The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1192: Double anomaly

Chapter 1193: Both Anomalies

After discovering that the body of the little girl was a zombie, Feng Yuan stayed a few minutes before he recovered some consciousness.

After that, he passed the situation of the little girl into order through the ability of the professional!

Time flies, the hour hand hanging by the wall turns and turns, and the sky is quickly blinded by a piece of black cloth, and night falls.

Witnessed the tragic death of the zombies, and saw many horrible monsters through the window. This eight-year-old girl is different from her peers.

In such a strange environment, surrounded by "bad people", she became surprisingly silent, but she looked at the clock indifferently, swinging back and forth, her movements were also nervous, and she said " I think mom "somebody bullied me." Until a heartbreaking scream came upstairs, she collapsed immediately, crying hysterically, and wanted to rush out.

But where would Feng Yuan give her a chance, her arms waved like iron tongs to stop her, and then she walked a few steps and threw her on the bed in the back room, locked the door with her, and let her cry and make no noise. Sitting on the sofa with his buttocks, his face was cyan and black, and there was a sad cloud.

A clerk accompanying him leaned aside and did not stop, but just sighed, "Is this too cruel to her?"

Feng Yuan hesitated for a few seconds, and his face was calm again: "I'm for her good, after all, the infected person is more than just her!"

At this time, Feng Yuan no longer looked like a slayer who slashed the zombies before, but became a human who still has humanity.

If it was Feng Yuan at the beginning, when he saw this scene when the doomsday came, he was already scared and scared, but now, after experiencing so many spirits, he has gradually got used to his current life.

When life and death exist in the world, there will always be two extremes. There are traitor dog legs that persecute people regardless of their bloodline during the Anti-Japanese War. There are also tyrants who issue Hu Ling to kill Hu Ling. It can't be controlled.

No one will know exactly what Feng Yuan encountered along the way, which one of the brothers ’anti-eyes, human flesh bait, and evil man ’s brutality is not a tragedy in his heart; it can be said that the evil in his body has accumulated vertex.

However, Feng Yuan encountered despair, but also rescued himself at the moment when he was near the abyss. Because of this, Feng Yuan's madness and calmness are directly proportional. This is a hundred people with diverse emotions!

What is the darkest in this world?

Not a cruel environment, but a twisted heart!

Twisted humans are the real demons that have ruined the world, and they cause harm. More scary than the mutant beasts and zombies that invaded the earth!

No one can keep his heart from being attacked in this kind of environment. Feng Yuan is just an ordinary person. He is so ordinary that he can't throw up a ripple of stones when he is thrown in the sea. Even today, he can deliberately maintain his heart. Purity is already a very difficult thing; the original commitment came to his mind at this moment: not being a great good man who is difficult to save, nor extinct the most evil in the world, just being free to do whatever he wants, being a Hurry up and kill the free people who want to save if you want to kill!

Taking a deep breath, Feng Yuan feels that he is extremely relaxed now. This may be the personality he most desires in his heart. He has a feeling that all the emotions deliberately suppressed in the past have been released, and his mind has become clearer. And even the power in the flesh jumped up with pleasure, and the clenched fist felt more than 10% more than before.

And what is really scary compared to those fallen and dark humans?

That is when the zombies have both humanity and ability to think, the other party will become a real terrifying killer!

Feng Yuan looked at the ceiling very quietly. Through the cement bricks, he seemed to be able to see the struggling man above, but his eyes were not wavering, and he looked like a specimen.

Feng Yuan didn't bother the man screaming and screaming upstairs alone, not because he was cold-blooded, but after the investigation, Feng Yuan strangely discovered that not only the little girl, but even the weaker man had already been poisoned by the dead Infections not only weaken the breath of life, but even the heartbeat is only half or even a third of that of a normal person.

What does all this mean?

No one knows whether this pair of father and daughter changed after being bitten by a zombie, or because of the surrounding environment and food.

But in any case, Feng Yuan believes that he needs to figure it all out!

This exploration, Feng Yuan's main purpose is to pay attention to the surrounding wind and grass, especially some hidden dimension cracks!

Those cracks opened completely without any regularity. The day before may be a plain here, and the next second, there will be countless bloodthirsty monsters in the spacious plain!

This is the power of the dimensional crack!

When the crack is opened, even lower-level monsters will burst out at once, killing everything in front of you!

And the work of people like Feng Yuan is to explore the ruins on this land. If you encounter any situation, notify the order as soon as possible and wait for the order given by the upper layer!

Along the way, Feng Yuan could have ended the boring life of this day after day, but who would have thought that the wailing of a pair of father and daughter disrupted all of Feng Yuan's plans!

Originally Feng Yuan thought that it was only the girl who was mutated, and was immediately isolated, but after that, the other person's father suddenly began to run into restraint like madness.

Men are just ordinary people. It stands to reason that it is impossible to break the barriers of professionals, but a shocking scene appears!

When I saw the man with his arms strong, he suddenly broke through the shackles of the two professionals and noticed that Feng Yuan was in a hurry to rescue him. Then he discovered that the man's face had already changed dramatically!

Unlike before, there was still some redness. At that moment, the man's face was already pale, and not only that, the strength of the other party also increased unimaginably, and the two professionals were immediately pushed aside!

Men have also changed!

Not just a little girl, but even the other's father is changing in an unpredictable direction.

After that, Feng Yuan brought the girl who did not seem harmless back to the camp.

