The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1136: Summoner


A horrible energy came from the sky, penetrated the obstacles of the layers of clouds, and it will fall on the body of the abyss!

The pupils of the abyss refining contracted, and their tails lifted, even catching the boulder in the back, even with their bodies, they shifted backwards.


A huge explosion exploded in place, and some slow little devil and low-level cowardly demons were instantly blown into pieces. For a time, the battlefield was filled with scarlet plasma and broken bones.


The abyss refining demon immediately smelled a weird smell. It could not tell what smell it was, but it was indeed a scent.

Chaos, killing.

This was a very strange feeling. There was a horror in the soul of the abyss refining spirit. For a moment, even his lips were tingling.


This feeling made the abyss refining demon feel disgusted and surprised, just like a mouse seeing a cat, his hair was erected, and a fear originating from the soul level enveloped him.


What a joke!

There is a hint of resentment on the ugly face of the Abyssal Refining Demon. Others may only consider it as a monster, but only the Abyssal Refining Demon knows best where the source of its strength comes from.

The lord who defends one side in the abyss has epic strength, even one step away from the mythological realm. The abyss refining entrusts the soul and faith to such a powerful devil, and the power it has acquired in the past makes it unfavorable. With a horrible devil, his own strength is even beyond the legend.


Even with such powerful power, he still felt deep fear.

The abyss refining monster has a strong bloodline among the devil.

The governor of the **** territory, the commander of the Nine Prison Army, the staff of the devil's grand dukes, the abyssal refining of the abyss are the real strong men who have risen to the top of the devil's society. Powerful, tenacious, and extremely horrifying wisdom, these **** ruling classes are serving their archduke, enforcing their own laws in the land of the nine prisons, or blessing and blessing in the mortal world. A considerable degree of self-determination has been given. The skeleton of the abyss refining is covered with a thick layer of muscles, and the skin is also covered with scales as hard as armor and Libby swords. This body is enough to withstand the most deadly attacks.

Their sharp fangs like a dagger in their mouths and their extremely fierce appearance can well cover the abyssal refining demon even among the demons. The Abyss Refining Demon was born in the deepest part of Nine Prison, most of them are the apprehensions and chiru demons directly promoted by the devil or the **** duke. These demons often appear as army commanders in other levels of Hell, even outside of Hell, but most of them will choose to stay in the Dark Court of Nethes as the leader of Hell for various unknown purposes. service.

For example, this abyss refining monster is four meters tall, six meters wide, and weighs more than 1,000 pounds.

Abyssal refining masters are the masters of manipulating hellfires. They also like to live in areas where the flames are burning, such as Avenus, Diss, Malboggi, Nessus, and Fregoso in Nine Prisons. Ideal level of the fort. They firmly believe in the devil's supremacy and iron-handed rule, which enables the abyssal refining demon to effectively build a devil's army, as well as to screen and promote the most degraded bad demon. When training the **** army can no longer satisfy their sense of accomplishment, the abyss refining casts its eyes on the half plane and the material plane in the multiverse, and conquers these worlds as an extension of the power of **** And personal glory.

Although their class makes most of the devil have to work for them, they still keep pursuing their power for a moment, and if the abyssal refining demon feels that he is not qualified to serve, he will not hesitate Abandoned his useless boss. Regardless of being the master or the servant, the abyss refining devil takes himself as the rigorous performer of the laws of **** and the strongest in the devil society.

Only the most powerful mortal spellcasters are courageous enough to summon the abyssal refining demon. These devil will quickly and calmly respond to the call, and appear in the caller with the raging anger of such insignificant creatures who dare to disturb their immortal life In front of them, those inadequate waste wood are usually immediately burned to the ground-and the soul is mostly dragged into **** by the abyss. And for those casters who are interested in restraining these powerful devil, as a teaser, the abyss refining demon will usually faithfully "service" them for centuries.

Then the final outcome of these arrogant plans was nothing more than this: their souls were corrupted by the abyss refining devil, and it was playing with applause. When this mortal finally dies, his soul will become another perfect slave of the abyss. Their immortal existence and superb intellect have made the abyss refining demon understand the importance of patience. An old-fashioned abyss refining demon often has an army of fool souls who once considered themselves the "master" of this devil.

This is the abyss refining demon, a creature known for its intelligence and strength. It comes to this plane with only one purpose, that is, occupation and conquest!

Killing all the way, the abyss refining does not know how many human territories have been transformed. In its eyes, humans are undoubtedly the weakest creatures, without courage and blood, and are countless weaker than the cowardly demons in the abyss. After seeing themselves Even without the courage to shoot, wisdom knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and waiting for the end of those humans, there was only a dead end.

There is some thought in the abyss refining spirit. It will eventually rule here and become the king here, but at this time, it did not expect that it would encounter such a catastrophic obstacle.

The dust dispersed.

The Abyss Refining Demon quickly saw its opponent.

The abyss refining demon is ready to fight back. The appearance of the metalized skeleton is full of resilience. He is about four meters tall, and the saliva drips down the lips full of fangs, sending out "噗哧" "噗哧" The sound, it is clear, its saliva carries a very strong corrosive liquid.

In front of the abyss, a huge coffin appeared suddenly, the coffin opened, and a body covered with yellow bandages emerged from it. It did not know how many years it was buried in the ground, but it was only a cloth strip on the body. It had already turned yellow, and a strong scent of corpse came out of him.


