The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1083: little girl

Around Silver City.

The forest is shrouded in heavy snow. There are no beasts and birds here. It looks like a ghostly purgatory, making people feel chilling.

The expressions of all the people were in a tight state. Within a minute, the teammates around him died one after another. Until now, the appearance of the enemy has not really appeared ...

A tiny head popped out.

It was a baby, but his body was blue and purple, with no pupils. The most frightening thing was that there were many frozen maggots.

Corpse baby.

This is a ghost born of resentment.

Doomsday is the cradle of all monsters. Under the magical energy, many terrible creatures are born.

This corpse baby is one of them. It seems that the baby's existence is a mutant zombie, perhaps infected in the abdomen. These corpses have strong resentment, do not eat meat, but prefer to use fresh plasma. For food.

His lips were even more bloodied, and the thick blood made it even more weird and scary.


The corpse baby stopped eating, and suddenly he heard some noise. He raised his head, his eyes without pupils glanced around, trying to find something.

Without even thinking too much, Ning Tao could conclude that the blood in the corpse baby's mouth came from his own.

"Kill it!"

An afterimage passed by.

It's surprisingly fast. It has eight arms and is completely black. The momentum it carries is not as strong as the corpse baby.

Blood shines.

The corpse's head was hammered directly, and the stench of brain suddenly flowed out.

The magic ape that Ning Tao sat down also has a lot to offer. He is considered to be a different species in evolution. He doesn't like fruits like his kind. This magic ape likes meat, no matter it is a worm or a zombie.

Like this time, the demon ape licked and licked on the ground, making people shudder. Compared with the allusion that justice defeats evil, this is more like a fierce fight between ghosts.

Looking at the cruel scene in front of me, Ning Tao didn't have a redundant expression, but just murmured: "Be careful, the attacker is not the guy in front of you ..."

Ning Tao has survived for so long in the last days, and has even changed from an ordinary professional to one of the leaders of the Brotherhood today, naturally possessing superhuman understanding.

Even though this corpse baby is terrible, its strength is equivalent to the soldiers around it. If you say this kind of goods, after killing several of his elite men with a branch, Ning Tao would never believe anything.

This is like, the world knows that wild boars in the jungle are terrible, but terrible is limited to brutality and rudeness. If the wild boar can swallow clouds and fog and manipulate thunder and lightning, this would be too sensational and incredible!

Ning Tao did not forget to kill a corpse baby, because it was clear that in this silent jungle, there was an extremely terrible existence.

At this time, this terrible existence was hidden in an unknown place, and was looking forward to the nervous party with great interest ...

It is extremely sought after, just like ... it is like watching some sorrowful survivors being engulfed by demon apes, the feeling of mastering his life and death is more addictive than poppy.

Ning Tao's face is not good. This feeling of being completely controlled by others is very bad. He hates this feeling of being controlled.

"Advanced alert."

Ning Tao said in a deep voice.

Offence is the best defense. Blindly defending this way will only make everyone around you passive. No matter what the reason, Ning Tao is ready to fight back. He has to take the initiative to break the cage in front of him and see for himself. At a glance, where is the enemy hiding in the dark?

"Prepare, remove the shield and return to the same place!"

Ning Tao issued the next course of action.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this defensive cover. The advantage is that it can defend against enemy attacks. The disadvantage is that movement in the defensive cover is restricted and it is impossible to move freely with the defensive cover.

Ning Tao understood that the sneak attack was a miscalculation that had never been reflected. Now, the emotions of the crowd are completely tense, and the attention has risen to the limit. At this time, the enemy cannot naturally succeed as easily as before.

Although the soldiers around were terrified, they also knew that the situation would continue to worsen.

You know, it's still daytime, and the field of vision is still a little bit wider. If you stalemate into the night, the field of vision declines on the one hand, and the weather will get colder. Then, it will be the real dilemma!

The crowd continued to move forward. Suddenly, several weird figures stood there, like guards.

These figures are also some mutant zombies!


Ning Tao also led the team to explore the surroundings on weekdays, but even the zombies were affected due to the weather. More often, these monsters would hide in places that no one found, and they would hunt out when they were warm.

But what happened today?

Why do these guys suddenly appear in front of themselves?

At this time, they were standing at the door, their faces were full of gloomy murderous power, and even a trace of dry blood on their lips.

Ning Tao's face was somber, like an overcast sky, and there was always an urge to erupt.

He lowered his voice: "Hurry up with these ugly guys!"

Ning Tao knew that all this must be the ghost of the hider around him, and his resentment and anger had made him feel a little crazy.

He had to unscrew the enemy's neck with his own hands, and he wished to frustrate such a guy who dared to play with himself.

Of course, Ning Tao knew that he was the backbone of everyone, and he wanted to maintain absolute attention, so at this time, he handed over the carrion to his hands.

"Do it!"

Ning Tao's face was a bit cold, and his opponent issued an order the first time.

The surrounding soldiers are also elite. After hearing the order, a professional's body disappeared directly in place. The next second, he appeared behind the mutant zombies, accompanied by a quiet cold light, and a zombie with good combat effectiveness. It was cut into two pieces.

And the speed of other soldiers is also extremely fast ...


A soldier's arms directly turned into a pair of tiger claws ~ ~ This is the ability of partial beastization. He swipes down hard to tear the zombies' skull, and the blood is sprayed on There was an unbearable smell on his body.

The killing soon ended.

The whole process was very swift. When the soldiers took up their hands, the surrounding area was already full of corpses. Obviously, in the hands of the soldiers, these zombies could not form a climate.

Just when all the mutated zombies had died and everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a sound of heavy footsteps came from afar.

Ning Tao glanced aside and saw that a zombie whose body was completely comparable to the demon ape appeared in everyone's eyes, and Ning Tao's gaze just flashed on the zombie, which really made him feel Surprisingly, a figure sitting between the necks of the zombies.

Is that a ... little girl? !!

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