The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1182: celebrate

The team fight has begun!

Her Majesty's Summoning Beast is no longer what it used to be. When Fu La created the Demon Fortress before, Chen Feng not only gave the most advanced weapons of that period, but also Saruman and a series of assistance!

But now it is different. With the growth of Chen Feng and the rise of His Majesty's summoned beasts one after another, epic powerhouses such as the Burning Devil no longer need foreign aid, relying only on himself and his Majesty's demons can rule The war.

A group of glamorous dark elves surround the burning demon. In addition, there are many succubus and female snakes eager to try.

Since the demon lord did not want him to fight in battle, the witty female demon naturally took the opportunity to please the lord. Heterosexual demon with **** and fat buttocks surrounds the body of the burning flame, trying to rub his body with fullness to attract the burning flame's attention.

Just like the human world, female demon has a tailor-made promotion path compared to male demon who needs to throw head.

The demon army rushed into the ogre fortress.

And just as the Demon Legion poured into the fortress, they encountered incredible ambush!

The sudden attack caused severe damage to the demon. A legendary Froger was attacked in half. Perhaps it was clear that the opponent had a powerful regeneration ability. Therefore, when Froger was two, the enemy It will be devoured by its body!

The attacker was the Overseer's eye. Its appearance was like a combination of a big tree and an octopus. The upper half was a branch-like eye stalk. The trunk had three large mouths with fangs and teeth. The lower body was a thick tentacle. The skin was black. Rubber, covered with a thick layer of solid and dull fungi. The Overseer's Eye has 8 tentacles and can shoot 5 rays in the same direction at the same time. The ability of the eyeball rays is more than one level stronger than the standard eye magic, not only has a large number of offensive rays, but also immune and reverse the opponent's spells. Unlike most eye-monitors, Overseer's Eye is quite capable of melee, but they still don't like close combat.

The Overseer's Eye is the most dangerous of the known eye-evil creatures. It rivals the Eye of the Nest Mother. It has an odd appearance that can't be described. It can barely be described as a large fleshy tree, but it has a mouth on its trunk. The tip of the branch is the eye.

Just when the Demon Legion was acting, the Overseer's Eye hid behind to find a suitable opportunity, and now, with the fall of the fortress, these Overseer's Eye immediately broke out in a horrible side, trying to reverse the victory on the battlefield!

Not only the Overseer's Eye, but soon after the Demon Legion was attacked, a moat-like water source appeared in front of the Demon, and while the Devil was still immersed in the previous killing, many Demon stopped attacking The pace stayed in place, his eyes staring dullly forward.

There are many eyes of the abyss nearby. They are also likely to be the result of the magical transformation of the eye of the nest mother. The most obvious feature is that there are only 2 eye stalks, but a pair of giant chelates than ordinary eye demon. As aquatic subspecies, they are still Able to fly.

Although the Eye of the Abyss has only two small eyes, it is very practical. It can hold the opponent and damage it remotely. The main eye can emit a shocking white light. Anyone who sees it will be blind and dizzy. Then it will be strong and powerful. Tear into pieces. The most evil thing about them is to create mirages like mirages, like shipwreck survivors, islands, mermaids, or any phantoms that might attract the victims.

Under the joint siege of the Eye of the Overseer and the Eye of the Abyss, the death rate of the demon has increased greatly, which has even attracted the attention of the Burning Demon, but it did not choose to release assistance. As a high-level, it must do to stabilize the morale As the lord of all the demons, as long as the Burning Demon stands there, the demons will not resign.

In addition, the more important point is that those weak Eye Demon Assisters are not enough to let the Burning Demon fire now!


Compared to the indifference of the Burning Devil, the eye of the mother of the nest standing on the opposite side is now panic-stricken. It has foreseen its death. Its eyes interfere more and more, and the soul becomes frozen. In China, it has never encountered such a related situation.

In order to express themselves in the face of the Burning Demon, the remaining legendary demons tried to kill the demon lord in front of them!

Under the attack of the Devil's Legion, the Eye Demon family was severely damaged. It didn't take long before the leader of the Eye Demon was eaten by the demons, which meant that the Burning Demon had a powerful army to choose from.

As the battle ended, many dark elves began to count loot.

As a smarter demon, the Dark Elves have been reused by the Burning Demon to play a part of their brain functions. As for the other demons, he doesn't want to use them, except that there are really few brains in the low-end demons.


This time the trophy and casualty statistics came out, after the Burning Demon captured the power. Obtained the loyalty of the Eye Demon family. Among them, there are two strong players in the legendary rank. As for the body, it becomes extremely sticky, like asphalt, and it becomes absolutely sticky!

"the host."

A mature and beautiful dark elf came to the Burning Demon, and then said: "This time, we only lost a thousand cannon fodder!"

The dark elves only call those sacrificed demons as cannon fodder. In the abyss, strength is the only criterion for judging all. Between demons and demons, there is no need to care and mercy. For this creature, only achievement is The most important thing!

The demons that die are basically no one likes to rush forward alone ~ ~ For example, raging demons and mad war demons, such demons are penetrated too deeply by chaos, and the proportion of deaths in each battle is very large , Is completely advanced cannon fodder. But they died when they died. This kind of demon added quickly, and the Burning Demon also needed to be eliminated in order to train a demon army that obeyed the command.

The first demonic army began to return.

However, there are still many parts of this force that have not been cleared up. The Burning Demon left the previous six-armed snake demon, and he himself led the army to return.

It was a successful plunder.

As far as the demons are concerned, as long as they are killed and not more than 50% in victory, then this is a perfect plunder. They will be happy and look forward to the next plunder and destruction.

And like this time, after taking away everything from the eye demon, the loss of the devil turned out to be only thousands. For the entire eye demon power, this is simply an incalculable battle!


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