And the man had obviously gone into a state of violentness. It had been more than ten minutes. The roar of the other party did not stop, but grew stronger!

The man's condition is very bad. Maybe he felt something. At this time, he didn't come. The severe pain in his belly was like a razor-sharp knife sharply cutting every pain nerve, every muscle, all over his body. Every cell hurt so much that it almost exploded into thick pulp. That kind of pain, for another person, I was afraid that the nerve would collapse and die in less than half a second, but there was a bond in the heart, which allowed the man to gain patience beyond ordinary people. Force, so much so now that it persists!

At this time, the man even knew what his purpose was!

He wants to escape here, and then rescue his beloved baby!

"Useless, I tell you, I won't die! I won't die as you wish, I have a daughter, I can't put her in your hands, no! Haha, my wife is dead, I can't be resurrected at all I hate myself for not going downstairs to save him, why should I hide upstairs with my own eyes and watch her be eaten. Why am I living now? Because of my daughter, I ca n’t let her be bullied, she is me Last hope, no one can take her away from me! "

Men's consciousness began to become confused. In the past, the psychological pressure caused by his wife's death completely broke out at this moment!

The man spit black blood on his mouth, and his muscles were swollen with bruises, breathing like a ghost, pulling one's neck with one hand, reaching one's abdomen with one hand, and touching whether the flesh that had long lost his senses still exists. With his eyes fixed on the front, it was an unprecedented resoluteness, and from this moment he was also sublimated. Get redemption from the collapse, if he can finally survive it, he will become stronger because of this atonement!

But before that, he had to endure this unspeakable pain. No one except him could give him any help!

"Power? Is this the feeling of power? Why is there a cold feeling?" At this moment, the man clearly felt that the surging power of the lower abdomen turned into waves and penetrated into his limbs and internal organs! It was a dark smell of death, and it was eroding his own flesh. If this power increased, his vitality would eventually be destroyed and gradually become a zombie!

"No! I don't want to die, my daughter needs someone to take care of me, and live! I want to live!" Without the concept of time, this pain seems to be immortal. The man clenched his teeth and made a "creak" running-in sound, because even the gums were worn out, exuding a large amount of blood stains; but he did not give up, his heart was still screaming, screaming, trying Turn the resentment in your body into a furnace that burns everything, so as to refine the breath of death.

But all this is in vain, never possessing this kind of power, a man simply cannot master it in the first time and allocate its whereabouts! The extension of severe pain made his thinking come out of a sensitive range at any time. He could feel a little bit of fat on his body, and the skin surface also exuded a piece of juice, and then the skin became dry like dead skin!

The man finally felt the fear of Cunxin, not like before, but completely surrounded by despair, like a devil crawling out of hell, occupying his chilling body, holding tightly Staying in his heart, it seems that at any time and moment, this heart that finally ignited hope can be crushed!

"Are you going to die? Are you really going to die? But I'm really unwilling. Just one step away, I can have the power to protect my beloved. Why am I so incompetent? Why can't I bear this pain, let I live and give me a strong body that can protect her from any danger. I am willing-willing to exchange for my eternal life! "

"Pop!" A sound of a push door sounded, and Feng Yuan stepped on the top of the building with a steady footstep.

"Did you fail?" Looking at the motionless man lying on the ground, Feng Yuan's eyes showed a strangeness deep at this moment.

"This is probably your ultimate belonging. The dead will die, and the living will have to continue. Your daughter should remember to hate me, my father and foe, or maybe not, because you are no longer pure humans, but become It's like half a human and half a corpse! "

Feng Yuan does not have the quirk of speaking to the dead, but today is an exception. From a certain point, the other party is the biggest gain in his exploration!

Feng Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the strangeness in his eyes was quickly eliminated by him. I just wanted to turn downstairs, but I heard a sound rubbing the ground behind me.

"How come! He is still alive?" With uncertainty, Feng Yuan immediately looked at him, but saw an astonishing scene. The man who had just been included in the ranks of the dead just moved.

I saw him stretch out his hands, propped up on the ground, his arms struggling to get up. Feng Yuan did not manage or help. At this time, he was like a small antelope just born in the wild. He could not rely on external forces and could only stand up independently.

"The other person's body is gradually changing!" Looking at the resurrected man, Feng Yuan just wanted to make his own remarks, but was surprised by his appearance to be speechless. I saw a man who was still flesh and blood the previous second, As I got up, the speed that was already visible to the naked eye changed.

For one minute, only one minute, this thin man turned into a body similar to a dry corpse, and there was no much fat on his body, and even the dried skin was covered with pale white corpses and black hair all over his head. It turned yellow withered grass, just like the grassland in autumn, full of desolation, and his eyes were deeply sunken, his eyes were dull, like a dried up deep well!

"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Husky's voice ~ ~ came from his mouth.

"Speaking and thinking, not zombies, no ... he was indeed dead and turned into a zombie-like species, but he retained his wisdom and thinking skills!"

"what is this?"

Looking at the man with a bewildered face, staring at his own sharp abnormal nails in his hands, Feng Yuan's face appeared with fear for the first time.

He seems to have discovered something extraordinary. After several energy storms, the zombies who have been constantly suppressed by monsters and bugs may have discovered unknown changes in some unknown fields.

Those zombies ... at the same time as [immortality] and [infinite power], they even mastered the unique thinking ability of human beings!

If there are only a few individuals, this is nothing, but if the surrounding zombies are all infected and mutated, then it will be a real challenge for order!

(End of this chapter)

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