The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1075: Belief feedback

Chen Feng's mind during this time was very chaotic.

Not only is the belief in order constantly being received in the brain, but more importantly, after merging mermaids, eagle slaves, and dog slaves, Chen Feng can always feel that a will is disturbing himself.

Chen Feng has never felt such a willpower raging in his mind. Since his promotion to the epic, his situation has suddenly changed. It is not a fault in his belief, but a very wonderful feeling.

Just as human eyes can distinguish limited colors, but pigeons can distinguish millions of colors. In human eyes, only ordinary colors are seen, but in the eyes of pigeons, they become other colors. It can only be said that the difference in ranks makes Chen Feng's strength in a wonderful state.

Legend, even half-step epic, Chen Feng's feeling of the power of faith is not strong, but after the promotion of the epic, his perception changes, as if the faucet of the opening hand was blocked by limescale in the past, and waited until After dredging, it makes sense to drain more water from it.

The believers are praying.

Even though they are chanting a single name, all of them are Chen Feng, but because of poor language, different races, different wills, various voices are mixed together, making people even feel an unspeakable nausea. Feeling, just like millions of people keep mumbling in your ears every day, this feeling for a long time can even drive people crazy.

Even though Chen Feng's current strength is not strong enough to listen to the chants of millions of people at the same time, after all, he is only an epic level, not a mythical level, or an eternal state that is infinitely close to the realm of the gods. Now He is still very weak in the face of the power of faith. If he accepts the chants of millions of people at the same time, he can hardly persist for a day, and he will become a lunatic or be severely wounded.

The power of faith is originally a game of Shendi, which is like drinking wine, which is something that adults can only touch. Compared with Shendi, Chen Feng is now just a child. This is the case in this world, always There will be a group of curious babies, or bad teenagers, who are committed to touching adult games and will naturally need to bear some risks.

Whenever prayer appears, the will becomes strong, and Chen Feng needs more power to fight it. In the end, Chen Feng almost completely lost his perception of the outside world. His spirit, his will, and his thinking were against the all-pervading belief and prayer, and the crazy will to fight back with prayer.

This is a struggle.

A struggle without intuitiveness, once it fails, Chen Feng will become a real monster. The monster has no specific face, but just becomes different from ordinary people and is difficult to describe.

Chen Feng didn't believe he would lose.

In fact, it is impossible for him to lose. What really affects him the most is that his strength is not allowed now. If he can give the believer some reactions on a large scale, it will naturally consume the pressure brought by that chant. Unfortunately, Feng Feng can only give the believer on a small scale. Some help, so the harm will only increase.


Vigorous gasping.

Chen Feng was soaked with sweat all over his body, but his eyes gradually became clear.

The pain is fading.

After the ultimate pain seemed to trigger a new realm, making him feel a wonderful indescribable spiritual power.

If at this time a metaphor is used to explain everything.

It ’s like doing extreme, crazy physical training. During the training process, I want to give up countless times, because the pain is not just physical, but also includes the spiritual range. Even if the process is painful, after getting familiar with it, As you can get countless benefits, as long as you persist, you can gain something.

The ups and downs on the sea, but it did not affect Chen Feng's physical problems, at this time he was lying on the body of a golden peak sea monster, and rushed towards the order with all his strength.

Even though Chen Feng is now promoted to legend, but the control of space ability is not strong enough to break the dimension. As for the only Saruman who has the power of space, he is still asleep, so Chen Feng can only rely on the original power to return from the ocean Into order.

Lying on the back of the sea monster, Chen Feng's head was a little sullen. This is just the impact of the power of faith on himself. He needs to vent. Of course, the vent here does not mean looking for some women or stimulating things. Solve some problems for believers.

Chen Feng closed his eyes.

In consciousness, a huge throne appeared in front of him, and Chen Feng stepped on it.

Feeling the scenes of chants in his mind, Chen Feng thought of it and gave the idea to make a preliminary division of them.

