The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1110: Mop with Tiger

"You want me to be your slave, but now I'm captured by the real body. You think that you are from a different level of superiority. In the end, hasn't it turned into a **** in my hands and let me put it?"

Chen Feng's billowing voice, majestic and heavy, penetrated the world directly, and the fog surrounding him was scattered by this sound wave and completely disappeared.

"Awesome character. Although it was just a face-to-face meeting, I was nothing at all in front of the other party, but even so, I was caught by Chen Fengyi. I thought I could catch up with the other party, but now it seems A little delusional! "

At this time, Xu Hongzhuang saw Chen Feng's soul manifestation, and captured the invading enemy with one hand, and Fang's heart shook incomparably.

At this time, the alien creature without gender did not know where it came from, but it was born to be able to manipulate the water element. The method was comparable to the flame mastery of flames. If it was not Chen Feng suppressing from the realm, it was his half-step epic. The Burning Demon may not be the opponent of the opponent!

Moreover, it is not difficult to find some sense of superiority between the words of the other party, is it ... he is from some higher plane?

A half-step epic character is so difficult to entangle. If you come up with a few, even if Chen Feng takes a shot, you can't beat each other on the coastline.

Since the end of the day, Chen Feng has seen a variety of opponents, but most of them are some low-level planes, such as the Worm World. Even with some civilizations, the biological chain is still mainly bugs, and then develops. It is impossible to possess human wisdom.

But this alien is different now. The other party was able to devour human beings to gain knowledge. From the indiscriminate dialogue with himself just now, we can see that the other party has already learned part of the order information.

This weird ability was simply incredible, and Chen Feng had to guard.

To deal with such aliens, Chen Feng had to defend. The opponent was similar to the Pang Mu that he had previously sacked. They could make waves in the sea. By leaning on the sea, the opponent could have transcendent ability. The appearance of the other was not a good phenomenon. Especially ... I am about to start a battle with Silver City right now. If something goes wrong, it will most likely affect the trend of the battle.

If it was n’t fortunate enough to meet the other person, this asexual person would grow up to be a real master. Once promoted to epic, then in the coastal areas, it would be like a demon king. At that time, if it occupied the ocean, even in the eyes of order, It's also a nightmare, a lingering nightmare!

Ask yourself, if you do n’t advance to the next level, or if you do n’t have any water-calling beasts in your hand, even Chen Feng will shake hands with the other party to make peace, and will not easily hurt each other ’s feelings.

However, due to Chen Feng's fortunateness or the misfortune of this asexual person, he was captured in one hand and couldn't move. This scene deeply shocked Xu Hongzhuang's heart. In his eyes, it was the dozen meters before Chen Feng. Huge body.

"You are not my opponent."

Chen Feng said to the alien, he held the opponent's neck in one hand, and pierced the other's back with one hand, and allowed the alien's angry anger to shake his body frantically, regardless of him, but said coldly.

"How could it be, why did your power become so powerful, before ... you are obviously weaker than now, I know who you are ... you are Chen Feng ... the master of this order!"

The alien said with some surprise.

This creature from a different world has the means to devour humans to absorb memory, call out memory judgments, and naturally recognize that it is not others who capture themselves, but the ruler of this city.

"I and you have no injustice or vengeance, and the injuries are nothing more than small characters. You humans have a saying called" Don't fight and don't know each other. "I know from the memory of those people that you are going to fight with other forces recently. I help, you will be even stronger. What do you think of this proposal? "

The alien stabilized, and his voice became more and more calm, even threatening to cooperate with the other party Chen Feng.

"You just wanted me to respect you. Why do you suddenly change your mind now? The people who ate my food have a clear understanding of this world. Naturally, I know who I am. I want some truce sincerely. I want There aren't many, as long as you serve me as the Lord and help me seize Silver City, I can give you freedom. "

Chen Feng did not agree with the other party's request at all, but put forward his own request.

Not only that, after saying this, Chen Feng ’s palm penetrated into the body of the other person a few centimeters. To this day, Chen Feng ’s palm is completely sharp, and half of his hands have penetrated into it. It won't be long before it runs through the other's body and tears the other's organs.

"Okay! From now on you will be my master. I will take your lead and help you seize the world and rule the king!"

This alien did not think about it, perhaps because he was worried about his life, and hurried to answer it.

As soon as this word came out, Xu Hongzhuang's face that had approached not far away changed drastically. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed. For just a few minutes, Chen Feng even conquered a powerful servant?

The other party is right, this alien race is rampant in the sea. If it can be conquered, it will be good for the order and harmless!

"it is good!"

Chen Feng didn't have any nonsense. After the other party responded, he pulled his palm out of the other person's body, and at the moment the palm was pulled out, the sudden change happened. After the sound of the sound actually shrank by more than ten centimeters, he freed himself from the palm of Chen Feng and slid into the deep ocean hundreds of meters away.

"Haha ... I know your existence from the memories of those foods. In those memories, you are an omnipotent deity, why is it so stupid, I just let a little trick and you really let me go? "

The alien first taunted Chen Feng, and then his face became violent and yelled, "You do me bad things and hurt my origin, I will not let you go, nor will I let order, I wo n’t Words that are as stupid as you are, and I have a good taste. When I am promoted to the next level, I will naturally avenge everything you have done to me today! "

Xu Hongzhuang is now horrified. She didn't expect Chen Feng to be completely secretive, so that the other party escaped successfully. She was worried and looked towards Chen Fen, but found the other party's indifferent expression. Somehow, after seeing this expression, Suddenly, Xu Hongzhuang's spirit slowed down a lot. From the understanding of Chen Feng, it is not difficult to see that the other party must have some plans.

as expected.

Just as the alien uncle vented, Chen Feng suddenly sneered: "Do you want to run?"

"Do you think I can trust you with just a few words from you? You try to relax my mind, why don't I use time to inject the flame power into your body?

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Feng grabbed both hands in a vacuum, a large flame of flame suddenly formed and moved under the alien net. At the same time, the alien rose up in the air, and the whole body bloomed in orange-red color. It cracked, it seemed to beg for mercy, but as soon as it opened, the celestial lid burst completely, and the hot brain was poured on the sea ...

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