The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1169: Weeding and rooting

at the same time.

The surrounding temperature rose sharply, and a raging fire suddenly appeared in the air. Even a demon as high as six meters or more appeared, holding a giant decapitation sword in one hand and a flame whip in the other. "Dead!"

The big fireballs flew out.

Immediately afterwards, this burning demon with powerful power flew into the air, and the wide wings of the devil were covered by the blazing fire. There was no need for any skills at all, and it was just a big fireball rushing towards Ge Da!

One wave of the decapitation sword is divided into two halves!

One of the two chiefs of the former Silver City, Ge Da, who had supreme power, died in an unknown sea in this manner.

This is the first battle of the Burning Demon on the epic level, and the death knell of Ge Da and extraterrestrial creatures sounds!

Those transformational demons who kept the charge attitude had not even gotten close to the burning flames, and their bodies had already started to explode!

The demons stopped timidly. They felt fatal repression on the Burning Demon. The whole body stopped and could not take a step forward.

This is not a level fight at all!

The demons who were assimilated by the evil demons did not choose to stay still after touching the mold. Perhaps they were to avoid the burning flames or simply desire to kill. They turned and attacked their former companions!

The professionals and soldiers affiliated with Silver City didn't know what happened, and they suffered the most fierce attack at once!

Many people have witnessed the qualitative process of transforming soldiers. When they saw it, they were already scared. Although it is clear that the moment when they became soldiers, the familiar comrades-in-arms had changed, but after all those transformations The soldiers only aimed at the enemy, and they never attacked their own side. What's more, no matter how chaotic the consciousness is, the other person's appearance is still human.

But now it's different ...

Those transforming soldiers have all turned into half-human and half-devil forms. Not to mention contact and battle. If you just glance at the distance, your legs will feel soft and you have no confidence to fight anymore. What's more, Ge Da has already died.

The warships on which the transformation soldiers are located are all controlled by Ge Da, so all of them are members of the Brotherhood, with Ge Da being cut in half by the Burning Demon, which means that the formerly powerful brothers This will disintegrate, so many soldiers kneel on the ground at this time. This is a gesture of surrender. In the face of heavy pressure, they chose to compromise.

But unfortunately, those who transformed the demons did not care about the enemy ’s surrender. At this time, they were completely trapped in the madness, and they swooped in at once. Often, several demons were eating a human. Uploaded here, the Brotherhood suffered the most cruel treatment in an instant!

War is brutal!

From the moment Silver City declared war on order, it meant that the two sides had fallen into a state of endless death!

In this position of Chen Feng, it is no longer the number of professionals, but the quality. Nowadays, there is a lot of order and talents. Among them, it is not known how many talented people have been conquered, or the princes of heaven, among which there are even a few Not inferior to Xu Hongzhuang's hero template.

In previous memories, Chen Feng did not have their memory. The strong also need a process of growth. In previous lives, they may have died early because of monsters and bugs, so there is no chance of showing up, but it is different now. Because of the appearance of Chen Feng, the death rate of the people has been minimized. Those people who are likely to die in the previous life have gained a new life in this world. They have emerged and become fresh blood of order!

Silver City has become a past tense. Regardless of the name or the professionals in it, as a hindrance to the merger, these people or contracts should all disappear into the long river of history.

There is no mercy in the war!

For Chen Feng, these professionals are the grass roots on the grassland of Silver City. He understands the inexhaustible truth of the wildfire, so what he has to do now is to cut the grass and root it!

Screams screamed loudly, and those pros kneeling on the ground tried to sell their loyalty in exchange for a new life, but it was the cruelest killing of the demons!

A name-changing demon walks around those professionals. They have human flexibility and destructive power. They are no longer limited to weapons, but rely on the flesh to complete the most brutal killings.

They cut human skin with sharp claws, and then cut human cheeks with sharp scales such as blades. They swallowed the flesh of those prey with a large mouth. Many professionals found out that surrender was useless and began to swear loudly and tried to resist , But it's too late.

If they organized a team to fight back against the demons in the beginning, there might still be escape, but now, in the first round of the demons, 30% of the survivors were killed, and the remaining professionals and the After seeing the terrible ability to transform the demons ~ ~, the soldiers have already become very timid, they ran away madly, some people even jumped into the sea, but no matter what choice they made But their ending is the same, that is death!

Chen Feng looked at everything indifferently!


The professionals in Silver City simply could not imagine that the day before they were attacking orderly, and many people even fantasized about killing and robbing after breaking the city, but now they have suffered the most cruel treatment. .

All their expectations began to stop abruptly at the moment when the demons attacked, and with it came the unimaginable darkness!

The sea on which Chen Feng lived was filled with wailing and begging voices, so that the surrounding area completely turned into a deep-sea purgatory, and Ge's ship suffered an unprecedented disaster, which led to the crew's bodies on the Dragon Gate ship not far away. They all began to tremble, and the horror of timidity was spreading. Seeing all this happened to the friendly forces, they didn't think about rescue for the first time, but were completely stagnant.

After a few minutes, the ships seemed to receive some kind of signal at the same time, and they turned around and started to retreat.

"Want to escape?"

After seeing all this, Chen Feng made a smirk. He prepared for so long, how could he accept the situation of the fish that leaked the net, his body began to rise constantly, and then he spread his arms and folded his hands, facing the palm of his hand. At the position, an unusually dazzling red mang began to appear, he roared, and then quickly opened his arms, visible to the naked eye, the hot red mang appeared on the sky, the red mang was like a laser, towards the evacuated ships Then lased in the past!

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