The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1179: The **** battle begins

The master needs more power!

In the face of this behemoth of the last days, Chen Feng's military reserves will always be like an endless pit.

Of course, ordinary demons are not counted. If you just need simple ordinary demons, you only need to open a dimension channel during the **** battlefield, and endless demons come to the human world.

However, what Chen Feng has to do is to protect his rights and interests instead of destroying the world. Therefore, a large number of unwise demons are not the fighters he needs at all.

What Chen Feng needs is a demon army with strong individual strength and wisdom, who can obey commands and orders!

In each territory, the number of high-level demons is very limited, just like order. Even now, with the addition of Silver City, there are only a handful of legendary strong men who have advanced into human beings, and the Burning Demon now has to do, It is to rule more territories, domesticate them, and recruit more high-level demons who can obey orders!

In addition to the Snake Demon Legion, the Burning Demon has several other high-level legions formed by other races, namely Rage, Dark Race, and Fire Burning Demon!

Fire incinerator is the un-evolved form of incinerator, the opponent does not have wide demon wings, and can only control the most basic fireball and flame sword, but each incinerator under the incinerator possesses the golden peak strength , Once you take it one step further, they can become the nightmare of countless demons, the real demon overlord!

Of course, among these demonic teams, Burning Demon also has its own mobile unit!

That is Flor!

Frog may look like a demon-like vulture, but it is best to imagine it as a predatory raptor, plunge into the battlefield to find the right victim, and then dive straight down and tear the flesh of his opponent. Flying, powerful melee attacks, and remarkable spell abilities are all their main features!

Frogs are vicious and ferocious fighters, and they like to dive down from the air to do as much damage as possible. During the battle, they climbed into the air to attack with their claws. Despite their mechanical advantages. However, due to the deep love of Fromon for fighting, they have a great chance to choose close combat with the enemy.

Frogs are outstanding warriors, and when they reach adulthood, they will realize many powerful abilities on their own.

For example: focus, craftsmanship, hiding, knowledge, listening, stealth, professional, search, detective observation, identification spells, and reconnaissance.

These are just the most basic detection skills. In addition, there are many combat capabilities!

The Burning Demon blew a whistle, and then twelve Flomons flew from a distance to the Burning Demon.

This is the mobile unit of the Burning Demon!

These demons have a height of eight feet, and they look thin and lean, but they are compact and powerful. They have dark red skin. They have sharp bird claws on their hands and feet, a slender snake tail dragged on their hips, and a large one on their neck. The vulture's head, the huge and hard bird's beak half open, and a pair of black wings spread behind it, seems to freeze at the moment of killing the prey.

The tiny and sharp jagged edges of the beak mouth, the texture of each skin and feather are so delicate, giving a strong visual impact, as if this monster would attack at any time!

Among them, the three strongest Frogs have the power of the legendary ranks. As a demon lord, the legendary demon under the command of the Burning Demon has broken through ten heads. It can be said that if there is no Chen Feng asylum Once the Fiend Demon opens a dimensional crack, even the order may fall under the chaotic and crazy demon offensive.

However, dimensional creatures need to obey the rules of dimensional walls.

Each dimension wall has a limited life. If the unwise low-level demons pass through the dimension wall, they will only cause limited damage to the dimension wall. When the golden peak and the legendary demons pass, then Will cause considerable damage to the naked eye!

Even though Chen Feng is related to the abyss, it will be strengthened when creating the summoning channel. However, this strengthening is only enough to summon the hardness of the Burning Demon and two legendary Majesty. Once the number of high-level demons appearing from it has passed Many, it may cause the channel to collapse, causing the demon stuck in it to instantly become a pool of flesh.

Of course, this summoning channel has a time limit. Most of the time, if Chen Feng's power allows it, it can be used once every two hours. If only three high-level demons can be summoned at one time, then the existing high-level reserves of the flame demon are used. It takes Chen Feng six hours to summon all the high-end demons!

Summon ten legendary demons in six hours!

For the existing world, this was originally a miracle calling method!

But even so, Chen Feng still couldn't be satisfied with the existing high-end demons, not only the Burning Demon, far from Saruman in the Bone Plain and the demon fortress controlled by Fura, but also hoarding a large number of high-end demons. demon!

It may not be clear to Lin Biao until they die, what terrible enemies they provoke. Compared to their respective camp professionals, Chen Feng depends on not only order but also an entire abyss world!

Today, the reason why the Burning Demon gathered all their high-level combat power together is to capture new enemies and occupy new land!

Burning Demon is going to start a **** battle!

The blood battle is not only the patent of the demon and the devil. The blood battle often starts between the demon lords. Once the blood battle is started, it means an endless state. Countless demons have fallen because of this, and the winning side has the control of two forces right!

— "Let the flames purify everything!"

As the leader of the demons, the Burning Demon looks forward to the arrival of its demon legion.


An eye-governed area!

Eye-catchers are abominable, combative, and insatiable, and when they have a chance, they try to attack or control other creatures. The ogre is by nature exclusive, and abhors anyone who looks different from it. Although their body structure is simple, there are a large number of subspecies: some are covered with a layer of **** thick armor, some have soft fur, some have eye-like branches like snakes, and some have crustacean-like connections Seam.

However, even subtle differences such as fur color or central eyeball size ~ ~ can make the two eyesight enemies uncommon. All eye demon claim that their unique appearance is the "best example of the eye demon tribe". Other individuals are just ugly imitators and can only be destroyed.

Eye devil usually use "dissociating" rays to sculpt their underground nests. Their building structure emphasizes vertical drop. One nest usually has many parallel tubes, and the rooms are stacked one by one. Eyes like to live in impassable places, which are hard to reach for enemies that are generally restricted to ground movement.

It has been under the control of the eye devil for thousands of years, and countless eye devil have taken root here to form their own home!

And today!

Under a gray-black night sky, close to the edge of the Eye Demon World, a blood-red portal opened.

On one side is the grey omen field, and on the other side is the dark red hot highland in the portal. Countless agitated demons appear on the other side of the portal. When the entire teleportation team is stable, there are two Flos immediately. The demon flew up in excitement and rushed directly into the world of the demon.

For the devil, there is nothing more interesting than fighting in blood and robbing other races!

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