The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1131: take a bow

For Emperor Zong, everything that he experienced at this time can definitely be described as thrilling, but ... even then, it has never seen such an uncommon scene!

What is the source of this sudden attacker?

How daunting is the power shown? Not only is the strength close to himself, but also so many horrible assistants?

The idea of ​​the insect emperor did not last long, the attack of the evil demon was only a few seconds of effort, and it was blasted on it!

This is the power of long-range attacks.

Unlike melee professionals, they have powerful melee and anti-beating capabilities. Long-range attackers, even if they are not very powerful, have a desperate long-range attack.

The inferior combat power is simply bursting!

Under such a violent blow, Zongdi's body was torn directly, and a large odor of viscera was sprayed out of it. Vaguely, in the center of those viscera, some creeping tapeworms were even seen.

No, it's just a parasite in Zodiac.

Chen Feng frowned, looking at the Emperor's body, and fell into a state of thinking.

It stands to reason that these parasites are a kind of unwise creatures. Even if they evolve, they will have some wisdom. However, these parasites now come out from the emperor's body, and start to madly go away. At that time, they suddenly penetrated into each other's body. At first, the worms had a little resistance, but after a few seconds, their bodies began to twist, and then they showed painful expressions, and then stood on the ground dumb and motionless.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, an idea emerged in his mind, and it seemed to explore the true meaning of some things.

However, the next attack of the evil spirits let Chen Feng's thoughts abruptly stop. The next move made Chen Feng's eyelids jump, only to see the evil spirits reach out into the void, and then there was a crack in the space in front of him. It was a cut that was slender and sharp. She lifted her head, pointed her hands a little, and a dark light passed instantly!

The Emperor's eyes became eternal.

In this case, all of its consciousness is slowly disappearing. This feeling has transcended fear. This is a complete crushing. It is like that his body and even his will are about to disappear in the void. general.

The Emperor Emperor seems to have broken down, and the entire body is directly broken down!

Infinite blood was scattered on the side. After the huge body burst, it was like a blood river breaking in the purgatory, and the indescribable stench swept the ground. At the moment his body broke, he even heard a lot of chills. Ghostly Voice.

"Soul imprisonment?"

Chen Fen let the swallow spit. The enemy in front of him was even scarier than he thought. He even had the ability to imprison his soul.

But in the end ...

It is still dead.

After dying in the hands of the little bad monster, and using such terrible power, the bad monster also looked a little weak, her little face was white, and her arms were a little bit stubborn, but a greedy smile was raised at the corner of her mouth.

To others, the blood on the ground is so stink and disgusting, but to the bad demon, this is her biggest supplement!

Victory? !!

Many people saw the horrible existence on their heads divided into corpses, and many began to exclaim and cheer in order to vent this belated victory.

However, at this time Chen Feng was not caught in the cheers of this victory, because he always felt that this victory was simply too simple!

It stands to reason that the Emperor's strength is more than just this, so what is going on with all this?

Compared to those cheering and escaping soldiers, Chen Feng thought of it farther away, and when he was thinking, suddenly the sky filled with insects.

The worms have been suppressed to the extreme. It stands to reason that there is no possibility of turning over again.

But now, this hissing seems to silence the whole world, even the many volcanoes underground have stopped the magma gushing!

In a piece of blood, the Emperor's body slowly began to condense.

Yes, it began to condense little by little, just like being subjected to a certain aspect of the transformation experiment. The Emperor Zong completed the second rebirth from the blood infiltrated by the worms.

Chen Feng originally focused on those bugs. After the parasites appeared, they were anxious to find the host. Now, after the parasite is successfully parasitic, it directly breaks the host's internal organs, and the blood gathers into a new one. Bug Emperor.


Chen Feng's face was unclear, expressionless, but his voice was roaring and roaring like a beast. It was also a punch, flowing with a dark golden light, such as the stormy sea and the galloping anger, and he struck the Emperor in an instant. On his body ...

At this moment, Chen Feng, Jingqi God completely exploded like a volcano, and the gushing power could hardly be described in words. Now, coupled with violent eyes and cruel hatred, to a certain extent, he It's crazy!

The Emperor went forward, his scarlet eyes flashed with extremely cold blood, and the tip of his tongue even hissed.

The Emperor Emperor, who was born again after bathing in blood, gradually became beastly, and the roar of instinct originated in his mind.

For the Emperor, it does not pick blood, whether it is humans or insects, all the blood is the supplement that it depends on.


At this time, a good worm appeared in front of him, and the worms who lost their last sense became confused.

The worm was the legendary worm emperor hiding behind it. The worm emperor raised his right arm and punched him. The worm's back was immediately hammered into a large hole, and a thick stream of blood was scattered. Even those red, green, and green intestines are sprayed out of the body!

The legendary level bug has unparalleled vitality, and its body is as hard as steel. General attacks can't kill it completely. However, at this moment, Emperor Zong destroys the opponent's physiological functions.

At this time, the Emperor Emperor seemed to become a monster that only knew how to eat, lie on the ground, and then began to suck!

However, while the Emperor was eating ...


The harsh sound of torn air tore the void, dragged a trail of aftermath to attack, and the speed was so terrible that countless arrows came to the death!

The Emperor wants to escape, but there is nothing to hide!

Even if the response is slow, at this time, the Emperor knows that he has encountered an ambush by the enemy!


There is no escape, he has only one retreat, and that is hardwired!

The Emperor was expressionless, and there was even a very anthropomorphic look on the blood-red cheek.


Blood flashed, and the fist-colored glass of the fist boiled like a flame. At this time, the Emperor squeezed out all the strength in the bones, and his blood was surging, and his fist smashed the city and struck the attacker in front.

