The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1062: Tame success


The ogre lord from a different world, holding a strong man who can even fight against the sub-artifact, was pierced by his throat with Chen Feng's sword, and his body twitched violently. Even if there were tens of thousands of unwillingness, it still could not stop this Everything was so badly under Chen Feng's blade.

The Goblin leader's throat creaked, as if there was a sputum stuck in it.


Chen Feng pulled out a sword, expressionless, as easy and simple as killing a dog. No one would think of looking at his expression when hurting him. He just died under his sword was a strong half-step epic.

After the ogre leader fell to the ground, his palms were violently grasped, as if a drowning person was holding the straw. He must grasp his vitality in his hands and not allow it to pass out of the body.

The existence of a half-step epic, the vitality and blood are extremely powerful, and the vitality has reached a point of metamorphosis. If it is pierced by the throat of an ordinary sword, it may not die, but Chen Feng's endless sword is a secondary artifact with infinite flames. The force, once penetrated, instantly took away the vitality of the other party.

"If there is any treasure in this world, then the half-step epic strongman's body is definitely one of them. The organs and flesh of the other person have already been transformed. If the ordinary beast devours it, it is like some hundreds of years in the legend or even Like the wonderful medicine of ganoderma for thousands of years, even stupid creatures will reborn and have talents that ordinary people can't match. "

It may be a bit difficult to give this corpse to humans, but order is now a multi-element life circle. Except humans, semi-elves, goblins, ogres and even mermaids who have just been conquered, they all live together. Even if humans cannot enjoy it, However, you can pick out some alien creatures to give this flesh to the other party. Even if you can't break through the half-step epic at once, it won't take long for the order to have another legendary powerhouse.

Of course, there are other wonderful uses for this corpse. If it is used for blood sacrifice, it is also a good choice.

Even when Saruman wakes up and gives the corpse to the other party, the other party has a unique method of corpse sculpting. The ordinary legend is already the limit, but if you are sophisticated, you can really sacrifice a half-step epic undead creature. .

Especially fresh corpses like the leader of the canis.

Now the corpse of the ogre leader was grabbed by Chen Feng in the void, and then thrown into the damaged plane. Once inside, the blood will not condense, and it will not rot. Naturally, there are several other options.

I have to say that this ogre leader is a talent, and he has been dealing with himself for so long with only half a step of epic power. From this we can see that this is an extraordinary talent, especially the speed, and has broken through to the extreme of the flesh. If it is not in the cave, but in the vast plain, even if Chen Feng uses the shadow shuttle, he still cannot catch up with the other party. If the other party wants to escape, he can completely escape his sight.

However, the leader of the dog demon is no matter how strong, but now it is only a corpse. In contrast, Chen Feng, at this time, focused his eyes on the spine that fell on the ground.

Without the grip of the canine demon leader, this spine is lying on the ground like an ordinary bone. There is no special place at all, but Chen Feng knows that the calmer it means, the more dangerous it is.

This spine is as if it has life, even in a dormant state, lying peacefully on the ground, as if deliberately enticing others to hold each other, but Chen Feng knows that this spine is so strange that it was taken by the leader of the devil When he was in his hands, the evil breath emanated as if the flood had no chance to stop it.

"This spine is very weird. The energy spread before it has even reached the epic level, presumably the original owner is also a terrible existence."

Chen Feng thought for a few minutes. He touched the spine without touching it. It was also wiped in the air, and the spine was placed in the damaged plane. Saruman had some research on these corpses, but he waited for the other party to wake up and study it.

After solving everything, Chen Feng retracted the endless sword, and saw that Fura was standing aside, and her body was piled around her.

The canine demon who can be together with the canine demon leader is naturally a strong character in this family. Among them are some of the strongest in the golden peak. There is even a legendary dog ​​devil with white fur. The dog devil is five meters tall. Standing in the cave is like lifting your head to touch the top of your head, especially your arms, and it is like the thickness of a water tank, waving it like a punch to destroy a dam.

But such a strong man, when faced with Fula, was still beaten by a boxer. Fula's fists are more than ten million? Coupled with the success of the sneak attack, as soon as it appeared, it was a set of continuous attacks. A dozen punches banged on the opponent's temple in this way. The legendary giant dog was smashed into the head without notice, and the dead ca n’t die anymore. .

As for the other gold peaks or silver-level dog demons, Chen Feng, because the situation was too urgent, took the plan of killing without amnesty and executed the dog demons gathered together. This method has already been regarded as decisive.

High-level fracture, this cannibal is just like the previous Eagle-wing clan, with almost no resistance, he chose to loyal to Chen Feng.

The ogre around just heard the roar coming from the cave ~ ~ But because of their low strength, they just hovered around, but when they saw the stone gate open again, they saw that they were no longer the enemy. The corpse, but a corpse of the same family was seen.

Anger sprang up spontaneously, all the dog monsters who witnessed it all felt that their will had been destroyed, and everyone had no courage to survive.

Because of this, the cannibal team suddenly lost its dominion. The soldiers were defeated, and even a decent confrontation was not made. So they turned around and ran out towards their own rear.

As for Chen Feng, he did not deliberately stop the other side, but his arm was raised, and the arm completely transformed by energy was shot on the back of the running demon's head. In an instant, countless blood bloomed, scarlet blood and white tender brain were fused. Were together.

Chen Feng unfolded the wings of the devil and said in a tone that all cannibals could understand: "Suppress and don't kill. After one minute, if anyone escapes at will, I will kill all!"

I saw all the high-level soldiers fall, and then I felt that my companion was directly photographed as meat sauce because of the escape. The remaining cannibals have been completely covered by fear. I don't know which cannibal kneeled on the ground, and then more and more cannibals imitated each other , Kneeling in front of Chen Feng, changed the door court, just to save his life.

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