher, with wings like dragon wings folded behind, but not hidden. It can tear all claws, hell-like throats, and monsters with eternally cursed shimmering eyes, so Tang Feng suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

This is Chen Feng's summoned beast not long ago, called Hellfire, and possesses the divine residence and the children of the devil's blood.

This monster possessing the blood of the devil and the god's residence has great wisdom. It lingers in the killing and enjoys the thrill of the killing. At the moment when it was just summoned, it instinctively sang a killer word:

"A senseless struggle will only make you more desperate ..."

But in the next second, Hellfire was terrified to find a hazy vague shadow appearing in front of him, followed by a clear three-pointed fork, marking a dazzling trace, and piercing it fiercely towards its neck. Down!

Hellfire stared, why couldn't it figure out that it was attacked to this extent when it was called?

However, when the hellfire did not respond, a huge wound bloomed on its neck, and it was obvious that the strong blood of the flames burst out like a blowout, and what followed was a huge pain straight into the brain!

Hellfire's consciousness began to freeze, it felt its vision began to roll, it saw the wonderful illusion, saw its own body, and Chen Feng's cold eyes, and then his head fell heavily to the ground, from The strong man in the abyss, with this tragic gesture, completed the end of life ...

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