The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1174: Wintry

Chapter 1175: Winter

It is now obviously February, but the cold current has not faded!

The temperature in some places has gradually approached minus 30 degrees. Liu Wei glanced at the refugees who were curled up in the corner. The thin sackcloth made his body stiff. Liu Wei didn't have much sympathy to pay attention to these. Man, because he has seen many such so-called poor worms in Silver City.

Liu Wei could not help speeding up his pace. With the coming of the cold winter and the battle, the days of Silver City may be even worse.

Before the start of the war, some people in Silver City had already died of hunger and cold. This phenomenon will probably become more serious when winter comes.

"I don't know what happened?"

Compared with most brainwashed survivors, Liu Wei is one of the few characters who hopes that the order will win, because during the previous transports of prisoners, Liu Wei's relatives were placed on the list because of their age. .

Liu Wei is not sure if his loved ones are alive, but thinking that order will rule here, then he has the right to go home. Liu Wei couldn't help feeling a fiery heart and murmured: "I will always This battle adds a fire! "

It is not easy to meet Chen Feng. As the king of the order and the protector of numerous human beings, he has too many important things to deal with.

However, Liu Wei still stubbornly continued the results of his labor. In his thinking, there is a second plan, which is to intercept the ship, and then run to the direction of order to surrender.

Human beings are the races most attached to cultivated land, so the total population of human beings is currently crushed by other races.

Of course, the premise of all of this is that the order finally achieved victory, or when the order and the Silver City battle reached five or five points. Otherwise, if the order really fails, then as a loser, it will not be able to gain too many people's loyalty. Loyal.

Two days passed.

Liu Wei looked a little bit embarrassed. In order to live, he had an undecent job, that is to care for the mass grave post, as the climate became colder and colder. The scarce material began to bring the first vulnerable people down. Those sick, frail, and young people, the atmosphere in the city became more and more silent, as if the storm was brewing.

What is even more chilling is that in order to prevent the emergence of the plague, the senior management has taken more measures. Darkness is spreading. Numerous human refugees with numb expressions can be seen on the streets. Evil smells the despair here. Evil things happen one by one in the dark corner.

"Liu Wei!"

A young guard saw Liu Wei and looked at something, excited, "You don't go out again!"

"Do you know what's happening in the city recently! What happened?"

The young guard was telling a horrific crime. Although the prisoner had been tried, a certain atmosphere enveloped the city, as if waiting for its destruction.

Liu Wei's face was dignified. He heard more than just an evil crime, but something that really made human order possible.

Many people firmly believe that order will destroy everything, and despair can give them an opportunity. The soldiers of order are staring in the dark corners, always ready to stir people's hearts to eventually destroy the city.

The presence of Liu Wei gave a life to this dead city.

Because she represents hope at this moment, he is not just a mere driver of a retreat from Modo City.

But there are still many people who have escaped everything. People with numb expressions gathered around him, and their eyes showed the longing expression, as if they wanted to hear the exciting news in their hearts!

Looking at the poor people in the street, Liu Wei nodded gently, a smile appeared on his face.

Cheers sounded!

Dimensional space without much experience originally received positive news from Chen Feng, and people around could not help but burst into cheers. The hopelessness faded, and the numb expression became vivid, as if these people were full of vitality and hope in their hearts.

The hungry refugees stood up.

They gathered to Liu Wei's side. Although their stomachs were still empty, their emaciated bodies did not know why a burst of power broke out.

These people firmly believe that as long as this time has passed, they are not lazy. It is not their fault that caused all this. They are just some innocent and poor people who have no power.

Vitality and killings spread through the city.

In this case, many people gathered around Liu Wei. As a professional, his strength has undoubtedly increased a lot!

Just then, a group of cold-faced soldiers suddenly appeared, they violently dispersed the nearby crowd, and even smashed some poor women and children to the ground.

"Liu Wei."

"Drop your weapon! You have been arrested for complicity."


There was a trace of anger on Liu Wei's face, and this irresistible anger even made him want to kill the man in front of him.

There were riots around them. On the one hand, when we were afraid of death, they would take care of their loved ones by order, and they were afraid of the fact that they were found!


‘Too many betrayers among us! "

When Liu Wei did all this, he didn't have much ambition at all, thinking that unified order would become the real king here.

But even though he was dedicated to humanity, he was still reported. The reporter is likely to be one of the refugees, because his actions caused the entire plan of the team to be stranded.

In the end ~ ~ he slowly threw away his weapons, and now it is a very unwise option to fight against Silver City. Although he has trained his team in Silver City, it is impossible to fight against the traditional power of these rules. The soldier in front of him showed a slight expression of satisfaction and contempt, and even a slight disappointment, because the ideal result was that Liu Wei confronted himself and then wiped out the so-called rally.

Similar to the leader's cold orders, the soldier next to him hit Liu Wei's stomach with a fist, then locked his arm when he bent down, and then directly put shackles on his body.

Silver City has not fallen.

Many people firmly believe that as long as they survive this winter, they will still have the opportunity to survive this time. A little death and sacrifice is necessary.

Although the lower-tier civilians in Silver City have already suffered miserably, the high-level association still maintains the army's support. As long as there is still an army, there is still a chance to come back. They firmly believe that there will be a time to breathe through the winter.

But for ordinary people, this winter is so long and cold!

(End of this chapter)

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