The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1162: Asmotils

For the current Chen Feng, he gathered all the available power. The connection of Mata gave Chen Feng the goodwill of Alona. Although the other party did not explicitly agree to serve Chen Feng, but a sacred mansion is no matter what, An unloss deal,

On a gloomy night, Chen Feng stood alone on a reef, surrounded by the bodies of marine life. Those creatures were huge, including giant whales, sharks, and many ugly squid.

Chen Feng's eyes looked forward, and his eyes gave birth to countless scenes of darkness and killing. He tried to communicate with a powerful being.

This time, the object of Chen Feng's communication was not the divine residence, but a horrible devil!


It is the unquestionable ruler of the lowest level of the ninth hell, even those gods who have Bato as their home will make him three points. Asmodeus is the oldest devil in existence. Although some people claim that he is not the first ruler of Bartoll, he is also considered by some to be the oldest and most important evil in the entire multiverse. power.

Asmotils is about 13 feet tall when standing, with dark skin and hair. For those who like thunder and lightning, he can even be said to be quite handsome, his pupils flashing with the color of hell, and a small pair of dark red horns growing on his head. Asmotils is gorgeously dressed with red and black tones. Just one piece of clothing is equivalent to the annual cost of some mortal kingdoms. Of course, he always carries that ruby ​​scepter with numerous gorgeous gems on it ~ Of course, it also contains powerful magical power.

Asmotils is the undisputed supreme ruler of Nine Hells. All beings in **** fear and respect him. Even those gods who live in Nine Hells give Asmotils a response. Be polite. Although some great devil planned to usurp his throne, no one dared to do so in public.

The conspiracy of Asmodeus will last a long time, centuries or even thousands of years, until he finally makes up his mind to implement it. His conspiracy is complex and huge, closely linked, as if he was planning on a chessboard, all planes are shrouded in his conspiracy.

的 The image of the devil has always been an old-fashioned look. As the supreme ruler of the devil, the means of playing with people's hearts is even more unimaginable.

The core purpose of Asmodeus is simple. First, he wants to consolidate existing rights and hell's dominance and hold everything firmly in his own hands. His eyeliner was planted in every department on every floor of hell. No devil knows who Asmotils truly trusts, and unwarranted guessing can only affect their own psychology.

Second, Asmodeus was eager to expand evil. He is hostile to celestial beings and gods of the good camp. His men fought against the agents of the upper world, and they never missed any chance to kill these good creatures.

Finally, Asmotils hopes to destroy the devil. He sees the Demon Legion as a serious threat to his dominance. Only after destroying them can Asmodeus move towards the goal he most hopes to achieve: become a true god!

Chen Feng belongs to the devil camp in any way, but at this time he actually prayed to a devil, which is undoubtedly a crazy move.

For Chen Feng, he never really recognized a certain power, even if he expanded his own power in the abyss, but that was just an investment, just like this time, before the war was about to start, Chen Feng believed It is necessary to contact more helpers to increase the probability of victory!

之前 In the previous hunting of the divine projection and the abyss knowledge in his mind, Chen Feng obtained some news about Asmodeus.

The other party is seeking to extend the influence to the main material plane. More souls can give him more sacred forces, and may eventually allow him to subvert the entire material world into lawful evil.

摩 Asmotils' ultimate goal is to use these additional divine forces to heal the wounds he suffered when he was expelled from the Upper Realm. He intends to try to reach an agreement with the demon once he is completely cured. He also knew that this agreement would not last long, but it did not need to be so, as long as the direction of the eternal war changed from orderly and chaotic to an apocalyptic war of good and evil.

Asmotils knows everything about himself. As the oldest great devil, Asmodeus has seen many big devil rises and falls far longer than the current lords in the long years. Asmodeus kept himself mysterious, leaving his men unable to figure out his next move and being in a state of fear and anxiety. No one can forget that Asmotils did not suffer any damage during the Great Liquidation, which undoubtedly proves to others that Asmotils is far more cunning than them.

In the material plane, Asmodeus has far more believers than other great devil. Those who worship the devil hope to gain strength from Asmodeus. His influence spreads throughout society, and his followers include almost all races, and even followers in the strongest good fortresses.

