The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1046: Advent

Chapter 1047

Cosia is still sucking the blood mist in the air. She has never felt this kind of power. This is the reward given by the devil, and what she has to do is to pass the will of the king!

More and more negative energy began to be superimposed on Kosia's body. At this moment, the violence and madness exposed in her eyes were like the surging magic flame, burning the world. She sucked hard and sucked the blood mist in the air completely. Into your chest.

"The majesty's will not be defiled!" Ke Xia has gradually demonized at this time, and the fish tail under him suddenly released the cold corpse gas, blessing Ke Xia's body, and strengthened his flesh again.

But at this time!


There was a dazzling red light in the air, like a squirrel volley, tortuously falling down, and bombarded in the chest of Kosia.


The force of the violent flames has utterly destroyed the chest full of dark power, as if the snow and ice melted, and the sand sculpture was crushed!

In the blink of an eye, I just killed the bone dragon just now, and the demonized mermaid that knocked out the six-armed snake demon in a single blow has collapsed. The ears can even clearly hear the sound of the internal organs.

At this close distance, Chen Feng stared directly at Kosia's eyes. At this moment, he was sympathetic to any of his men, and the hot energy was pouring out. More importantly, it was not ordinary soldiers who penetrated Kosia's body. , But a tri-segment artifact like Kosia's hand!

Chen Feng penetrated the space, so that a sword hole penetrated the opponent ’s body, and the blood of the Burning Demon exploded at this moment. With a bang, Chen Feng in the air was like a fiercely burning torch, sending himself and Kexia Shrouded in the fiery element of fire.

Fairy fight, this is an unthinkable fight by ordinary soldiers.

In the torch, Chen Feng's appearance began to change little by little. His body had mysterious runes and his skin became dark brown, just like hard armor. At a glance, he knew that he had a strong defense. Behind them are a pair of demon wings, and above the head are demon horns that look like goats.

The waves of flames blooming on Chen Feng, like Changhong Guanri, appeared directly in front of everyone in an astonishing state.

"You ... how can you ..."

Kosia was faced by the flame and opened his eyes involuntarily.

In her eyes ...

The surprise and shock gradually expanded, and finally covered her eyes full!

She could clearly feel the powerful breath possessed by Chen Feng.

"How is this possible! How is this possible! I have the power of the Majesty's blessing, how can I be defeated by you?"

The muscles on Kosia's face were convulsing, and the mutated fish tail behind him was twirling like a giant salamander. She shook her head incredulously, as if it was difficult to accept everything she saw!

"What are you, how dare you stop me from coming?"

"I admit that you are very powerful ... Unfortunately, just a little bit, just a little bit, you can successfully prevent me from coming, this time the waste was actually forced to reach this level by you. Over time, you really grow up Maybe even I need to be afraid, but after all, you didn't kill me with a single blow. It is not important that one be killed. What is important is that you cannot continue to grow on this land, which will affect my plan! "

There was a cold male voice in Kesia's throat, and Chen Feng's face suddenly changed.

When he heard the first word, he felt a little uncomfortable, but then regained his composure, but at this moment, a strange energy, unknown where it came from, suddenly enveloped in Kesia's Body.

For a moment, the atmosphere of Ke Xiah began to change. It was a devastating breath. Only when it appeared, Chen Feng felt an extremely familiar and strong devil's breath. In front of his eyes, a devil appeared suddenly. The bones are flesh and blood, and there are many horns and compound eyes on the head. In addition, I don't know how many hands and feet, and many heads. These heads have their own looks and emotions, and they all stare at him. Makes him unable to move.

At this moment, the countless heads roared upward, shaking a wave of sound that was visible to the naked eye, resounding through the ninefold cloud sky, and even the rolling thundercloud was oscillating, as if a wound might be cracked at any time, tearing the entire dimension .

Close-up Chen Feng was struggling to support, his face was as pale as paper, and he could hardly speak. If it were not for holding an endless sword in his hand, and now his strength has reached a half-step epic, I am afraid this simple roar, Can make Chen Feng slightly injured.

Even if Chen Feng is okay, the situation of the surrounding soldiers and the Naya people is not optimistic. Chen Feng knows that Kexia is terrible, so he places the decisive battle in mid-air, and covers them with flames. This is not only right. Cosia's closure is a disguised protection for everyone.

Because only in this way, the soldiers on the battleships could not be affected, and the fighting power was preserved in a larger sense. However, at this time, Kosia's body did not know what happened. If Kosia was only partially turned into a devil before , Then it is now completely boarded by the devil.

Cosia's consciousness has been completely confused ~ ~ It is not others who occupy her body, but the devil who has always believed in her mouth!

It ’s just like God ’s Fall, except that unlike ordinary believers who ask God ’s Residence to defeat their enemies at a crisis, most of the negative effects brought by God ’s Fall will not hurt life, but only after using God After descending, rest for a while to recover.

And for example, the homestay at this time of Kexia is more like a change from the inside out, like using a glove. After the sleeve is set, it will naturally be abandoned and will not be reused at all.

Cocia may not even dream of dreaming, even if she died, she was thinking about the so-called prince, but in the eyes of the devil, the other party is just a humble puppet, just like the devil lord said to Chen Feng when he came Then, you can change it when you are gone. After all, those mermaids in the deep sea can be used as boarding objects.

Cocia died in her own fantasy. Perhaps the most terrible thing is not this. Occupation is like a hyena devouring. Cosia loses not only a beautiful ketone body, but also her soul. Once occupied by the devil, her soul will be imprisoned in pain forever and ever, and cannot be detached ...

(End of this chapter)

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