The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1085: Fight fight


Hearing the words of the evil demon, not only Ning Tao, but also the rest of the soldiers are stunned. After all, it is not ordinary small characters that stand in front of them, but the number one in the Brotherhood with a strong appeal, such as today's search However, it was Ning Tao who had been in the city for a long time and wanted to be breathable, but he did not expect that it was an accidental idea that would bring himself such a catastrophic encounter.

If it ’s normal, do n’t say it ’s a little girl. It ’s like the senior officials of Longmen threatened to treat Ning Tao as a toy, and everyone just treated it with laughter, because aside the balance between the two forces, it ’s Ning Tao ’s strength. They are comparable, but now they are different, but they watched the demon ape die dead, and their heads were blasted into pieces.

Everyone smelled a thick **** smell, and the rotten smell of the zombie explosion was intertwined, making people think that the river was almost overturned, and it was almost possible to spit it out.

The zombie under the inferior constellation is definitely not a simple character. Judging from its ability to kill the demon ape with a single hit, it is at least a lord level existence, and at this time, a small head emerged from the snow pile in the distance. When it came out, it was a corpse baby. Even if it appeared in the daytime, the other party could still give people a feeling of seeping.

A series of counterattacks by Ning Tao and his men killed all the zombies. Now, this corpse baby may be the only survivor.

The corpse baby looked at the evil demon, and there was no tyranny in his eyes, but he showed a poor look, it looked like he was asking the other party if he could take a bite ...

With the promotion of the bad demon, the taste naturally rises. The lord of the zombie has a good strength, but it is far from making it eager to eat. After seeing the performance of the corpse baby, the bad demon feels interesting and nods.

Unlike other races, zombies can devour the companion's body to complete the advanced.

The following is a terrible scene.The corpse infant first puts the eye of the zombie lord into his mouth and chews it. Then he begins to bite the muscles of his chest, tears them one by one, and then swallows them. The skin is the internal organs, and finally the mouth is large. Chewing and chewing the stomach with fresh muscles, it slowly eats its lord's body.

The evil devil looked at this cruel picture that she made with one hand with interest. She had an indifferent expression, and then a full smile appeared, and she smiled extremely cute.

Listen to the creepy sound of chewing the bones, even if it belongs to the warriors who are associated with evil, they all have a shocked expression, and then think of the act of the corpse baby because of the acquiescence of the little girl in front of him, one by one噤 If chilling, cute and docile like kittens, they are used to bullying, but they never thought that they would die so miserably one day.

The evil devil, who was regarded as a little girl by everyone, took a step forward, and his eyes were innocent, and it was really like a child, not a **** of hidden body.

If it is a person who is familiar with inferiority in the past, he will clearly remember the changes of the other person. Like before, the inferiority has also painted cute, but the cuteness will give people a stereotype after all, as if it is to simulate the emotions of human little girls, Now it ’s different. The evil spirit has merged countless souls. She is an evil spirit, an eight-year-old girl, and a **** who can also become a heresy, but no matter what changes, her loyalty to Chen Feng has never fallen. Half a minute.

If no evil person took a step forward, it did not show a trace of fear because of the man in front of him. On the other hand, after feeling the killing intention that the other party could not hide, Ning Tao could not help but yell: "You are Order man? "

The bad demon said too clearly, Ning Tao can naturally associate with the current order that is incompatible with Silver City.

Ning Tao looked at the corpses of the demon ape and the zombie lord not far away, swallowed a spit, shook his head and said, "It's impossible ... you can't be so strong, you are obviously a child ..."

The bad devil, who was regarded as a child, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the head of the corpse baby, and the existence of this reputed evil was like a cat. He even put down the food in his mouth and narrowed his eyes. True and false, both showed a very pleasant expression.

The bad devil grinned, but it still made people feel a little bit kind: "Child ... If you want to understand this, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I like to see you turned into corpses more than others think of me. Look, you are the best materials for making toys. "

Toys, when you hear this word, think of the misery of the demon ape.

Ning Tao's face twitched slightly, if capable. He must have said nothing and twisted the little girl's neck, because he was already able to judge that the other party was not a human at all. If not, what would she be?

It ’s only been two years since the doomsday came. If it is really a human child, even if it is a pain that is unimaginable, the little girl cannot become like this. All the answers are only one, that is the guy with the same face as human beings. It is actually a real monster.

When she saw the people around her, the evil devil showed a little fear, she said casually: "If you want to do it, come together. You make the master unhappy. As a way to apologize, I want to use your life. Go and stay ... "

"Hello tone!"

When I heard the voice ~ ~ Ning Tao looked very condensed. In the final analysis, he is still a legendary master. It is one of the few top brotherhoods of the Brotherhood. He was scared before, more because of inferiority. The monster gave him that kind of strong weirdness. If only ordinary people saw the bad demons, they would really treat the other person as a slightly cute girl, but Ning Tao's strength has surpassed the vast majority of people, so he stood by the bad demons. In front of him, he felt his consciousness became slow.

But Ning Tao has survived for many years in this doomsday. Naturally, he has his own means of life-saving. After hearing the final judgment given to his party by a bad demon, a conviction of dissatisfaction was accumulated on Ning Tao!

The bad demon is very strange, it is not as simple as it seems, the other person's body is most likely an adult.

Ning Tao even thought of these old-fashioned legends of taking homes. If not, how could a little girl show such a scarlet look, that look is like a real beast!

"Make me a toy and let me see if you have this ability!"

Ning Tao knew that if he did not resist, there would only be a dead end, so at this time, he made a roaring sound like a devil, trying to start strong first, clenched his fists, and blasted towards the head of the bad demon!

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