The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1143: Faceless Lord

Waves are brewing under the calm waters.

From the beginning of the order to the front line of the towering island, the energy of the last days is extremely unstable. This sea area may encounter vortices. How it is formed is uncertain, but sometimes a huge vortex will appear, inhaling everything nearby Somewhere in the deep sea.

I don't know the inside of the Great Vortex. Even the legend won't get involved easily. It can only vaguely guess that it is related to the ruins on the sea floor.

锋 Chen Feng cannot keep the troops on the sea for a long time, because this will accelerate the advent of failure, and the end is full of countless possibilities. Compared to luck, the danger is 80%.

Therefore, Chen Feng needs to find a new foothold, which will isolate order from the towering island, and will also become a new barrier to order and the main battlefield.

The exploration team conducted a close investigation around.

I soon.

A huge island appeared in the sight of order with a lush virgin forest on it. This island is three times larger than the towering island. The only drawback is that it is some distance from the towering island. This requires strict investigation and attention, because order must respond to the discovery of Silver City's troops. .


Chen Feng stared at the island in front of her, a cold cold light appeared in her eyes.

来到 When he came to a strange island this time, he was the destroyer. Correcting his mentality would not affect his next judgment. Because of the large area of ​​the island, Chen Feng could only choose one location to land. There are no natural ports, and the imminent war is imminent, so everything is in full swing.


的 The roar of some beast came.

拥有 There is a dense forest here, because it is in the corner of the deep ocean, and it is closed after the end of the day. In this case, no one knows exactly what kind of enemies there are.

Unlike the desert islands of the peace era, there are only pure beasts. After the end of the day, dangerous creatures are not just indigenous people, sprints, mutants, there are also some species that have inherently powerful forces.

The previous exploration team described some monsters Mo Mo in the search process. Those powerful monsters have an orangutan-like body, but their size is dozens of times larger than that of ordinary orangutans. Fortunately, if you do n’t anger them, those behemoths Will not actively attack humans, but accidentally angered these behemoths, they are absolutely terrifying existence!

Those monsters can even weigh more than five tons. They have a reinforced iron bone, huge fists can open the mountain gravel with bare hands, and the energy of the doom will further strengthen these horrible guys. This is the doomsday. Any creature has evolution. may!

As we continue to explore, some ugly creatures come into view, and that is the slime monster!

No doubt, this is a group of creatures from the outside world.

Slime monsters are usually about 8 feet in diameter, but sometimes they produce giant slime monsters.

软 When the slime creeps forward, its body will stretch until it becomes 16 to 32 feet, and then retracts forward from the rear to return to a diameter of about 8 feet. Repeatedly, to achieve sports behavior.

The Ooze is generally slow, but it can erupt at high speeds when foraging and being threatened. Don't be fooled by its clumsy appearance.

All slime monsters, whether aggressive or not, are quite dangerous, because their composition contains strong acid substances without exception. It is unknown whether this is a natural mixture or the chemical reaction generated inside the slime monsters. .

Although the slime monster is an inorganic organism, it also needs to forage. After they catch the prey, the sticky body will quickly wrap the prey and make it impossible to escape, and the strong acid will begin to digest and dissolve the prey at a high speed. If a creature is swallowed by a slime monster, it can be digested and consumed within 1 minute.

According to information, there are tens of thousands of slime monsters here, this creature is not able to spawn from this island. In addition, Chen Feng smelled a familiar taste as early as standing on the bow of the ship. Slight smell of sulfur.

Here is the abyss.

As a knowledgeable person with a lot of knowledge in the abyss, Chen Feng quickly analyzed the forces to which these slime monsters belonged.


Faceless Lord

It is a chaotic evil male demon lord with powers of mud monsters, toxins and laziness

Preferred Weapon: Heavy Hardhead Hammer

Evil emblem: a melting red eye

Shrine: cave, garbage dump, sewage pipe

Disciple: Those who seek other plane powers, drug addicts, drug addicts, and idlers.

One mastered a whole level of existence in the abyss, Jubilex, a name that was heard by the abyss creatures and had a headache.

朱 Of the demon lords who can feel the impact on Graleon, Jubilex is probably the least concerned about religious worship. His favorite minion servants liked to spread his church even more than himself. In fact, it was controversial whether Jubilex realized that he had believers. Only in Zall, his belief was particularly prevalent; they considered him a patron of poisons and toxins.

Of course, he is not a respectable entity, but rather a source of strength worth digging. However, despite Jubilex's lack of interest in his follower's loyalty, he likes to absorb the reluctant human body from the material plane into his protoplasts, and never refuses any worship given to him by his admirers. Product.

主 The Lord at any level should not be underestimated.

庇 Jubilex's body showed an indeterminate shape, marble-like green slime, black tar bands on it, and hundreds of red eyes with the size of a human head. In battle, he can attack fiercely with several sour and poisonous tentacles. The properties of these toxins change even between different attacks, and it is difficult, if not impossible, to prepare for their destruction in advance.

庇 Jubilex's toxins can even affect creatures that are not normally poisoned, which further strengthens his position as the master of toxins. The acid secreted by his huge body is especially effective for meat and bones, and it can also harm organisms immune to acid. But attacking his enemies with irresistible toxins and supernatural strong acids is just the simplest horror that Jubilix can release.