Simply praise the "Divine Residence", and sink to the bottom with nothing to pray for, and the speed of disappearing will increase, and those involving confession and prayer will float upwards, closer to Chen Feng's palm.

Following spiritual intuition, he "pointed" to one of the latter.

Huo Ran, he saw the misty canyon, and heard the horrible sharp roar.

A warrior wearing a worm armor is facing a huge, ugly worm. The worm's strength is obviously higher than the opponent. It is not evenly matched but a unilateral juggling. The worm treats the fighter as a food, just like a cat. Like playing a mouse, when they are tired and tired, they will eat each other.

The so-called evenly matched are more like

The soldier's right arm had been wounded by the worm, and he could no longer pick up the weapon. He fell to the ground, looked at the worm near him, and panic chanted his name [Chen Feng].

Chen Feng noticed that this was an ongoing prayer, and raised one of his fingers. Above his fingertips, a halo bloomed in succession, and the city shone into the scene.

The soldier was desperate. Suddenly he felt that the fear in his heart had suddenly dissipated, and his mood was stable. He looked around suddenly, but found that a strong wind appeared around him, and the mid-air began to overlap with dark clouds. A storm seemed to appear. While the soldier was still puzzled, a thunderbolt appeared over the worm, chopping it directly to its place.

The soldier quickly woke up from his sluggish state and understood what was going on:

"Divine Residence" blessed him, "Poseidon" showed his majesty!

Flutter, flutter, flutter!

He rested on the ground, spread his hands, pressed it to his mouth, and recited the honorable name of "Divine Residence" familiarly:

"Thank you, praise you, the protector of order, the ruler of everyone, the great Lord Chen Feng!"

Converging, Chen Feng spread his spirituality to another light spot.

This time the chant appeared in a world of ice and snow. It is now January. It is the cold winter and the seasons are all around. Here is the world of snow and ice. Under the cold current, every inch of land is frozen, making people breathless. Exasperated.

Just in the middle of the vast sandy sea, two figures walked up and down, and a series of solid and clear footprints remained behind.

Those are two children!

There is a man and a woman. The boy looks only 13 or 4 and 5 and the girl looks even smaller, only about ten years old.

Their eyes were deep and concave, which was the thinness caused by hunger, and the appearance of weakness to the extreme.

It is hard to imagine that there are so many young children in this harsh environment. They are tired and weak, but they have not stopped in the slightest, and continue to look for something in this snow.

The two children stopped, and they dug in the snow with simple tools. They were digging a kind of food called [cold meat]. The taste was not very good, it was astringent and bitter, but it was a minority in the snow. Food to fill your stomach.

"Brother, we are getting less and less food. Will we starve to death?"

That ten-year-old girl was exhausted, her skinny face was covered with dust, her eyelids swelled with tall black bags, apparently she didn't sleep well in the near future, because her face was cold It was also full of red, which was just severe frostbite, but she didn't yell about pain or hard work, just shaking her thin shoulders, and whispering to the teenage boy.

"Little, don't talk nonsense, I can feel that we can find food right away, and hold on for a while, Your blessing, please!"

Although the boy was equally stunned, his eyes were unusually bright and his voice was full of firmness. He believed in the Lord and believed that what mother said was artificial.

Your Honorary Name was heard not long ago. He used to feed on fish and shrimp at the port and naturally could reach some ships. He vaguely remembered that it was a completely different ship from Silver City. Those on board, There are also many horrible strong men, but when they talked about [His], they changed their pride and became extremely respectful.

It is the Lord who gives them everything they want, a stable life, powerful strength, and even a warm family.

Li Jian didn't need much. He only needed his sister to grow up safely. This was enough. He had been left out in Silver City. Before the cold current had come, he could still rely on fish and shrimp by the sea. After the cold current arrived, the sea surface froze, and he lost the source of food, and naturally felt a sense of belonging to Silver City.

