The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1204: Takenodo

"Is this comprehension?" Chen Feng originally stayed calmly, but after seeing the acts of tyrannical baboons, he could not help pulling his eyes.

Chen Feng originally planned to help Fula complete the promotion in the battle, but who can think of it, when Fula won but it was me, the tyrannical baboon completed an understanding after extreme anger!


Something went wrong.

Chen Feng originally thought that the tyrannical baboon was a natural xenogeneity, but after hesitating for a few minutes, he discovered some problems. After the momentum was strengthened, the baboon's eyes suddenly became dark, as if the whole night was being filled into the eyes Generally, there is no light and consciousness!

"So it is ..."

Chen Feng issued a sigh, under extreme anger, the tyrannical baboon may find that if he continues to fight, he is not an opponent of Fura, so he demonized himself directly. This is a means to end up with the enemy and erupt. , The whole body energy soared several times in an instant, but the consciousness will completely disappear and become a monster that only knows to kill!

To put it simply, if Fura is pulling out of the battle group now, this demonized baboon will slaughter all the surrounding creatures, and then become a horrible zombie wandering around and devouring flesh and blood!

After changing to any professional, after seeing all of this, he may temporarily avoid the limelight and wait until he finds the opponent's shortcomings, but at this moment, Fura stands upright, staring at the mad tyrannical baboon and said: "You Monsters are fierce and ruthless and humane. They are stronger than ordinary demonic lords. No one has ever been able to make me kill so much. I do n’t hide now, I just want to kill you, hone martial arts, and step on my own. Epic steps into a stepping stone! "

Unlike ordinary people, the promotion of the master of fura boxing is the word challenge. She only has different challenges to obtain the long-awaited strength. Therefore, at this time, her war will be strong and unprecedented.

Having clarified his purpose, Fura immediately made up her mind and decided to kill the monster with her martial arts. One was to hone her martial arts, and the other was to reach out to martial arts.

Now Fula ’s body has met the conditions for promotion, and now there are still some flaws in the soul, which is the weakness and shadow of the past. At this moment, Fula remembered what Chen Feng had said to himself before, beheading the second Personality Experience.

Fura narrowed her eyes. For a time, the tyrannical baboon in front of her eyes began to be unreal. For a while, she was a child, turned into an ugly demon, and turned into a roaring goblin.

These phantoms are all the shadows of Fura's past. Now, after finally facing himself, these shadows appear again in Fura's eyes. This is a rare opportunity. Although the opponent is strong, once you win, the benefits are also Unimaginable!


As soon as his fist was closed, the tyrannical baboon once again uttered a word of hate. At the same time, the spirits that had been scattered around the surroundings condensed again, and then all recovered. The tyrannous baboon's body crackled and swelled, giving a smirk, black eyes turning rapidly. I don't know what to think about.

Its consciousness has been demonized. The last thought of life is hate and killing. There is no fear and cowardice of companions. At this moment, it has undoubtedly reached a certain peak state!

"I'm going to kill you and hit my martial arts!"

Fula's eyes were firm. In the next second, the countless illusions gathered together, and then formed the appearance of a tyrannical baboon. Fura found a chance of promotion. Her body was bowed, her body was undulating, and the knuckles inside were shaking. This kind of faint thunder sound seems to be muggy.


Fura will never run away on the battlefield. This is her life creed. Unlike the hate and killing of tyrannical baboons, Fura has said goodbye to her past life. The people of the family have also been reproduced and developed under the arrangement of Chen Feng. Opportunity. In less than a year, the cat people, which originally had less than thousands, have now expanded to more than 1,600. What kind of progress is this?

[Cats have a different fertility period than humans, and can conceive life in five months of pregnancy! 】

Not only that, Fura also found her own love. Although she called this lover's object as the master, this did not affect her love!

It was she who helped herself and the tribe out of trouble!

At this time, it is time for Fu La to make a return!

"Anyway, I have to follow my host. If I don't get promoted, sooner or later, I will be eliminated. No one can let me leave the host. You will be my stepping stone and fulfill my dream!"

Fura roared, punched away, and the flash of light flashed through the void like lightning.

A shock!

The tyrannical baboon has completely lost its judgement of moves, leaving only a pure killing instinct. Its eyes are dark, like a black hole that can devour everything. If it is common, it may dodge and guard, but now, it only Will attack and charge!

The baboon sent a wave of sound in his mouth, and then directly killed Fura's body.

The flesh and the flesh began to collide with a bang, like a comet hitting the earth, and just when the tyrannical baboon raised his fist and started the second blow, Fura's body was soft, and Jiu-Jitsu was naturally cast. Behind the tyrannical baboon, a fierce and fierce punch punched into each other's neck!

The tyrannical baboon looks like it has eyes behind it, and the arms seem to be twisted without bones. The knife splits up with a dead angle, blocking the punch, while kicking with one foot and catching it with his backhand, he grabbed Fura's head. .

With this grasping, the surrounding air emits a burst of horrible sound explosions. Without a doubt, if the head of Fura is caught, it will be directly caught in the flesh!

After seeing this attack, Chen Feng ’s pupils were like a wild cat in the afternoon, completely tightening into a thin line. Not only that, the surrounding space collapsed layer by layer, but a long sword born in flames appeared looming.

Fu La has great significance to Chen Feng. Although he cares for life, it is more important to look at it alive, but people can be ruthless. Even if Chen Feng is cold-blooded, he is already used to Fu La. Accompany, even if the other party is not promoted?

He Chen Feng is an epic powerhouse. His Majesty not only has the gods such as the Shrinker, but also the inferiors, Saruman, and the Burning Demon. They can't shelter a woman?

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes were bloody. If the tyrannical baboon dared to hurt his woman, he would stab him directly, and even his soul would be deprived of it ~ ~ Let Saruman torture day and night, and live forever Must not be born.

At this moment, Chen Feng was undoubtedly angry!

However, despite this, Chen Feng chose to believe Fu La, and he also knew that this was the opportunity of the other side, so he could not rush into the shot at the last moment. Otherwise, Fu La did nothing.

The tyrannical baboon's huge palms swelled, its nails popped out, and blue tendons like snakes. It was the strongest means of tyrannical baboons.

It was clear to Frau that it was the most critical moment. In the face of this blow, she also fully released her courage, holding up with one hand, then **** with her left hand, and bombarded towards the other side!


With their hands together, Fura stepped back five steps, her throat spit, and a burst of blood spurted out.

The tyrannical baboon withdrew a dozen steps before it stopped.

There is no doubt that Fula prevailed in this collision!

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