The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1229: War of destruction

The bone spur penetrated the four-armed snake's chest, causing it to be severely damaged at once, but like this degree of injury, it was not dead.

What is really scary is that not only is there a dark elf with a legendary rank, but also a half-step epic Lich!

When was the team exposed?

The four-armed snake demon can be 100% sure of the horror of the Lich in front of it, because it notices a sense of oppression in the bandaged monster.

I am not at all this Lich's opponent!

There is no longer a strong fight in the distance, and the usual roar of the orcs no longer appears. What does this mean? Harmon may have been defeated!

The soldiers are divided into three ways, not only themselves, but they are likely to be attacked together with the bandage monster. Therefore, the four-armed snake is clearer. At this time, it is impossible for anyone to come to rescue itself.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself!

Figured it all out, the four-armed snake demon dragged his heavily wounded body and slowly moved backwards, trying to escape the terrible attacker in front of him.

Want to run?

Erwin took a short break while Saruman witnessed the other's move. He raised his arm and raised the bone scepter high!

At this time, the Bone Scepter was not the weapon that was originally forged with the epic tooth. After a long time of forging, Saruman did not know how much material was put into it. It is no exaggeration to say that if there is enough divine injection Among them, this bone bone scepter is likely to change in an instant and become a real secondary artifact!

At this time, after Saruman raised the scepter of bones, a spinning tornado was instantly formed in the air, whistling with mixed dead stones adsorbed around, dragging a comet-like white light tail, cannonball Usually shot towards the four-armed snake demon!

At this time, Saruman's hair rose from the wind, and a horrific magic attack poured out of his body!

An immense icy coldness, like a barren mountain blowing snow, weighed down like Tarzan, making the four-armed snake demon's breathing very difficult, and the goosebumps all over their bodies!

The four-armed snake is a cold-blooded creature, plus its extraordinary strength, so it has already been immune to the cold. It is no exaggeration to say that it can live safely in the coldest level of the abyss, but at this time, it feels His blood seemed to freeze, bit by bit.

At this time, the spell attack on himself was not just physical damage, but also a kind of oppression from the spiritual level.

Just as the four-armed snake demon tried to escape, it suddenly felt a pain in the chest, then fell into a pool of blood, and there was endless fear in its eyes.


There was a sound of footsteps from the side, and Saruman walked to his side with a bone scepter.

The dark creatures on the side are all messy. They are not like the four-armed snake demon and Harmon. They have absolute faith in the **** of slaughter. They are true believers. Because they are not powerful, they can only be regarded as marginal characters, even if they believe in slaughter. God, but more still love his life!

At this time, these surviving dark creatures all lowered their posture, because they had lost all their courage from the moment they were attacked by Erwin. At this time, the wolves, lizards, and ogres Many surviving dark creatures even half-knelt on the ground, this is the act of surrender in the abyss.

"What do you think?" Saruman asked Erwin in a husky voice.

Erwin is cold-blooded and enchanted. She is like a rose full of spikes, and any character who touches her interests will be dead.

The dark elves gazed around and said in a cold voice: "These guys who belong to the God of Slaughter are relatively well-known gangs. They worked for killing. Before that, many dark elves' camps were attacked by the other party, regardless of the elderly. Children, no one is spared, they are all damn, they have no right to surrender. "

"it is good!"

Saruman didn't talk nonsense, the white bone scepter burst into a white light. Under the illumination of the white light, the four-armed snake and the dark creatures that had just died slowly climbed up from the ground, but compared to the previous body, At this time, they seemed stiff. Not only that, but their eyes became **** and dull, and they became a group of flesh-and-blood monsters who only knew to eat.

Saruman was an undead mage before he advanced. For it, you never need to do it yourself when fighting!

The surviving dark creatures have already frightened their courage. Although the resurrected four-armed snake demon is not as strong as it was in life, it still does not matter to strangle a group of enemies who lose their confidence. The battle soon ends. There is no half on the ground except the undead and the corpses. A living enemy.

Until then, Erwin breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Saruman and said, "Thank you for this time."

"The host ordered it," Saruman replied lightly.

Chen Feng's summoning beasts are not as close as imaginary. After all, these summoning beasts are all overlords in the abyss, Saruman, Erwin, and the Burning Devil. Which one is not a ruthless hand, if it is in the abyss Encounter, in the case of touching interests, they will definitely fight for you.

But because of Chen Feng, they were tied to a boat at this time.

Erwin was fortunate that because of the success of the auction, Rose paid special attention to the land, so a ray of energy was left. Those believers of the God of Slaughter could not imagine that although Rose was trapped by the God of Slaughter, The advent of the team let the energy trigger, which made Erwin aware that an enemy was coming towards the camp.

Erwin knew the identity of the attacker as an eyeliner. When she knew it, even this dim flower blooming in the abyss was not surprised, because she felt the strength of the other party, and then compared, It was finally determined that the other party was a believer of the infamous God of slaughter ~ ~ Erwin began to pray to Rose, but strangely, Rose did not react at all, which made Erwin a little apprehensive, It is clear that even if the strength of the camp is known in advance, it is difficult to deal with such a master, so she did not hesitate to start asking for help from Chen Feng.

Compared with the high-profile Rose, Chen Feng, who is also the host, is also one of Erwin's trusted objects. Even, it is a bit disrespectful that compared to Rose, Chen Feng has more significance than that!

After learning everything, Chen Feng opened the crack directly, and delivered the summoned beasts of Saruman to the dark area.

"The alien has completed its mission and the four arms have been destroyed, just do not know how the progress of the other one?" Erwin asked with a little worry.

After all, this auction was supported by Erwin himself to this day and night. For this place, she has very complicated emotions, and naturally she does not want her efforts to be burned!

"You can rest assured at this point, after all, it is the little princess who is in charge of the other side!"

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