The miserable life did not make Li Jian feel despair. On the contrary, the obsession with protecting his sister made him full of fighting spirit. He believed in everything and believed that he could create miracles and turn impossible into possible!

But there is one point. In this despair, fighting spirit alone is not enough. He needs to find some spiritual sustenance. He suddenly thought of the lord named Chen Feng in the mouth of the crew, and since then he has been chanting that. Name, trying to be favored.

The little girl nodded, he believed everything his brother said.

In this environment with death and gray as the main melody, the dependence of the two brothers and sisters is the only motivation that allows each other to live.

Life is cruel.

Like this kind of digging right now, they still need to go through a long time.

"Flip-flops ..."

Suddenly, there was a tramp sound not far away, accompanied by a slight snow mist, two snow squirrels.

Doom has changed the world. After two years of development, the animals have completed their own mutation and evolution. These squirrels are only low-level beasts, and they ca n’t even reach the bronze level, but they are extremely fast and the two front teeth are hard. Incomparably, Li Jian is not the opponent of the other side.

It's freezing cold, and it's not just humans that are poor, the beasts are also looking for food everywhere.

"Brother, let's go!"

The little girl looked at Li Jian and said tremblingly.

"No, we can't escape. This is snow. We can't escape the other's tracking and bury our heads. They won't stay here for long. As long as they leave, we are safe."

The perennial wandering made Li Jian learn to calm down. At this moment, a ray of calm light shot from his eyes, he slowly lowered his head, hoping that the squirrel would leave as soon as possible.

In the years of wandering, Li Jian and his sister have encountered countless crises. Each time, they have passed through in shock. Li Jian is now also full of confidence.

It's just that God didn't care for them this time.

The snow field has a wide field of vision. From the beginning, the squirrels found the figures of the two Li Jian. At this moment, their eyes showed a stern look, and a scream, left and right, ran towards Li Jian. .

"Brother, he found us!"

Looking at the squirrels that came galloping, the little girl was frightened, and her chest was like a piece of ice placed on it, and the bones were cold and piercing. The whole body shivered unconsciously.


Li Jian didn't turn his head, but stared at the two mice in front of him. He tightened the stick in his hands, the stick was rough and strong, and stained with blood. It was a long time he was looking for food. As a result, the hands blistered with blisters, and the blood that came out after the friction rupture burst, and on the cold days, those blood soaked into the sticks, revealing a dark purple color.

The wooden stick is his weapon.

The snowy terrain is dangerous, and the brave warriors can't play 100% of their strength here, let alone Li Jian, who is weak and tired? If Li Jian is a short-edged sword, then these two squirrels are the horse-swords that can cut the flesh!

There is no comparable at all!


The little girl pursed her lips and pulled Li Jian's clothing corner hard. At this moment, she looked like a sad young bird, and the whole person looked terrified.

Li Jian didn't speak. He held a wooden stick in his hand and stared at the front because he was too nervous ~ ~ A bit of blood was bitten from the corner of his mouth, but even so, he still didn't choose to escape, but Meet the enemy straight, never step back.

They encountered an unprecedented crisis.

"His ..."

The Snow Mouse first observed their "prey" and then hissed, his voice filled with excitement.

This land believes in weak meat and strong food. Humans will catch squirrels to satisfy their hunger, and squirrels will naturally hunt weak humans as food.

Even though the two sides were tens of meters apart, the squirrels were detached and rushing forward at an extremely fast speed. The Huns screamed, looking timid and terrible.

Looking at the sprinting enemy in front of her, the little girl trembled again. She was so scared that her face ran away, and her escape was getting worse. She quickly grabbed Li Jian's sleeves, her eyes turned red, and she looked like she was still pity.

Even the strong Li Jian, at this time watching the squirrel rushing towards himself, could not help shaking his body, his eyes were filled with despair, and his heart could not help thinking: "If there is a god, please save us ... I beg you ... I beg you ... "

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