The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1241: Reach a consensus

Although the watchman's plan was defeated, Erwin knew that this war against the dark areas had just begun.

The only wolves were not Irwin's opponents at all. In less than three minutes, the heavy wolves were killed this time.

Erwin was standing on a towering huge tree, looking at the billowing smoke. For a time, some words were poor. The Burning Demon only summoned the abyss volcano, but did not get it to its original position. Now, A volcanic eruption, a whole forest, was permeated by the flames of terror.

Erwin did not prevent this from happening. In fact, this helped the dark elves to better gather the team, because the failure of the watchman's mission meant that only a short distance from the advent point of the slaughter legion. That dead land!

This is the inevitable point of the dead land. If you want to attack the dark area, the first thing the slaughtering army must overcome is the sea of ​​fire in front of it!

Erwin does not bring out the dead tribe. This is an abyss, a dark area, full of countless dangers, and evil land that may be buried at any time. From the beginning, Erwin began to die.

Either died in an accident, or in a sneak attack, or ... in his own hands.

In this land full of evil, there is no permanent friendship. When Erwin was young, there might be several good playmates, but time will change everything. In the face of interests, even the closest friends will draw their swords. .

This is the way to survive in the abyss!

Cruel and extremely realistic!

But even if it was such a hard-hearted Erwin, there was a bit of heartache at this time. In order to stop the watchman, Erwin brought twenty dark elves this time, but after a battle, only himself was left with him. Few three people left!

This was a terrible loss. The dead dark elves did not seem to be recruited from other forces. Instead, they were promoted little by little by Erwin and given numerous subsidies. The death of these dark elves was undoubtedly for Erwin. It was a huge loss.

But as one of the leaders of the Dark Elves, Erwin quickly awakened from her sorrow. She turned her head and looked at the Burning Demon and said, "The war has begun. In the battle, Chen Feng has joined this side of the dark area as an ally, so I hope that in the next time, you can stay and fight together. "

After the Burning Demon's promotion, his true height has reached ten meters, and he has become a real giant. Even if he is deliberately suppressed, his height is three meters high, so that Erwin is considered to be tall at this time. In the face of the Burning Demon, he is also in a posture of looking up.

The dark elves on the side did not have the right to speak at all, but stood tens of meters away, looking at the leader talking to the Burning Demon somewhat.

It stands to reason that all the dark elves that survive here are great fighters. Even when they face the gnoll scouts, they are not afraid of death, but at this time, they have a shivering look. That is because of burning. The pressure of the devil is too strong, and San Mi's body is standing there, giving a sense of lethal pressure.

Strong muscles, a totem representing strength, and wide demon wings and demon horns above the head all represent that the other is a powerful demon lord!

But the more powerful the Burning Demon, the more the surviving dark elves admire Erwin, because in their eyes, even if they are so powerful, Erwin is still not humble, and he is not as timid as himself!

The Burning Demon glared at Erwin, seeming to summon himself before complaining to the other party. It could not help but scold: "Humble dark elves, do you want Lord Mona to obey you?"

Erwin didn't mind the racism of the Burning Devil, but just smiled and said, "I have never said obedience, but just need your cooperation. You can completely refuse. The auction is the owner's property. If I rely on me for sure I ca n’t keep it. If the auction is destroyed at that time, the owner will blame him. I do n’t know if you have some responsibility. "

When it comes to strength, it is naturally that the Burning Devil is more powerful, but when it comes to eloquence, even the ten Burning Demon are not as good as Erwin ’s cherry mouth. At this time, only a few words of work will make Burning Devil's dumb mouth silent. In other words, perhaps it was too angry, and the ugly cheek of Burning Demon became even more distorted, so that even the surrounding temperature was affected and became hotter.

Erwin knew that it was almost enough to see the flames of the flames of flames burning. After all, this time, she was spared because of the help of the other party. Although she knew that using the host to press the other side, the flames of magic flames would definitely follow, but she was provocative , Will only make the other party more hate themselves, this kind of child approach is not something an adult dark elf should do.

Erwin bent down, gave the other party enough respect, then looked up and looked directly at the Burning Devil's eyes and said, "Sorry, I must ask for your help. Now it's time to live or die in the dark area. Any negligence, All may cause a chain reaction. The owner has decided to help the dark areas. We are the people on the boat. Of course, although we are obedient to the owner, I will give you a satisfactory reward after it is done. "

Erwin was right before, even if he gave ten burners to the Burning Devil, he did not dare to disobey Chen Feng's order, let alone delay the master's plan, because the master-slave contract he signed with the master would violate the regulations, even if I have entered the realm of mythology, and the thought of the master will still let my soul fly!

But now, Erwin's softness has undoubtedly given the Burning Devil a step, and he snorted, accepting Erwin's invitation.

"What should we do" The two sides no longer test, and the Burning Devil turns and looks further away, where it feels that an extremely evil energy is about to move!

Although the Burning Devil has been fighting in the abyss for so many years, the most difficult battle has been a **** battle with the Devil, but it is different now. For a series of reasons, it has been involved in Rose by mistake. The battle with the mansion of the God of Slaughter is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the Burning Demon!

Don't look at an epic power with the eyes of ordinary demons, even if the other is a worm!

In the incalculable life cycle, the Burning Demon is not only good at killing and attacking. It has learned to think long ago. It is clear that it wants to live longer in this land. It depends on brute force. No!

Erwin seemed a little bit worried, and she looked blankly at everything in front of her, and said, "To be honest, I don't know what to do!"

"A few months ago, the strong allegiance to my Lord disappeared in this land. The only remaining ones are legendary elves with strength like me."

"If it's just us ~ ~ maybe there is only a dead end, but I still have you, and the owner, although I don't know what masters will be sent by the God of Slaughter, but it is undeniable that as an ally Master, it will be a big mountain, blocking more enemies and gaining more time for us. "

The Burning Demon is clear, Erwin is not touting himself, excluding himself, Chen Feng is also an epic master, and not to mention, the atrophy who left his deep memory at the beginning!

In addition, Saruman is also a good hand in teamfights. In addition, there are other summoned beasts, which are also powerful reinforcements!

Think of it this way, as long as Rose can hold on, then there is no possibility of winning here!

Erwin, who was unclear about the idea of ​​the Burning Demon, looked into the distance. She looked at the dead place where the disaster was bred, and for the first time showed her fear and confusion about the future, and muttered to herself: "All we can do now is wait ..." (https: //) "Apocalyptic Summoner" only represents the author's unwarm view. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. Processing, the position of https: // is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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