The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1220: Dragon Egg

Govern his body in his own way.

Everything Chen Feng is doing now is just a copying step of the femme devil in the past when harvesting the soul. It also ignores life, but this time, the femme devil has become the protagonist of today!

What's more, compared to what Chen Feng is doing now, compared to the femme fatale, he is just a little witch!

After all, Chen Feng first killed the femme fiend, and then sacrificed it, but what about the femme fiend? Offering sacrifices while the offering is still alive, the pain is far more cruel than that now!

"Not willing! Not willing !!!!!!!!!!!!"

The viper moaned in sorrow. It is full of unwillingness and perseverance, how it hopes that it can drag on the remnants for another period of time to slaughter more lives!

But its power has come to an end, and it is already powerless ...

The femme devil slowly closed his eyes, and the blood-stained body bloomed at the starting point of the starlight, and fluttered in the air like a wind, and then flew towards the six-pointed star!

At this moment, Chen Feng even levitated, and the mountain wind blew his hair ends, blowing his clothes to the ground.

At the same time, the feline devil's body, full of high mountains, began to melt slowly, turning into the purest energy, completely swallowed by the six-pointed star.

Seeing all this, even Saruman could not help but widen his eyes. Although it was not the first time I saw it, every time I saw Chen Feng using the sacrifice to summon, he couldn't help sighing, because only this time, Can it be so close to observe the nature of the abyss!

The speed of sacrifice was much faster than Chen Feng imagined.

This foreshadows that this summoned creature is extremely powerful, and only when the sacrifice reaches a certain level can it so quickly devour the power of the femme fatale.

Summoning is more popular. It is similar to fishing. Put down the bait and wait for the fish to hook. At this time, the other party has swallowed their bait. Then, it is time to close the line.

A powerful force began to breed.

The next moment, Su Na's flame rose from the magic circle, becoming hotter and more grainy, the red light was dazzling, a heat wave came on, and gradually, even the surrounding water vapor was evaporated.

"Well, this power is full of flames, does this time summon creatures prone to fire?"

Chen Feng was surprised and couldn't think of it. Using the body of a femme fatal as a sacrifice would summon creatures of this attribute.

Although it is somewhat different from the attributes of the summoned beast that Chen Feng expected, it is not disappointment.

After all, the fire attribute of the summoned beast is very powerful. For example, the Burning Devil has a burning aura, and there is always high temperature around it. Some low-level bugs or enemies, even if they do not kill them themselves, will be affected by the heat of their body. Roasted.

However, Chen Feng is a bit confused, like the mainstream in the abyss is still chaotic bloodlines, like dark creatures and demons, and rarely have the energy of the fire element, will not be another incinerator?

Although the Burning Demon is very powerful, Chen Feng has cultivated an epic Burning Demon, just like a childhood card. No matter how precious a card is, only one is enough. No fresh card is fascinating.

But no matter what the summoning looks like, it is a powerful helper in terms of momentum alone. With it, Chen Feng ’s attack power will increase dramatically.


Just in Chen Feng's thoughts, a vague circular object began to flash in the magic circle!

The energy that blocked each other finally flared away, and the mysterious summoned beast finally appeared.


But at this moment, Chen Feng's smile stopped abruptly, his eyes widened sharply, and great anxiety and shock filled his cheeks.

What did he see? The array in front of him did not have any summoned beast he imagined, and some, it was just a giant egg with red body covered with strange patterns!

Summoned an egg!

Chen Feng's expression stagnated here, and his heart was even more messy ...

What exactly is going on? !!


"Master ... this is a dragon egg." As a wise man among summoned beasts, Saruman naturally knew a lot, so Chen Feng gave the egg to the other party for identification.

But after just watching for a few minutes, Saruman concluded that it was a dragon egg!


In all dimensions, they are considered creatures of the strong!

And this time, Chen Feng, through the flesh and blood of the scorpion demon, actually summoned a real dragon egg instead of the dragon blood creatures that he usually sees. The egg in front of him is a real dragon!

Even if this egg has not hatched yet, Chen Feng knows that the dragon inside is awake. The egg is extremely hot and the temperature has already exceeded Baidu. If it is replaced with other species, it is already baked and can already be peeled and eaten.

But even if this egg is extremely hot, Chen Feng can feel the strong vitality inside!

No doubt this is a red dragon egg!

As the most greedy true dragons, the Red Dragons tirelessly managed to add to their treasures. Even by the standards of dragons, they are proud. Its main manifestations are its arrogant behavior and contempt for other creatures.

Favored by the creator, the Red Dragon naturally has the qualification to despise other creatures!

Their powerful claws and sharp teeth are enough to become a nightmare for adventurers. They also often use spit attacks or other special physical attack methods, as well as magic mastered since ancient times, even the most powerful magician or warrior in the world. , You must be careful when facing the dragon.

Red dragons can soar in the sky. They especially like to fight high above the enemy. They use long-range attacks to consume the opponent's combat power, and then close-range attacks. Older and more intelligent dragons are very good at estimating the strength of the enemy and will take appropriate tactics, such as preemptively solving the most dangerous or weakest enemy first.

Chen Feng's consciousness called up a lot of further information about the red dragon ~ ~ The young dragon period red dragon showed smooth and bright red scales making it easy to be found by predators and hunters, so it will stay at The ground will not go out until it is able to take care of itself.

At the end of the juvenile stage, the scales will turn dark red, and the smooth lines will be replaced by smooth gray lines. As you age, the scales grow larger and thicker, making them as hard as metal. The frills of the neck and the edges of the wings appear gray-blue or purple-gray, and become darker with age.

Their pupils fade with age, and the eyes of the oldest red dragon look like lava balls.

The adult dragon is one of the most powerful masters in any dimension.

"Suddenly called a dragon egg?"

Chen Feng is still a bit uncomfortable up to now, because as a summoner, he can accept the obligation of nurturing himself, but never thought that he would summon a real baby!

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