这 And this time, the object of Chen Feng's sacrifice is not someone else, it is this ultimate strong man who is famous in hell!

混沌 Chaos is everywhere in the earliest stages of the universe. The demons are uninvited-they represent chaos. Time has not yet appeared, due to the chaotic nature, the demons kill each other in every part of the universe.

This chaotic situation makes the entire universe intolerable, so another force confronting it has emerged-order. The war between order and demons began.

新生 The newly born gods of order, dressed in armor constructed with pure power of order, took up arms for their ideas.

Gradually, the gods of order felt that the demons seemed to be endless. They are tired of war, and they want to focus on other places, such as creating the world and intelligent creatures. They first created warriors with beautiful wings as servants and gave them magical powers. These glorious creatures are called angels.

阿 Asmotils is the most brave and beautiful among all the angels. He killed more demons than any other angel, even more than any god. But the endless years have passed, and Asmodeus and other angels have gradually acquired some characteristics of their enemies. Gradually, they were so beautiful that they looked ugly!

As time passed, Asmotils and his teammates became ugly every day. The fangs grew out of the mouth, the tongue became bifurcated, and the flames surrounded them. They were stained with the devil's breath and became similar to it!

Asmotils eventually betrayed the **** who created it, and became a twister in **** in one fell swoop!

The followers of Asmodeus are usually lords or clan lords, worshipping the owner of the ninth level of **** in pursuit of unlimited rights, and killing those who dare to block the way. They use their power and influence to study forbidden knowledge, and use this knowledge to enhance their power, improve their skills in manipulating their people, and their own power.

The followers of Asmodeus usually form secret organizations in a civilized society. Their leaders are somewhat rigid and rigid, while their subordinates fight for your power and desire. Believers in Asmodeus are always seeking to rule the world, and in order to reward their loyalty to their masters, the masters of **** will often reward some low-level devil or undead as their servants.

少数 And in the abyss, the few who can match it may be the Demagogan known as the demon prince.

He is also a great demon who has given Chen Feng pure blood!

De Mogoagan lives in a saltwater marsh, the demon's stomach pouch. Here is a sea of ​​oceans. Occasionally exposed reefs are inhabited by flying demons. The huge vortex draws the water of the Minghe River, which also brings a foul smell to this place.

This demon prince lives here, and the other party rules everything here. It is also this land that has bred darkness. It slowly has its own right to speak in the abyss!

Demon princes are the same as Asmodeus. They belong to the dictator's existence in their respective fields. The two sides have not regarded life as life at all. They are extremely poor. Those so-called life are just stepping stones for their own promotion!

Dimogogan lived in a palace called the Abyss, and he also built the Fortress of Urgusetti. The part of the "abyss" that appears above the water is two snake-shaped towers with the shape of a skull at the top. Di Mogoan studied arcane skills here in an attempt to unearth secrets older than himself from the abyss. The main body of the palace penetrates the dark and cold water without traces of sunlight. The fortress of Urgusetti is the place where the army is stationed, filled with hunting spiders, golems, and other evil structures.

Even by demon's standards, Timogan's body is quite strange. He stands about 18 feet tall and has two hyena-like heads. Di Mogoon's body is slender, like a giant snake covered with dark green scales. His upper limbs are like octopus-like winding tentacles. Although his legs look slim, they are actually strong. Timogan's tail also split.

The mark of Dimogogan is a forked snake tail, usually wrapped around a sword or a skull.

However, today, it is not the former [benevolent] Di Mogaogen who put Chen Feng in the first place, but the power of the devil's family.

Chen Feng slowed down his emotions and then said, "Cold devil, master of hell, Lord Asmodeus, I call your name and open the forbidden secret for me!"

Chen Feng's obscure language reverberates around. At this time, the waves slap on the reef, and the sound of whispering sounds, just like someone in Hell is responding to Chen Feng, full of strange breath.

If a low-level professional wants to get the attention of the big devil, it is nonsense, but Chen Feng's strength is already in the epic level. In addition, the commitment he gives is too tempting, and Chen Feng firmly believes that he can attract the other party. attention.