Some people who survived after facing the faceless Lord, they tell stories that Jubilex took liquids such as blood and tears from a living object, then injected these liquids into the destructive mud, and then pumped them The liquid is returned to the person being pumped, so that it is painfully consumed from the body. Others say that the faceless master has the ability to turn the air into a thick, appetizing suspension that is both uncomfortable and difficult to pass through. Even if the air around Jubilex did not thicken, the stench from his presence could kill plants and peel meat from bones. Of course, there are other evil ways of attacking the Demon Lord-so far no one who has survived atrocities has warned the world.

what does this mean?

When encountering each other, no matter how powerful the warrior or the mage, he will become a humble escape, and no one can escape in the other's hands. This is the conclusion of countless years of challenges.

Jupilex's kingdom in the abyss is called the "bottom pit"), consisting of intricate sewer-like catacombs and tunnels winding under dozens of other abyss kingdoms. In a way, the pit functions like an abyss sewer system-it connects to all major cities on the plane with this ability. Many creatures use pits to secretly move or destroy evidence between nations, but when they do, they must be careful to avoid Jubilex, or otherwise ensure that there are enough " Distractors "keeps it busy.

The Faceless Lord roams the pit almost randomly, often in some areas, but rarely visiting other areas, so that other strange and dangerous creatures claim sovereignty over these areas.

Some people say in private that the tunnels and pipes that have been opened in the pit can even extend to many worlds of the material plane. This theory is supported by the fact that Jubilex is well known in many worlds. More than any other Demon Lord.

Chen Feng turned out of this knowledge point and fell into a few minutes of silence. This is a great shore that can stretch the stench hands to other planes.

Like many other nonhuman demon lords, Jubilex existed before the rise of demonic life in the abyss. In those primitive times, he resembled a truly mindless ancient demon lord—

When the life of the demon appeared in the abyss, this prototype of Jubilex encountered more and more demon encounters while searching for the tunnel of the pit. At first it just swallowed them up, but when it did, it started to keep fragments of their sinful thoughts. Over time, Jubilex accumulated countless pieces of personality and formed his own wisdom—

In this regard, the evil demon and the faceless master are surprisingly similar, relying on devouring to gain strength and knowledge.

However, the personality unearthed from the demon's mind made this new Joppelex himself a demon. When he swallowed and digested a now-forgotten tunnel and poisonous demon lord, Jubilex became a fully-developed demon lord.

The faceless Lord theoretically possesses the characteristics of infinite swallowing and unlimited growth. It is impossible to imagine how terrible a change would occur if his protoplasmic body devoured a true god.

After exposing the memories in his mind, Chen Feng got a one-sided image. The faceless master is an extremely ugly lord. It is said that even he can't bear to see his own appearance, and mortals will die directly.

Even, Chen Feng also found the prayers of the believers.

"Glory goes to the dark, my silent master, the guardian of the plague, the father of Slime, Jubilex!"

庇 Jubilex's servant is probably one of the most disgusting creatures in the multiverse. The skin is covered with gelatinous mucus, and it also has a foul odor at any time. Jubilex's servants have no place in normal society, but the more powerful servants may also rely on camouflage to act in the civilized world.

Puppet warriors and savages sometimes became the servants of Jubilex, and the priest serving the demon lord often embarked on a path different from ordinary people.

庇 Jubilex's servants always act alone. No one except the undead, the glia, and the cancer mage can stand the smell.

Now, the odor that appears on this land is likely to be a believer in this faceless Lord.

It's tricky.

Chen Feng frowned slightly. The world is very big. Since the establishment of the order two years ago, he has no right to speak to other environments except for the tens of miles. This is the end of the world. One attracts countless powerful enemies because of energy. , The world of monsters coming and peeping.

In this case, especially in unfamiliar areas and lesser-known islands, it is likely that dark forces from other worlds are trapped, such as this newly discovered land.

所有 Everything here is very annoying. Before everyone landed, they frowned frequently because of the smell floating in the air.

Looking for new land?

This is impossible.

According to the report, Silver City has already hoarded a large number of troops on the towering island. After the order stopped supplying food, the food in Silver City was diminishing. In order to live, the high-levels of Silver City must respond accordingly.

Chen Feng has no choice. This island is undoubtedly the most suitable place for order right now. All he has to do now is to drive away the [indigenous people] who occupy it.

Chen Feng offended too many strong men and didn't care about being another faceless master.

As the fleet docked nearby, Chen Feng's figure also flew up. When it was lifted to tens of meters, many monsters that should not have appeared in this world appeared in Chen Feng's sight ~ ~ Underneath is a dense jungle.

You can see the broken trees and the huge footprints left on the ground. The slime figure is easy to identify. After the stench and soft body passed over the land, the original thick land began to smell, as if it were corroded. , It is simply impossible to return to the original state in a short time.

And because of energy, some plants have also mutated. Those plants have become predators, and the things they eat are no longer satisfied with ordinary flies and mosquitoes, but have become larger and stronger creatures.

大致 This is roughly the case on this island.

From an environmental point of view, this place is much worse than the towering island, so it may take a long time for Chen Feng to develop it well. But unfortunately, Silver City and this war are destined not to give themselves too much time.

and so……

Chen Feng rubbed his eyebrows and said to the messenger on the side: "Start plan A."

"Yes!" The soldier answered and hurriedly conveyed the order.

For a troublesome relationship, the most important thing is to cut off, and for a dilapidated house, it is pushed back to cover. As for this island full of unknowns, what Chen Feng has to do now is to completely destroy it. All The vegetation and life are gone, and what remains is a bare military fortress that is best suited as a foothold for soldiers!

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