The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1198: Revenge angel

In less than five minutes, the girl suddenly had the power of a legendary powerhouse. I have to say that Chen Feng's method can be described as shocking!

The purpose of Chen Feng is to create an angel of revenge in Silver City!

This angel is not a single individual, but carries the hopes and experiences of countless people. For all people who endure humiliation, young girls are their courage to live!

Feeling the changes in the body, the temperament of the young girl has become colder and sharper, just like the wild wolf who suddenly opened the fierce pupils in the dark, and will choose to eat at any time!

The girl was finally born again.

For a moment, the girl felt that she had the power to destroy the world!

The girl can't be promoted in life, because this is a blood sacrifice. Not only that, but also the will of the succubus, so the character of the girl will become more inclined to demons. As a professional, Chen Feng does not help by raising seedlings, but uses raw materials directly to carve out a beautiful jade!

I live, don't die! I also have such a huge power! ...... Why is this news so ecstatic enough for my parents to come so late that I have begged countless times for the power that God has given me to protect myself, but why ... why did I wake up when I wanted to die ... ... too late, it all came too late, already ... there is no way to recover everything that was lost! "

Obtaining powerful power and, in theory, it should be a blessing repaired in ten lifetimes, and you should be happy, but the girl thinks it is unparalleled irony ... It's like being in a hot desert, everyone has been exhausted After suffering from the baking in the scorching sun, I desperately wanted to find a source of water, but eventually died alive and dehydrated. After less than a few minutes of death, a heavy rain began to wash the entire desert into a world of water ... What could be more ironic?

It is too late to ask for it, but it is too late to get it.

"Who says there's no way to save everything? As much power as you have responsibility ... you already have the power to avenge the vengeance and uphold justice. Although you have not yet awakened the power, it is now stronger than the average man's power , You can use your useful body to save more female compatriots, just like I save you today, you can save other women tomorrow ... "

"Can I?" The girl was still unable to adapt to her strength for a while, and was a little timid.

"Everyone has a painful memory. The difference is whether you can overcome it! When you want to become stronger and eliminate evildoers ... you will forget all the pain ..."


"Nothing! But I just want to ask you ... whether to commit suicide or be an avenger!"

"You also know that you have suffered great trauma before. You could not live tonight at all, but I help you get a new life. Now you have the energy to save others. Tell me, how do you choose?"

What Chen Feng has to do is to take full control of the city. Before that, it was only a small favor to distribute food, but today, sending a strong man in the golden rank to the guillotine is the real meal!

What Chen Feng has to do is do the opposite!

Before the Brotherhood and the Longmen ruled here, when the master took charge of everything, now Chen Feng was in power, and everyone advertised equality. Even the most powerful professionals will be punished if they break the law!

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he didn't say anything. He had done everything, and the rest was left to the girl to make her own decision!

The girl closed her eyes weakly, holding a sharp weapon in one hand, but the other hand was pinched into a fist under the cover, and her nails fell deeply into the soft flesh of the palm. After the clock, she opened her eyes in pain, and sighed incomparably:

"I will live ... and then use my power to kill all the wrongdoers and bad guys in this world!"

"Oh, good choice ... then take the weapon in your hand and kill me all the evildoers in front of you!"

"Don't kill me, I already know it wrong!"

"Please, don't!"

"How? Do you really dare to do it? Do you forget why I was bullied? I'll see if you dare!"

Watching the young girl slowly approaching herself like a puppet with a blade, the professionals on the side shouted and at first begged for mercy, but when they saw the other person taking firm steps, they were a little flustered, some even Without a word, she began to scold the girl.

Provocative in his words, this is the so-called last face of these thugs!

Listening to the other's swear words, smiled coldly, the blood of the demon began to play a role, she picked up a rolling stone from the ground, the size of an apple, and smashed into a professional's mouth, and immediately put His teeth fell off, his gums were severely broken, and his mouth was full of bloodshot blood. The girl seemed crazy, and picked up more stones and threw them at the other person!

The power of terror instantly made the professionals roll their eyes with pain, and the cold sweat from their bodies was almost as thick as mud.

The young girl's good-looking face was full of hysteria hate, and I didn't know how much she threw. It wasn't until the professional man took a breath that she stopped repeating her actions.

Of course ... this is just the beginning. For the girl, the task she is now taking is a little bit more complete.

Killing ... this is just the beginning!

The horror began to bloom, before those fortunate professionals realized that they had been nailed to the cross of death!

Many people's legs began to tremble. When they looked at their companions aside, many people felt that the crotch was hot, and then a heat flow came down.

No matter how brutal and horrible they were in the past ~ ~ and at this time, they all became the most uninteresting beggars! Some people don't even face, they just kneel to the ground, and desperately start to scratch their heads.

"Don't ... we will never dare, just let us go!"

"Yeah, we will change our minds from now on. We will never do these illegal things again. You give us another chance, please, please, please!"

The hoarse voice began to pass among the people. They looked at the maiden's mad cheek. For some reason, a sudden fear began to rise in their hearts. Don't say it is an ordinary professional. At this scene, the body began to shake irregularly!

But unfortunately, the young girl has found the true meaning of her survival. Therefore, she did not listen to the other party ’s begging for mercy, and almost did not even stop. She went forward step by step and waited for the professionals. , Is the most cruel punishment!



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