The humans present were naturally aware of what this thing was. This is a mummy that has not been dead for many years, but is now resurrected!

How, how could this be? "

The abyss refining and countless devil have made the surrounding humans feel what is called fear, and now, these people are all horrified by this horrible, a carpet-like brain bombing!

Everyone felt a never-before-seen fear, rushing from the mummy's body, and the tragic will, like the roar of thousands of ghosts, made people feel terrifying.

The strength of the abyss refining has made everyone feel a heartfelt despair, and now, after the appearance of the horrible mummy, the former powerful god-giver around them, like weak chickens, buried their heads under the sand.

It's like a horrifying horror, blasting out of the mummy's body, entangled in the surrounding battlefield, and everyone's heart is dyed and conquered.

Everyone clearly perceives the suffocating energy fluctuations, and even foresees the scene of being killed by the other party.


Is enemy or friend? What exactly is it!

It moved.

The footsteps sounded like a sickle of death, making everyone even breathe smaller, for fear of getting the other's attention.

Everyone was suffocating, waiting nervously and helplessly.

Everyone held their breath for this time they had no idea what to do except to pray.

Just behind the mummy, Li Shuo's eyes were congested, and his fists were about to be broken, staring closely at the mummy's body.

For some reason, his heart beats faster and faster, and his cheeks and top of his head turn red, which is a sign of congestion.

He loves this land. As a college student, if he develops in accordance with normal life, Li Shuo should have a happy life, a wealthy family, a kind family and a beautiful girlfriend. He is a real winner in life.

But the end is here, taking away everything he has for him, but also giving him a part of the repayment, that is, having the ability to summon creatures from other worlds.

Compared to Chen Feng's confinement to the summoning of the abyss, Li Shuo has a lot of differences compared to it.

An acolyte capable of infinite division and reorganization. The body is made up of machines, and the stars come with independent and intelligent thinking. There are also some strange monsters, or monsters with three skulls or densely packed eyes.

Li Shuo did not know when he became the king of the city. He guarded it and protected the people from being killed and attacked. The most precious thing is that he has never been distorted, even if the atrocities in the city are not all effective. Management, after all, besides him, this city has countless powerful, god-given blessings from God, and no fish from water to clear, Li Shuo naturally understands this truth, even if some people walk in darkness , But as the ruler of another world, he praises the merits of ordinary people.

Li Shuo has been abiding by his responsibilities. He tried to maintain this city far from order, hoping to live like this, but not long ago, an attack from the devil completely made Li Shuo's heart fall to the bottom.

The ruler never thought of giving up all the grass and trees here. After all the summoned beasts died in the past, he used his last strength to summon the long-sleeping mummy!

"Kill it!"

Even if the abyss refining monster is a creature of the legendary realm, what about the grand duke in the abyss behind it?

Li Shuo is the guardian here, naturally has the obligation to fight for everyone here!

The mummy's feet full of explosive power suddenly stepped out, and the chaotic will on his body burst out instantly. He thundered and grabbed a cowardly mouth with his hands, the unstoppable power, and immediately split the cowardly split lips. Devices burst out of blood!


After being covered with plasma, the mummy was even more brutal and violent. It roared, and a ripple visible to the naked eye seemed to tear up the space, causing the little devil nearby to explode.

In the blink of an eye, a red blood mist visible to the naked eye had shrouded nearby, the devil roared, roared, squirmed, and issued a scream of screaming, and the mummy had a savage look, and roaring For nine days, even ordinary people in the city felt tinnitus and eardrums hurt!

"All the warriors!"

When the battle between the abyss and the mummy was in full swing, Li Shuo condensed his voice into his voice, which was equivalent to multiplying the sound by dozens of times, and yelled at the entire battlefield: "We cannot fail, We have repelled countless enemies, how can we lose everything here? Think about your loved ones and friends? Do you hope that everything here will be destroyed, and then the homeland that was created easily will be destroyed? "

"The disgusting monsters have brought such a terrible loss to our hometown. We must pay them. It is our enemy. Ugly creatures have destroyed the entire world. Now we want to destroy our homeland. We will agree. No? No, we never promise! "

Li Shuo's voice, like the wave of thunder condensing, spread rapidly on the battlefield.

Even though the guts of the people around them were already scared, but at this time, under the rendering of Li Shuo, some strength was restored. More importantly, the general of the devil, the abyssal refining demon was blocked from the attacking posture, This gave the soldiers the confidence to fight back the devil!

More and more demons are killed, and the humans participating in the war are not just simple professionals ~ ~ Many of them are just ordinary humans. The reason why they chose to stand out is to simply protect themselves Home!

Humans living in the doomsday know the darkness of this world. Once invaded here, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

The abyss refining demon has been silent for a long time, almost like sitting on the ground, staring at the mummy for a long time, extruding four almost zero degrees in the teeth: "I want you to die!"

The dark eyes swept across all the soldiers. Wherever the eyes went, the air seemed to become a thick quagmire, pulling the soul of each soldier into the river.

The body of the abyss refining demon gradually began to degenerate, and a bone was derived from its body. On the contrary, its fur began to fall off, especially in the mouth, and a terrible stench appeared, just like the same The body, which had been exposed to the sun for several days, was full of disgusting smell.

"Everyone will die today!"

Under extreme anger, the abyss refining demon said such a threat, today, for the summoner Li Shuo, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

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