The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1256: Killing spread

"Only you, want to trap me?"

The barbarian was trapped by the beam of light, but at this time, it did not show his fear, but instead looked madly at the dark elves on the epic level. Not only that, but his eyes suddenly flashed a brilliant silver, a kind of Coexistence of madness and reason.

"My task is to find the enemies who control this battle. You think you are trapping me, but all this is just a plot that I deliberately seduce you!"

The dark elf is a grandmother-like existence in the clan, and her real age is even longer than the previous watcher. At this time, she looked up at her head and saw a figure, smashed, and the barbarian even recovered the giant in his hand. The hammer smashed the beam of light at once and rammed towards itself!

Before watching the battle, the dark elves did not fail to see that the savage had a secondary artifact in their hands. The two were equal in strength, but the secondary artifact was a place of change. It can be said that from the moment the opponent held the artifact, the dark elves It fell into the downwind, but in the situation just now, she had to come forward!

The dark area is Rose's base. Once occupied, with the violent character of the half-orcs, the end of the clan can be imagined. Even if the dark elves are all a group of egoists, she knows that Rose is not a mess. Shendi, if you let the other party know afterwards that you can't help but blame, you might get punishment harder than death!

What's more, this is her main battlefield. The Dark Elves believe that if they are careful enough, they still have a chance to defeat their opponents!

Facing the horrible blow of the barbarians, the dark elves were also prepared. She screamed, her whole body energy urged, and rubbed against each other. There was a strong flicker of fire. She did not have a long bow in her hand, but the void made a string. In action, in the eyes, a thick energy appeared in front of him, without any slight change, the energy of the two collided with each other hundreds of meters apart.

Terrorist blow!

The power of the black sledgehammer was very amazing. The dark elves only felt the terrible murderousness of the other side, like the raging waves, even breaking their own offensive, rushing into the body, rushing into their minds, and destroying their vitality.

Between the seemingly random hammers, the dark elves took a dozen steps backwards, and their bodies even hit a huge rock and hit a huge pit!

The rock in the dark area is not as hard as the stone in the human world. It can be said that if the stone here is polished into a javelin, let the masters take the battle, and even the golden-level earth line dragon can be directly penetrated!

Between this fight, I immediately felt the competition.

The dark elves think they are evenly matched with each other, but who can think of it, it is just a simple hit and they are hit hard!

Just when this epic powerhouse was repelled, a legendary male Dark Elf rushed out, and the Dark Elf race has always been female and humiliating. This epic powerhouse is considered a grandmother-like existence in the entire dark area. Naturally has its own army of servants.

This master is one of them. In the hundreds of years of brainwashing slavery, the significance of these male dark elves is to protect their masters. At this time, witnessing the epic strong being severely hit, it roared, and did not care about long-range attacks. He raised two short guns and stabbed at the barbarian!

The battle at the strong level is not so fancy, and the victory is often instantaneous.

Facing this kind of opponent, the barbarians didn't even frown, just clenched the sledgehammer, and when they were about to approach, they tried their best to wave a hammer into the void!

The male dark elf was stunned first, and then his body was fixed in mid-air. At this time, he looked very painful, as if resisting some powerful energy, but in the end, it still couldn't compete with this force and directly in mid-air. It was torn apart and became a mashed meat!

Two broken thorns made an arc directly in the mid-air, and then inserted into the ground.

The male dark elf didn't even leave the body, all his vitality has been deprived of spells, and it disappeared completely in an instant!

The outcome has already emerged.

With the killing of a legendary strongman, a blood-red light appeared in the eyes of the barbarian, which seemed to activate the ability of violentness. It did not seem to care about being in a battlefield, but suddenly used a voice of infiltration Shen Chan said: "No one can counteract the will of my lord!"

"Run away."

"Run away in fear! Maybe you can escape my hunt!"

Hunting ceremony.

When the savage in front of him said this sentence, such a thought popped out of the burning demon's mind far away!

And this is exactly the final answer when it learned that it was the God of Slaughter!

His Majesty the Slaughter God is a group of lunatics!

Orisnu advised his followers to create bloodshed for his own benefit, to covet the things that were not his own, and to kill anyone who obstructed everything. He went one step further and persuaded his followers to bring those ugly things and conflicts into those places of peace and joy.

In peacetime, the **** of slaughter still admires His Majesty for bringing the killing to multiple worlds, not to mention the war at this level!

For example, the level war is a slightly weaker battle than the **** battle level, and the believers of the God of Slaughter will receive a certain strength bonus when the battlefield is covered with blood and death for a long time. This is similar to a belief ability, only the God of Slaughter Only believers can get similar bonuses, but at the cost of reason, it will gradually become crazy and lose its self.

If it is simply described, the believers of the God of Slaughter are all like the fighting nations. They are drunk like wine and do not care what happens after being drunk, as long as they can remain confused!

Therefore, blood and death are stimulants for the slaughter of believers. They are crazy for this and have fallen. At this time, with the continuous increase of blood, the number of deaths has gradually increased, and the surviving half-orcs and savages have begun to start in the second form. Transformation!

Their eyes become blurred, and even the sensibility possessed by some masters becomes slightly weaker due to excitement, but strength and durability will be blessed.

At this time, they have only two purposes ~ ~ One is to kill the enemy, and the other is to be killed by the enemy!

They wandered on the edge of madness. Some half-orcs even tore up the corpses of their prey. They grew up in the killing, and they were also crazy in the killing!

The atmosphere on the battlefield started to become weird, and the face of the dark elf who had finally escaped from the stone was also covered with a layer of despair. At this time, she was afraid of the second artifact in the opponent ’s hand. After her imagination, she was suppressed only at the moment of her shot, and even her hundreds of meters away killed her loyal lord.

The barbarian took another step forward.

Seeing all this, the Burning Demon stood up without taking care of the physical damage!

"Absolutely not!"

It definitely does not allow the other party to kill the masters of the Elf clan in this way. It knows the reason for the coldness of its lips. In order to win this battle, it must support it!

However, when the Burning Demon was ready for rescue, a petite figure rushed out first, and the target directly pointed at the barbarians!

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