The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1200: Initiate an attack

Time flies, and the hunting and hunting team, composed of professionals, took four hours to finally reach the place not far from the target

Compared with other people who simply rely on walking, Chen Feng directly summoned a Hell three-headed dog as a mount. Chen Feng's move will undoubtedly surprise many professionals. The **** three-headed dog is huge in size and the most terrifying place is that the other party Three heads, each with a stern expression, made people dare not to despise and dare not approach.

As an epic-level summoner, Chen Feng's summoning has already been strengthened again, and even without a contract, he can tame some of the original residents of the abyss with only powerful power.

This **** three-headed dog didn't know what happened. When it originally appeared on human land, it looked like a mighty man, but after feeling the horrible power flowing on Chen Feng, he suddenly became like a little milk dog. Be docile.


The explorer leaned over to Chen Feng, and Shen Sheng said, "We have reached the near point of the tyrannical baboon camp ... at least one mile away will definitely see them."

Nodded, a scarlet scarlet flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

Then he said, "Now tell me everything you know about the tyrannical baboon."

The spirit explorer looked ahead and said with a more dignified look on his face, "Power! Pure power! Tyrannical baboons do not cultivate energy and have no means of long-range attack. Their most ferocious ability is their own body! Even five cars The tank sniped them, and an adult tyrannical baboon could easily overturn it. "

After listening to the introduction of the spirit explorer, Chen Feng also took a deep breath, and his eyes flickered as if thinking about something. After a minute, he turned his head and shouted at the professional: " Wait for a while to hunt tyrannical baboons. Power-oriented professionals will act as pioneers, and long-distance attackers will release abilities behind them, while thunder, ice, flames, and poisonous gas will serve as auxiliary members to try to give tyrannical baboons the greatest negative impact! "

"Yes!" The professional said in unison.

Chen Feng glanced to the right. After the Battle of Silver City, there were countless deaths and injuries. Even if there were only a few hundred professionals left, there were still a few characters that made people look bright.

On the far right is a strength-type professional named Yang Xi. The horror body of the other two meters is like a muscular iron tower, holding his arms, staring blankly at the front, the chest muscles shaking constantly, the whole person Just like the legendary giant spirit god, it is infinitely powerful.

Next to him is a young man with a sharp-billed monkey gill. The weird point is that the other person's legs have no substance, and they are in a state of smoke whenever and wherever they are. This is because the energy has caused the body to change, without the physical body, but has more Weird and quick ability!

These two people caught Chen Feng's attention, maybe something was sensed, and they collided with Chen Feng at the same time.

The former may be a little stuffy, just nodded, and then lowered his arms to show respect, while the young man with his legs blurred was a flattered attitude, looking at it like how he looked at Chen Feng For glory, hurriedly lowered his head and smiled charmingly.

For the performance of the two, Chen Feng didn't pay much attention at all. Only the strength that could cause him to pay attention to him was that he would not despise the other because of the boringness of the former, nor would he look at the latter because of his sneer. If he wanted to Occupy your own position in Silver City, then, rely on strength to prove yourself!


"Coaxing ..."

Just as everyone walked for another few kilometers with solemn expression, as they were going over a mountain, a strong voice reached the ears of everyone.

This kind of sound is very strange, just like the whistle on a ship, it has a strong sound wave effect. Fortunately, high-level professionals can say that those low-level professionals can't help but look pale.

Chen Feng held out his hand and motioned for everyone to stop and look down.

"Oh my god!"

Even though Sun Yao already has a strong force, when he saw the creature in front of him, his pupils could not shrink, he did not expect that such a huge beast exists on the earth! Could not help exclaiming.

It is over four meters in length, as high as a one-story building, and is covered in dark gray. Pairs of arms like pythons are generally swinging in mid-air, and you can hear the whispering sound of "wheezing" in his mouth. The teeth that were originally hidden in the mouth were exposed, and each one was full of quaint power and sharpness. Like the four daggers, people couldn't afford the determination to confront them.

The surviving professionals, no matter how stained they were in the past, can still be regarded as having experienced hundreds of battles. When they came forward and saw the tyrannical baboon, they could not help but open their mouths and were shocked. This ... where is the meekness of the past The baboon, just like the legendary Warcraft, is full of violent atmosphere!

Fortunately, the terrain here is quite high, a dozen meters away from the tyrannical baboon. If a long-distance attack can play an unexpected role, even if the tyrannical baboon finds it, when it runs, professionals can issue a new round of offensive!

Chen Feng turned his head and waved his hand towards the long-distance professionals behind him, motioned them to come over, received Chen Feng's order, the professionals came forward together without half a drag.

"Ready ... offensive!" Chen Feng said with a word, watching as the professionals were ready.

As professionals, they have far-reaching insights, so even without Chen Feng ’s orders, they already understand each other ’s intentions. So when Chen Feng said to be ready, they gathered energy in their bodies and tried their best. Great stunt, when Chen Feng's words fell, their meteor-like attack accompanied by a loud shout suddenly blasted towards the tyrannical baboon!

"Nine Dragons Turn!"


"The mist is overcast!"


"Night light is bad!"

"God punishes the lightning gun!"

These dozens of far-reaching professionals are the masters of the Yin people, so there is nothing to hide at this moment, everyone is overdrawn to go to their full strength, in order to make Chen Feng look high, because many people know , The performance of this battle will help your future trend!

There are no fools in this world. At the beginning, it may not be clear what Chen Feng will do, but after discovering that this hunting team is all former colleagues ~ ~ Many people have discovered the key to the matter!

They have witnessed the downfall of Silver City and the deaths of those masters of the past, so if they still want to live well, then they will take this rare opportunity and let Chen Feng take a closer look.

At this time, the lazy tyrannical activists on the ground did not know what was happening, but only felt an incomparably powerful force, and were completely drowned by colorful energy bombs.

"Coaxing ..."

These energies came too suddenly. The tyrannical baboon had no chance of being prepared for it. It could only make a loud roar, and the voice was full of grief and fear.

Standing high, Chen Feng expressionlessly listened to the voice of the violent baboon tearing the sky, without a trace of pity and pity on his face.

In the present world, there are no so-called weak and strong.

Most of the beings living in this land are faced with two choices: hunters or prey!

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