The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1153: Hunting

Before the decisive battle with Silver City, Chen Feng still needed to complete further reserves. Compared with the existing resources of Silver City, Chen Feng's advantage was that he could use the power of the abyss to complete his reserves.

Just when the army and the front line were about to converge, and then started the war, Chen Feng came to a place where the evil was bred, and that was the abyss.

And this time, Chen Feng's main goal is to be a monster living here!

That is the temptation.

Unlike the succubus, which uses tricks to provoke mortals' lusts and desires to degenerate, seducers are another type of seducer. Although fiercely beastly in appearance, the seducer is actually the master of deception and lies. The temptation uses its illusion to cover its true face. It uses magic to satisfy the wishes of mortals. In this way, it rewards those who submit to its lies and tricks.

Temptations often satisfy the wish of the wisher in the most violent and destructive way-although this may not have an immediate effect. A hard-working weapon maker may wish to make his craft famous, and in the end it will find that his best work is used as a weapon by the brutal murderer to wreak havoc; the lonely person may wish to have a companion, and in the end he You will lose love and become a vampire, and so on. So temptation does not really fulfill the wishes of mortals.

The seductive demon has the ability to deceive, and when necessary, can transform into the characters it has encountered. They often approach the enemy by fraudulent methods, and then shoot and kill! Moreover, the other party also has the characteristics of stealth. I have to say that this demon species is suitable for assassination missions!

Chen Feng's expectation is to flow these demons into Silver City. It is conceivable how unpreparable it will be when people familiar with the past launch attacks on themselves.

Chen Feng valued the other two capabilities of the opponent, so he appointed the evil devil to investigate. Not long ago, the evil devil found a fortress headed by the seductive demon, and this is the hunting action today.

Under the call of Chen Feng and the bombing of advanced weapons in the order, the gate of the fortress was already smashed. At this time, the evil spirits were in a strong confrontation with the tempting monster leader.

The speed of the seductive demon and the bad demon is super fast. From the appearance to the shot, the whole process takes less than half a second.

The seductive demon is now completely violent.

And its concealment is extremely incredible. Not only does it not make any footsteps, it does not even have the peculiar smell of monsters, just like a ghost. If it is an ordinary enemy, it has not even found the shadow of a seductive demon. Strangling.

The evil spirit possesses the blood of the fire dragon, and has a natural keenness for some bloodthirsty and violent breath. At this time, the evil spirit takes a step forward, and an elemental ball of fire spit out instantly, curbing the seductive attack!

Not enough!

Far from enough!

At this time, the temptation possesses good strength, plus this is its main battlefield. After decades of accumulation, everything here has the strength to bless the temptation. Once both Really fighting, even fighting against the evil spirits to a close match.

No matter how much time we spend with each other, the evil spirits have a very important position in Chen Feng's heart. He simply can't bear to let the evil spirits fight easily.


This creature likes to devour and kill. They are never picky eaters. Any living creature is the object they hunt. Because of stealth, they have strong hiding power. Only when these monsters emerge, he can know Where are they hiding.

Of course, for the reward of the answer, the temptations are definitely not stubborn, that is ...


A cloud of shadows emerged.

One of the characteristics of the invisibility of the seductive demon is that it has a sharp shadow under its feet. It is said that this is their soul, hiding and hunting. The seductive demon is very clever to link the two together.


Because he is not assured of evil spirits, Chen Feng's hands are like flowers and butterflies, and they instantly flutter up. The call at this time is naturally to affect the temptation monsters, so there is no need for too powerful demons, just some of the most basic calls!

"Come on!" At the critical moment, Chen Feng didn't have time to explain, and hurriedly yelled.

At this time, Chen Feng's nuclear energy was surging, and almost instantly, a crypt-like demon exuding a rotten atmosphere came out of the formation!

Chen Feng didn't dare to take care at this time. He was full of seriousness all over his body, because he knew that in the face of the creature such as seducer, any little episode might lead to endless disaster!

Crypt Demon is a common monster in the abyss. It is a kind of transforming demon who can change into an animal in the desert, especially a hyena. They will loot the grave, feed on the flesh or children of the deceased, and lure travelers to the desert wasteland to kill and devour them.

They belong to the evil rebellion and live mainly in the desert. Sometimes they also wander in graves, wilderness or places where someone has just died, so even in a densely populated area, even if they are strong, they dare not spend the night in the wild, except for the grave, because the death rate in the last days has greatly increased. In the vicinity of some densely populated cities, crypt crypt demons will also appear.

Although crypt demons are ugly, there are also different types, such as cave crypt demons, which are cruel and a little treacherous, and look similar to crooked cannibals. They live in a lack of food. In the cave, eat the spiders and moths there. It groans constantly, and occasionally throws things around, but basically it is simple-minded, and the worst is just to yell at those who stumble upon it, which is frightening.

The Crypt Demon that Chen Feng now summons is the most ferocious Crypt Demon. Most of it will roam in the grave, wild or where someone just died, and they will invade the dead and flesh of the cemetery for food. . You can also possess the dead and confuse the lost people to kill them in an evasive way.

The Crypt Demon shot violently, leaning forward, a pair of arms with white hair stretched out.


There was a muffled sound.

In the shadows, the seducer was obviously hit, making a harsh noise, but it didn't seem to suffer any decent damage, but made a counterattack, even holding the Crypt Demon's arm and pulling it hard. Drag it into the shadow.

"Woohoo ..."

The Crypt Demon howled wildly, but his body weight was obviously not enough to compete with the strength of the monster's two claws, and he was tumbled on the ground for several meters.

