The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1253: Terrible shit

"Don't hide, you have already consumed a lot of power against the guy. Now you are not an opponent at all. Let me eat you, and you will have less pain!"

The bad demon and the watchman punched Hong, and there was no extra problem except that his face became rosy.

On the contrary, the watcher could not help backing back a few steps. It was a turn of wind and water. At the previous moment, it was the defeat of Burning Demon. In this case, after the watchman consumed some power, the momentum was naturally inferior to the previous one.

"Our Lord's plan must not be lost. Whoever you are who blocks our Lord's footsteps will die!"

The watchman is a zealot of the God of Slaughter. Even if it falls into a bit of downwind, it does not mean to shrink back. Instead, silver hairs are erected, each one is like a silver needle, full of destruction.

At this moment, it was completely furious and had only one purpose, that is to kill the sudden demonic reinforcements in front of it!

"My master? There is only one master!"

The bad devil does not enter the oil and salt at all. If the threat of the watchman has some effect on the burned demon, then for the bad demon, this is simply playing the ox on the cow. It is not on a channel at all. In terms of the Lord and the Divine Residence, Chen Feng is the only person thinking and thinking in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, this time the evil spirit took the initiative to attack, and it uttered a rage. At this time, the original weak voice was like a thunder. Above the head, a dark power was running. Countless lives that had been swallowed began to burn. The human world does not know how many enemies have been killed, and how many souls are hidden in the flesh.

But at this time, in order to quickly kill the old wolf in front of it, it has burned thousands of souls. The souls that can be left in the body by the bad demon are naturally not simple characters. At this time, thousands of souls are burned. One, but it does not hurt the root. With the souls of thousands of powerful men, it will evoke the lethality of the horror. If it can kill the old wolf in front of it and devour it, this loss can be returned directly in no time!

Suddenly, inexplicable strength, surging and roaring, countless dead souls gathered together, spinning endlessly around the side of the evil demon, the soul was a long river, and at first glance, there were countless lives roaring and struggling, and it seemed to want to jump out of this Death mills, but unfortunately, all of them have been deprived of bad spirits, want to leave? Can't do it at all!

However, these souls soon shrank again, and then turned into a ray of red thread entangled in the fingertips of the evil demon.

At this time, the evil demon looks so solemn, as if he has grasped the lives and deaths of countless people, and he punches out like this!

The evil devil is close to Zhu Zhechi, and has been serving Chen Feng for many years. Naturally, he has already learned Chen Feng's sacrifice technique. In the past, he devoured countless strong men and even deprived the other soul of freedom. Now, he sacrifices these souls to make himself To gain more powerful power, I have to say that this is a move that no watchman has mastered!

"Why can't I move it! How can this happen?" The watchman's face paled. For a moment, his body couldn't move. He could only stare at the evil demon with his shining fingers and point to his chest.

"Ah, I hate it!"

"I want revenge, I want revenge!"

"Don't, I know it's wrong. It's not easy for me to have the power today, and I'm willing to trust in you, as long as you don't kill me!"

From this moment on, the watchman only felt that his head was going to be big, because countless voices were mixed together. These voices were full of complex emotions of anger and panic, on the one hand, the resentment against bad demons, and on the other, from life. Desire.

This is the two sides of intelligent creatures!

Not only that, with the passage of time, many familiar figures suddenly appeared in front of the watchman. Compared with the strange soul devoured by the evil demon, the figure that appeared before him at this time was very familiar to the watchman!

Moreover, these souls look more resentful towards their own eyes than the souls devoured by inferior demons. It is a kind of terrible resentment that just ordinary people can see at first glance!

Because all these figures are enemies or loved ones swallowed up by themselves!

The watchman killed his own son-in-law for the sake of uncompromising power, even in pursuit of higher realms. At this time, the familiar faces came together, all face-to-face, and the appearance seemed to bite the watchman. To die, we can resolve the hatred of our hearts!

The watcher screamed angrily, struggling to resist, and in the face of the powerful breath, the grievances imprisoned in the body had dissipated a lot, and the Burning Devil was able to breathe, and his face said: "You are not my opponents alive. Is it possible to defeat me with an outsider when you become resentment? "

These are all the grievances of the deceased. They were left deep in the soul of the watchman in the past. Who can think that this time, under the persecution of the evil demon, these souls appeared one after another, but the watchman was so powerful that he Roar, shatter these souls!

What's more important, the watchman this time is considered to be a bad one. The past can't be promoted, these are the demons. Now, all the grievances living in the soul have been eliminated, and even the soul of the watchman has been obtained. It must be purified!

If I can leave alive this time, I will start to digest the energy in my body quietly. Maybe I can take it to the next level!

However, the watchman hadn't had time to be happy. Above his head, a pair of fists suddenly exploded. Where did the attack that entangled countless souls only erupted once, but blasted like a shell?

The watchman survived in the abyss. For hundreds of years, I do n’t know how many dangers I encountered, but every time I turned the danger, this time it also believed that it could escape the day of birth. Unfortunately, because of the blockade of the soul, its actions have already been Freeze in place!

The evil devil grinned at the corner, not ridicule, not humiliation, but an instinctive joy when he saw food like it. At this time, it launched with a punch, seemingly a small fist, but now turned into a sledgehammer, straight Boom on the head of the watcher.


Overwatch feels the threat of life, and the fire of life, which was originally exuberant, now starts to feel extinguished ~ ~ This is the sixth sense of the strong!

The watchman has been pursuing power for hundreds of years, and even killed himself in order to advance. He now sees the dawn, and naturally doesn't want to lose it like this. He growls sharply, and was originally a fierce and terrifying wolverine master. At this time, the old man who looked like a wind candle is begging the enemy to let him go.

However, the evil devil is originally an unintentional demon. It has no change in face and speed, and while the watchman begs for himself, his fist has fallen on the opponent's head.

"Click ... click ..."

The shattered sound was heard again, but this time, it was not the ribs but the skull of the watchman!

At the last moment of the watcher's life, blood was flowing from his eyes. It tried to stop it, but now it is no use. It can feel that its consciousness has begun to slow down. All ambitions, violence, and belief in the God of slaughter. For nothingness, the world became dark in the next second.

Watchman, oh!

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