The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1176: Datong 1

The death of Ge Da and Lin Biao caused an uproar. Everyone was stunned by everything in front of them. Many seniors stared blankly at all these things. They just felt that their consciousness was frozen, so that there was no word at all. Describe their mood.

Many people ran out of joy, because during the time of the fleet expedition, in the absence of high-level combat power, the atmosphere of Silver City became extremely strange.

Recently, there have been many refugee gatherings. Those muddy legs are becoming more brazen, and where there is resistance, there is resistance. This is true. Even in the past, many refugees would break out when they could not eat. Protests, but waiting for them is **** suppression. It is better to eat less than to die. The refugees at the bottom are the easiest kind of people. They do n’t need rights, wealth, or even women. They just need to make ends meet. For those For the bottom people, food and clothing are enough to make them feel satisfied.

It is a pity that those poor people cannot get even the most basic rights.

Those poor people do not have the right to choose their own lives. In the end, they are like some bugs living in the shadow corners. They hide from the sun and live in the cold environment!

But despite this, the place where they lived was often lifted away, the hot sunlight was refracted on them, and those hot temperatures would roast them into jerky until they were annihilated in this earthly world.

This is the life of the people at the bottom. They never really have their own destiny.


The situation became a bit weird. In the past, only a few people had to be executed, and the remaining people would retract. But now it is different. After several **** crackdowns, there is no picture of high-level hopes. Instead, more refugees join In the camp of resistance.

Those people brazenly gathered in the square with a banner written in blood, and even many leaders appeared. This is not a good phenomenon. They just executed a [Rebel Army] leader recently, but this is It is clear to the senior management that if the problem is resolved, the new leader will appear in the city if it is allowed to continue.

One day, when the rage is ignited, thousands of rebels will smash through the streets and break into the houses where high-rises live, as if they had previously robbed the lower class, and in turn looted and killed.

Under such circumstances, how can those seniors feel not afraid? How can you stay calm?

They strengthened their security and even increased the oppression of the people at the bottom. All the purpose was only one point, that is, the day waiting for the return of the army.

But now ...

When they heard that the fleet was back, they were naturally the most delighted group of people. They finally released the long-term pressure and ran out like crazy. They vowed that they would pay the price and wait for the powerful professionals. After returning to Silver City, it was when those mud legs died.

It is ironic that the strong men in Silver City did return, but it was only their heads that came back. The dense heads fell together, forming a sense of shock and fear, like a sharp blade, instantly turning the so-called high-level Penetrated by the heart.

Those strong were originally high-rises of Silver City. They turned their power into unscrupulous rights in the city. The so-called law is aimed at ordinary people such as Liu Wei.

Even if you kill an ordinary person, you only get some symbolic punishments, but those punishments are minimal compared with life.

But now, those strongest people of the past have returned to Silver City in this state at this time, and the most shocking is the two heads headed by Ge Da and Lin Ying! Beside, there is a terrifying dragon head!

After the death of Lin Mao, those dragon blood creatures ran apart. Only the previous magic dragon attacked the order in a crazy state. Even in the case of fearless death, it caused a battleship to sink, resulting in ten Several people died because of this. As an affirmation of the magic dragon, after the body was swallowed by the evil demon, its head was placed on the deck side by side with Lin Ying.

The bad demon became the biggest winner of this battle, not only devouring extraterrestrial creatures, but also devouring the magic dragon's body completely, and the excess energy caused it to feel groggy. Each time the bad demon evolved with abnormal deep sleep, and Now the power of the bad demons is in the half-step epic. When the next time wakes up, the other party may be promoted to become a real epic powerhouse.

By then, Chen Feng's team will go further!

Chen Feng stood on the side of the deck and looked down at the people on the shore in a stance of fear, panic, loss, and anger. At this time, countless expressions were intertwined, and they were trying to digest everything they saw before their eyes. .

Chen Feng ignored those eyes directly. With his current strength, those people are just some small and dispensable characters. At this point, the senseless slaughter has no meaning at all. After all, they can't pose any threat to themselves. .

But some of them still die. Food is scarce and the weather is cold. According to the information, the recent death rate of Silver City has broken through the order several times this year. The city is full of anger, and those anger always need a vent. Mouth, and those so-called seniors are undoubtedly the best candidates.

Compared with being appointed as an official to continue to dominate the blessing, death is their best destination.

"Everything went according to plan, all the people on the list were captured, and then a grand trial ceremony was held!"

Just as Silver City inserted spies into order, a long time ago, there was a team ambushing in Silver City. They specially collected some needed information for Chen Feng, and that list is undoubtedly the most peak of Silver City in the past. A group of people.

They directly or indirectly affected Chen Feng's right to rule. Therefore, they will become the protagonists in this trial conference and attract the attention of all people!


Wei Xun nodded aside, then asked with some confusion: "Sir, do you want to keep Silver City?"

Chen Feng shook his head ~ ~ refused: "From the beginning of the war, I never thought that Silver City would be retained. Although one north and one south can form a horn, and better monitor the signs of surrounding monster activity, but This is the end of the day. There are two soldiers, but there is no great unification to be safe! "

"After the trial is over, you will organize the ships to come and transport. Except for the population, the rest of the family will not be allowed to bring the ships. I want you to complete the migration as fast as possible!"

"Yes, my subordinates understand!"

Wei Xun was not the first to do such a thing, and he naturally knew the relocation steps, so he nodded and reconciled, and then went on to organize the rally.

The fleet from order was not subject to any tough resistance. After all, after witnessing the tragic death of their respective leaders, it was an unimaginable nightmare for the defenders of Silver City. They were already deterred by the order, so they used it. Half a day later, the Order Army led by Chen Feng broke through the gate of Silver City.

The forces that were on par with order in the past came to an end in this way!

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