就是 But even at this time, the Crypt Demon did not forget the mission that Chen Feng called to himself. He struggled hard to escape from the powerful enemy in front of him.

Unfortunately, this is unrealistic in the end,

"Woohoo ..."

The fierceness of the Crypt Demon was exerted to the fullest extent at this moment. Even if one arm had been taken off, the Crypt Demon still lay on his hands on the hard ground, and his nails were torn and teared by an inch by an inch. Dragged into the darkness, a scarlet mark on the ground.

The death of the Crypt Demon is not completely useless, at least its last struggle has given the bad demon a chance to visualize the strength of the other party.


This powerful enemy from the abyss, just a simple shot, put the Crypt Devil into trouble, and even lost that dirty life!

Killing the Crypt Demon makes the temptation to seduce the Demon more intense. It stands there, and the extremely metallic meat armor makes people desperate, giving them an unparalleled sense of oppression. The pair are almost ping-pong The red giant eyes of the size of a ball flashed with negative human feelings, seemingly full of hatred and brutality, murderous! !!

The life of the overlord of the abyss has already enticed the devil to develop a taunting temper, a god-giver, and a bug, with only food in his heart.

"Dragon Tail Shake!"

The bad demon seized the opportunity. In this critical round, instead of making it impossible to counterattack, he seized this rare opportunity and launched an attack instantly!

Next, the evil spirits will come all the way in just a few seconds. The most terrifying trick is used all over the seductive monsters!

"Squeak ..."

The temptation can't stand the pain. It seems to be invaded by the sea bottom, surrounded by the pressure from all directions, and there is a crackling sound in the head. However, the temptation still has no choice but to give up. Supported to resist these attacks of the bad demons.

锋 Chen Feng took a step back, opened his eyes, flashed a little suspicion, it did not expect the power of the seducer to be so powerful.

"No opportunity is lost, no more loss, no matter how stubborn you are, you cannot escape from me. Your tribe will eventually lead me and defeat the enemy army under my orders!"

good chance!

Because of the counterattack of the bad demon, a rift appeared in the soul of the tempting demon, and this was caught by Chen Feng in an instant!


I had a gust of wind blowing, somehow. In Chen Feng's eyes, the horrifying spiritual power turned into blue magpies rotating in the air, exploding in the air, just like blossoming colorful chrysanthemums blooming in the air. The gorgeous power is simply intoxicating!


The ferocious mental power surged into the body of the seducer, bursting out a wild blue light, destroying the brain of the seducer, and there was a great potential to destroy its thinking!

I have no thinking, just like the Crypt Demon summoned just now. I just listen to the command and I don't know anything else. It can be said that I am like I with no aura. But at this time, Chen Feng would still care about these. At present, he only has one idea, that is, to conquer this abyssal monster anyway!

The strong conviction really gave Chen Feng a slight upper hand, but he didn't dare to relax for a moment!

In the realm of Chen Feng, he was no longer satisfied with simple calling. As a summoner, every time he was promoted, Chen Feng's mental power would enter a new era. Now, when the body of the seducer has been severely damaged, It is undoubtedly the time for Chen Feng's shot!

Once tamed it, then, in a short period of time, Chen Feng added some confidence in the event of victory over Silver City.


Chen Feng growled madly, and at the moment when the seducer was about to break free, he suddenly exerted his strength, mobilizing his blood and spirit, and the air seemed to become sticky. When he stepped on the ground, he stepped forward again. Take a few steps. He has decided to abandon the seductive mind and destroy his consciousness with all his strength, so that it becomes a slave to let himself be!

This is a pure 傀儡!

For the summoner, most of the time, they hope to establish deep friendship and affection with their summoned beast.

Of course, Chen Feng is an exception. For him, the summoned beasts can always be sacrificed at will, and compared to these summoned beasts, they are more miserable and miserable.

They can't be promoted at all, which indicates that once Chen Feng decides to make the seducer into a slap, then the seducer is extremely poor in his life, and he cannot cross the legend and become an epic.

这么做 Chen Feng did this, naturally he had his intention.

The IQ of the temptation monster is originally low, and because of its violent temperament, it cannot be tamed at all, so for Chen Feng, since the temptation monster is so violent and difficult to control, it is better to directly turn the other party into one who only knows to obey orders Oh!

After all, what Chen Feng wants is not a good demon general, but the existence of being able to sacrifice at the right opportunity!

Chen Feng has tried this method before, this time, not without any experience ~ ~ At this time, the seductive demon is like crazy and desperately flips the body in place, it tries to do Revolt.

He seemed to be aware of something, and the demon is now very uneasy, because he has felt the threat of death.

"Whew ..."

The seductive demon snarled, almost killed, and the radon hiding in the heart broke out at this time. His eyes were more like bulging, filled with red silk, filled with cold and dead air, tightly Staring at Chen Feng motionless.

Clenched his fist, Chen Feng's face was full of worries.

When the seductive demon knew that he had only one way to go, he was completely desperate, trying to explode all his strength, and vowed to tear Chen Feng's contract power!

"Whew ..."

Unwilling, sad, angry, roaring!

Today's temptation, because of the power of the summoned rules, has a feeling of being restricted throughout the body and mind. It gradually climbs from a small devil in the abyss, and has achieved today's legendary realm. Wipe, then, it's almost like a puppet, without any thought.

However, no matter how the temptation struggles, it is impossible to escape Chen Feng's spiritual suppression. In the next second, Chen Feng's will completely poured into the temptation's mind, and in a moment, this powerful demon was assimilated by Chen Feng's consciousness.

One second before he was mad, the demon was insane. At this time, he was extremely humble, and kneeled on one knee, expressing allegiance to Chen Feng.

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