The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1235: Evil purpose

It always seemed that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and many things were already happening, but she didn't know much and knew nothing about it.

Erwin reacted quickly, realizing the seriousness of the matter!

"It seems that the God of Slaughter is bound to win this attack! Even elite troops like the Watchmen are sent out!"


"Why does it think it can occupy this land!"

Erwin's eyes slowly became gloomy. Even if the dark areas were thousands of bad, but this is her homeland, no one can stray in this land, including the so-called divine residence!

The traces of the battle are getting denser.

More monsters and even the corpses of companions began to appear before them. Those gnoll scouts clearly had the upper hand. For unprepared beasts and dark elves, those who suddenly appeared as attackers undoubtedly became the harvesters of life.

A dark elf with only half of her body lying on the ground. She also held a long bow in her hand. It is not difficult to infer from the breath that the other party is not weaker than the peak of gold, but she was still killed by a knife. It's up!

Terrible damage!

Erwin gave a quick glance to confirm this.

Judging from the wound, the dark elf seemed to have not responded, and then his neck was severed. The hunters did not let the other elders pass by the death of the dark elf, but directly consumed half of their bodies, and then quietly Leave.

"this is!?"

Erwin stopped abruptly, her brows froze tightly, and she opened a corpse in front of her eyes, her face ugly, "A child?"

This is the body of a child.

The small body undoubtedly proves that the opponent is only seven or eight years old, or even younger. In dark areas, even dark elves will fight, but rarely affect children. More often, the victorious party will Children are brought back to their camps to start raising, on the one hand for the protection of the weak, and on the other hand for increasing the population rate.

But now, the dark elf who was obviously a child was bitten off his neck like this. Not only that, she also had bite marks on her body to varying degrees.

"A herd of uncivilized animals!"

Erwin's eyes permeated the radiance of anger, and she resented these attackers not only as enemies of war, but also because they had no bottom line to kill.

The God of Slaughter is a chaotic evil camp.

Even as scouts, the believers of the God of Slaughter still show a high-profile killing gesture. If they are not blocked, the other party is likely to cause more deaths!

Erwin could not help speeding up.

After walking for a while, I have walked out of the place of silence. This is the area where the dark elves are active. Therefore, there are more and more corpses on the ground, and there are traces of **** sacrifices nearby. What should happen? It happened that those evil wolves were deliberately causing killings as a sacrifice to the mysterious existence!

There were traces of fighting in front, and Erwin's figure plunged into the darkness for a moment.

The elites on the side saw Erwin's move, and at the same time entered the state of stealth.

There are many male dark elves among these elites.

The society of dark elves belongs to the matriarchal clan. Women are the main rulers, while men can only perform some unimportant tasks, such as fencing or some magic research. Women, as priests of the spider queen Roth, rule the dark elves society.

The dark elf women use the powerful power that Goddess Rolse gave them to relentlessly rule men. Through violence and threats, they force men to obey and serve them weakly. They are at the pinnacle of the world's power pyramid in the dark, cruel and doubtful, always worried about male rebellions.

In other tribes, even talented male dark elves have a difficult day, like in feudal society, men will imprison women at home. No matter how talented they are, they will not have access to knowledge and society. Slowly become a useless person.

But Erwin is different. After touching the human world, especially becoming a male servant, her original idea of ​​being a woman is changed. Therefore, after she has certain rights, she begins to promote some dark male elves with good talents. In the course of this promotion, despite encountering many obstacles, they were ultimately rejected by Erwin one by one.

Only under Erwin ’s rule did the male dark elves feel a long-lost dignity. Therefore, during this year, many powerful male dark elves defected from their original forces, and joined Herwin ’s lord. .

This caused a lot of hostility to Erwin, but she had orderly as a support, but never took it to heart.

At present, it was a tribe of dark elves. Nearly hundreds of dark elves live here, which is considered a medium-sized force, but now it has become a **** battlefield!

Dark elves, gnolls, and wolf assassins are fighting together, flesh and blood splashes. Unfortunately, the dark elves have been attacked, and the masters have been slaughtered for most of the time. Therefore, at this time, they were basically in a one-sided situation. A lot of dark elves were slaughtered And those wolfmen even started building altars casually.

At the very center of the altar is a huge scarlet face with black fur that looks like a combination of humans and jackals. It is difficult to describe it in words, but the breath on it is really so terrifying and amazing!

Gnoll Watcher!

This is a rare breed of wolves, at this time, as the leader of this scout, it is building a **** altar!

Like the previous purpose of Bandage Freaks ~ ~ The reason for this team to build the altar is to gain strength from the worship of the gods. The other party seems to want to open a crack here too. By then, the **** from slaughter Believers come from many places, which will have a great impact on the defense of the dark elves!

"You can't make them like that!"

"Ready to attack!"

"Be sure to stop these monsters!"

Erwin screamed angrily, and then issued several orders in succession. At this time, the dark elves who were hiding in the surroundings appeared one after another. They took aim at the enemy with a long bow, and then there were a few loud noises. , The arrow cut through the sky and shot through the enemy's throat!

The wolves were immersed in the killings, and they didn't notice the dark elves they had suddenly killed. Therefore, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen wolves were scouting in the pool of blood, and their necks were pierced, apparently Killed in one shot! (https: //) "Apocalyptic Summoner" only represents the author's unwarm view. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to Provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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