The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1185: Personality reappearance

Life is like this. Without the first crab eater, you may never know how delicious it is. What Chen Feng is facing now is exactly this kind of feeling, but unlike the fat and delicious crab, what he tastes is the rotten and broken limb.

After creating the order himself, Chen Feng realized what kind of bleakness the present doomsday is.

Thousands of mountain birds have disappeared since the real birds of a thousand mountains are flying.

The high-rise buildings are empty and the Linlang shops are empty; there is a raging autumn wind, except for the ugly zombies with rotten mouths, disgusting drooling teeth and claws, and ugly monsters, there is no living person in the entire street.

"Is this hell, or a city?" Chen Feng kept talking to himself, his voice was very low, and only he could hear it.

Chen Feng has ruled Silver City. As the new leader here, he naturally has to look at the land he now rules.

However, compared to the area that is relatively safe compared to Silver City, around this city, there is no order like, all zombies and monsters are cleared, but a large number of killers are still left.

The cruelty of reality made the last bit of fluorescence in his heart become a bleak solidified body with the rising of the sun. This is the last day, yes, there is no end,

Chen Feng silently observed everything in front of him, as if reading a book, watching everything around him.

Whenever and wherever, when you see a city with countless lives, it becomes a Senro Purgatory, or it is full of sense of shock!

Chen Feng refocused forward, buried his head, and stood quietly on the high **** to look at everything.

Although there are countless monsters in his eyes, those monsters feed on flesh and blood, they regard humanity as the most delicious food!

But at this time, Chen Feng was completely immersed in this no-man's land, which is dozens of kilometers away from Silver City. With the current rule of Silver City, he absolutely has no ability to reach here. Therefore, even here is full of monsters But there is no human being, there is absolute tranquility here!

Huh ... Chen Feng booed silently and truly blended into the quiet surroundings.

Suddenly, there was a voice in his heart, a voice that belonged to him but was not controlled by him:

"Do you think you are doing well?

"No! Not at all! You forgot how you died? This is the end, even if you have a powerful power now, you will still die, you will surely die!"

Who? Who is speaking? Chen Feng's muscles were stiff and he hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

At this moment, the cold sweat rushed out from behind him, moistening his shirt.

What he was most frightened was not the words spoken by the voice, but the reason why it could ring directly in his heart and be consistent with his unchanged voice.

Is it the second personality that started to recover?

Chen Feng had been born with a demon because of too much pursuit of strength. After that, Chen Feng purchased a group of soul stones through Erwin. After absorbing those soul stones, he successfully suppressed the second personality. Now, he is in When he seized Silver City himself and became the true first person around him, the second personality broke through the psychic defense line again and appeared in his consciousness.

Chen Feng just thought of it, and his mind echoed that familiar and strange voice again:

"Oh, you finally remembered me, I was originally one, but you simply enjoyed control of the body, and now I am back, and because of your promotion, my strength has also advanced, and I am you , You can never stop me again! "

"You are me? You are nothing but a ray of my spirit, and I am nothing more than a simple schizophrenia." Chen Feng muttered instinctively in his heart.

Then he heard his own voice say in his mind:

"Schizophrenia? No, it's you who created me by too much pursuit of strength!"

Who are you Chen Feng closed his eyes and said intently in his heart.

The voice hesitated:

"I am Chen Feng, you are the Burning Demon!"

"No, I am the Burning Demon, you are Chen Feng ..."

Sure enough ... Chen Feng once again felt a horrible feeling. He was not sure how the second personality appeared in the past, but now he can finally be sure that this second personality is obtained by himself through blood The moment of the demon body began to exist!

He was originally a human, but because of seeking strength, he did not hesitate to conduct blood sacrifice to the devil, and obtained the opportunity to become a demon and change his bloodline!

However, in reality, Chen Feng still had some concerns, fearing that after passing through the blood sacrifice, he could no longer recover the human body, and completely became a real demon!

Is it because of hesitation in the heart that the strange second personality was born?

Chen Feng was a little dazed, but soon, he had new suspicions. That is, from the beginning, the blood sacrifice was given to him by the demon prince Di Mogan. Is there a possibility that in the process of giving strength, The demon prince fiddled?

As the oldest Tanari, Dimogogan has infinite time to weave conspiracies and execute plans. Certain goals have been achieved and known, such as the conquest of BloodShallows (the bottom of the bottomless abyss 81st floor), the destruction of the entire N \ 'gharl (formerly the bottomless abyss 230th floor), and the creation of hunting spiders.

This is an abnormally terrible demon!

The opponent has almost unlimited time to splurge. As a senior demon, it has its own deep meaning at each step, and its own blood sacrifice of insects should not attract a terrible existence such as the devil's son, but it is still weird Appeared like this, not only that, but also offered himself the opportunity to change into a demon.

This is the demon prince's trap!

The demon prince is a legend in the abyss, and when this ugly demon suddenly appeared, no one was ready. So when he declared himself "the demon prince", no one could stop it. The twelve most powerful lords of Tanahari attacked the new competitor, hoping to defeat it, but they all failed, their bodies withered, and the power of life was completely shattered.

Like the Burning Demon, the other party is absorbing the power of faith. The demon prince's support for himself is undoubtedly simply optimistic about himself. When he grows fat, he can kill and use it to serve dishes!

When the symptoms first appeared ~ ~ things were relatively easy to deal with, when the personality was stable and strong, and began to **** control of the body, maybe you must use the help of external forces!

Chen Feng doesn't want to be the fruit of others!

Once you are swallowed up by the second personality, everything is now past tense!

When penetrating those screams and slangs, he didn't feel any signs of corrosion in his body. He became more certain that the voice in his head came from himself and from the subpersonalities produced by the pollution stimuli.

Before being promoted, Chen Feng did not have a fixed method to kill the second personality, so he chose the method of soul stone to suppress, but now it is different. Chen Feng already has epic level power, It has the ability to kill each other and completely make the other person disappear into the back of his mind!

It's a crazy move!

But Chen Feng absolutely needs it!

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