The reason why Chen Feng is so sure that the other party will ignore it is because he promised that as long as the other party helps himself to win, Chen Feng will open a dimensional crack, so that the devil can break into the abyss at once, and start a ignorance. Straight blood battle!

The **** battle between the devil and the devil has continued for countless years. Chen Feng does not believe that the devil can occupy the abyss with a sneak attack. The number of devil exceeds the imagination of all the forces. Nowadays, the order and Silver City are fighting each other. I do n’t know how much has been staged. Conspiracy tricks, and in the abyss, these so-called tricks have no effect at all, because the number of demons will destroy everything!

The best result is a level where the devil takes possession of the devil. Of course, this is already the best result. Often when sneak attacking, even if it can get the first chance in the beginning, it will eventually be driven back by the number of devil. !!

陈 Just as Chen Feng prayed, the sea surface seemed to boil like boiling water with white bubbles.

"Are you finally here?"

Looking at the boiling white bubble in front of him, Chen Feng smiled. He knew that his efforts were not wasted, and the strong man from **** saw his sincerity!


"the host."

Lu Wei came to Chen Feng, lowered his head humbly towards Chen Feng, and then sank in a deep voice: "The news has been sent back, and indeed a group of problematic marine life has appeared a dozen miles away."

我们 "We experiment with bugs, these marine creatures seem to have been planted with vicious spells!"

如果 "If it is not cured by the therapists, whether it is a worm or a beast that eats these fish, it will become an undead creature without a possible cure!"

The devil finally did it.

Compared to the reckless behavior of the demons, the devil is obviously more proficient in calculations and conspiracy. Just after Chen Feng called the devil that day, there were some irreversible weird events in the ocean.

"It's all about war!"

Chen Feng kept silently watching everything, then turned his head and said to Landing Wei: "Send people scattered to find food! The land here has been polluted! However, the virus's spearhead is not pointing at us, but our enemy ! "

"Any creature that has eaten that sea area will be infected with a terrible disease!"

让 "Let the people below not eat anything here."

"Don't touch the water with your skin, even when passing through the sea."

Chen Feng's approach surprised him a bit. He was still imagining what kind of advice the legendary devil might give himself, but he didn't expect that the other party would take an entire sea.

The devil likes to change the structure that pollutes the environment.

Because many demons are immune to toxicity, and the most common thing they do when attacking the bottomless abyss is to change a piece of occupied land to change the plane rule. Transform the chaos law of the abyss into the law of law. In the frontline of the **** battle, many fortresses occupied by the devil were finally transformed, and the laws that belong to that land have become more adapted to the devil!

On the sea not far away, the sea has become a forbidden zone of life under the rendering of the devil!

A force full of filth has eroded this sea, and everything has been eroded by this power. Although it seems that there has not been much change, but as long as the creatures living here have contaminated the things here Slowly you will get sick. Eventually it is likely that the undead plague will become undead.

只是 "I just don't know if all of this is right, even if the ocean is far away from the land, but after this time pollution, it is unrealistic to want the surrounding sea area to return to its original state for more than a decade!"

锋 Chen Feng could not help but fall into meditation ~ ~ Undead plague must be controlled. "

"If not, even if you win, countless survivors will die once those germs spread into order!"

"After experiencing the doomsday crisis, I don't want to experience another zombies!"

Chen Feng thought for a long time.

Finally decided that no matter how the future develops, the immediate problem must be dealt with first. He must first find the source of the pollution, and then try his best to control the spread of the source.

Anyway, the silver city masters in the dark didn't know yet, when they were ready to attack the order, they were already covered by conspiracy, waiting for them was the sea that gave birth to death!

But the person who achieved the big thing is informal, and can only blame Silver City for being too ugly. Chen Feng originally wanted to slowly eat away Silver City, so he did not hesitate to trade the population for the population. However, he ultimately underestimated the greed of the people.

Under repeated transactions, Silver City found the rich side of order. Therefore, Dragon Gate and the Brotherhood did not hesitate to launch an attack. The ultimate goal is to occupy the order and turn it into its own industry!

"To blame, blame you for not having long eyes!" Chen Feng raised his head, it was already dawn, but the grey weather gave people a ghostly illusion ...

The 战 war is about to start, and for the troops from Silver City, this time will face an unimaginable disaster!

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