In the face of the sneak attack, the Emperor Zong had no fear at all. Instead, his momentum suddenly became extremely horrible in this one, and the stormy power was squeezed out from him. A **** killing breath came to earth!

In the face of this fatal blow, Erwin behaved unbelievably. The two parties were still a few hundred meters away, but just now, she suddenly had an illusion of being completely enveloped.

It was as shocked as being bombarded by Wan Lei, his head was trembling, and a large blood stain was sprayed in his mouth and nose.


Another black and red blood spewed out of his mouth. Erwin wanted to stand firmly, but the severe shock just before had paralyzed half of his body.

This also relies on Erwin being a legendary dark elf. If it were replaced by another existence, if it was hit by this peak, it would have been violent on the spot!

"After rebirth, the opponent's strength seems to have become a lot stronger."

Just as Chen Feng murmured to himself, the horrifying Zerg Emperor had turned his head to Chen Feng, and those bloodthirsty scarlet eyes radiated a violent breath of extinction, as if he could only destroy with his eyes Heaven and earth, slaughter all creatures!

At this moment, it is expressing its own anger!


The Emperor Zong uttered a heartbreaking roar, and the horrible mouth was filled with acrid sulfuric acid.

The violent breath from the Emperor. Seems to be directed at Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng tremble, instinctively felt a choking danger!

An epic powerhouse insane? This is more horrible than the sane, because the other party is often not rational at all when it is doing something.

I saw the Emperor staring at Chen Feng as if looking at his prey. Suddenly, it took a step forward, and the tail behind him flew toward Chen Feng like a steel bar. The quick action seemed to make the surrounding air Tearing is so extreme, it's almost violent!

In the flash of light and fire, Chen Feng had no time to dodge, and had to take a step back in a hurry to avoid the fatal blow.


Chen Feng shook his hands and summoned a protective cover in front of the body, but the attacking power of Zongdi was extremely terrible. With just one hit, the protection in front of Chen Feng began to break, but in a flash, it became airborne. Debris.

"Dare to attack me. I don't want to live!"

Chen Feng is not a good believer. In this case, he was naturally agitated by the insect emperor. He took a deep breath and forcibly settled himself. Then he squeezed countless dazzling handprints like a butterfly. , Want to strengthen the power of the contract to summon a new summoning beast, in order to trap the opponent.

This is not the end. When backing down, Chen Feng swelled his mouth, just like a toad. The whole chin swelled, then his back was bent, and an angry flame shot toward the Emperor!

The temperature of this flame is extremely high, and even steel at this temperature will definitely turn into molten iron. This is the skill that Chen Feng learned after learning the essence of the flame after he was promoted to the epic.


Due to the peculiarities of the body, the insect emperor's patience for pain is extremely terrible. For example, the containment of Chen Feng now, instead of compromising it, has increased its fierceness!

Time can't wait for people. Just when Chen Feng was shocked, the Zerg Emperor over there was already full of resentment, madly spreading his teeth and dancing towards Chen Fengyao, and at the same time the muscles on his body wriggled again and launched the attack again!

Before the resurrection of the Emperor Emperor was due to the parasite beasts in his body, now Chen Feng witnessed the death and rise of the Emperor Emperor, and suddenly had an idea in his heart. Could it be said that the appearance of the Emperor Emperor was only fake, like the inner one? Those parasites, like maggots, are the real culprits!

Ascaris ... is the true body of this Emperor!

Chen Feng gritted his teeth, and the incinerator and insect tide were inextricably linked. As for Erwin and the inferior enemies, they did not respond, but tried to make some under the crazy and intensive attack of the Emperor. change.

The summoned beast could not be approached for a short time. Chen Feng condensed all his energy under his feet. At the time of life and death, he squeezed the potential in the body, and some wolverines moved quickly!


Destructive energy swept through a range of several meters, arousing countless dust and gravel. At the moment of attack, the Emperor Emperor poured out the corrosive liquid in his body, causing a layer of darkness on the surrounding land. s color!

Chen Feng is unhappy, but the Emperor on the ground seems even more unpleasant. Its fierce eyes are as cold as electricity. In the roar, the speed is almost as fast as ~ ~ replaced by fragments that have been directly torn apart by others. !!

When the Emperor Emperor flashed again and was about to cut through Chen Feng's body, a huge demon followed him again. The Krurich Demon participated in the battle. The opponent held an amazing beheading knife in his hand, appeared out of thin air, and then exerted his strength. With a cut, the half-cuttered tail of Zongdi fell to the ground.

Avoiding is not a solution at all. If the Emperor Emperor explodes, the consequences will be unthinkable. Attacking is the best way under the attack of such a terrible opponent.

"Give me a full attack!"

Chen Feng's eyes fluttered and he gave a new order to summon the beast. Turning to the other side, the evil monster opened his mouth and sprayed a dragon's breath. The incendiary monster forced the insect to retreat, and then a huge flame bomb condensed from the palm of his hand. Erwin Holding the body and pulling the arrow string, the streamer flickered, and the eyes hurt, and finally Krurich's chest opened his mouth, destroying the dead light, and bombed it towards the Emperor.

Under such a terrible offensive, Chen Feng also made an amazing action. He turned out to be an arrow off the string, following countless destruction attacks and swept forward. The only difference was that his hand had an extra one at this time. Long sword with burning flames.

--sword of eternity!


With a sound of penetration, with the beginning of numerous bombardments, a dark parasite appeared again. It seemed to be frightened, and began to escape towards the distant worm. Just as it swam fast, a strong palm Suddenly he held it in his hand.

"I finally caught you!"

Chen Feng smiled and looked at the little worm that was swinging wildly in front of his eyes, with a satisfied smile on his face!

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