The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1275: Lack of faith

The battlefield no longer needs Chen Feng to think about it.

With the death of the three-eyed giant, the morale of the Slaughter Corps took another hit, and they did not seem to expect that such powerful allies were brutally slaughtered.

The Slaughter Corps is a group of crazy killers. If they can, they can kill until the end of the battle, but there is a premise that the nature of victory has always been leaning on their side!

Blood is the stimulant of the Slaughter Corps, and death qualitatively changes the stimulant. In the state of killing, they will travel a unique aura bonus, which is the benefit of the **** of killing to the believers.

But from the beginning of the war to the present, the Slaughter Corps has been pinned down. Many leaders have been massacred, and each legion has repeatedly failed. Allies formed by undead, demons, dark creatures, dark elves, and humans have given the Slaughter Corps fatal. one strike.

This was an unworthy battle from the beginning. If these were tolerable, then as the battle progressed, the soldiers of the Slaughter Corps suddenly discovered that the violent abilities that had appeared easily in the past were very tender, and even some soldiers were desperate to die like gods. Di prayed, trying to transform and end up with the enemy, but no matter how the soldiers prayed, they were not prompted.

The Slaughter Corps had to face the fact that I do n’t know when the God of Slaughter would no longer respond, and even the original recovery characteristics possessed by everyone had completely disappeared.

Although they do not want to admit it, everyone must admit that the power of the **** of killing is fading.

If frustration on the battlefield is just a small problem, for the slaughtering corps accustomed to killing and being killed, it does not constitute any psychological burden at all. After all, they are a group of lunatics. For them, death is just another kind of rebirth. .

The power given by the killable **** began to fade away, but it made the massacre panic.

All soldiers know what kind of war this is. This is a battle of extinction between the divine residence and the divine residence. The losing party will lose everything, except for life and land, as well as faith and worship. Divine Residence!

But now, the dark elves in front of them did not see any abnormalities. They were still shooting arrows one after another, releasing one dark spell after another. On the other hand, there were many changes.

Over time, instead of improving, the situation became worse. Some priests found that they could no longer cast effective large-scale spells!

The power of the priests comes from the divine residence. They dedicated some dedication to the divine residence, including the ability to cast spells. However, this dedication is not unrequited. If a lower priest can only perform one fireball, then When you believe in the Divine Residence, you will receive a response when you give it to the other party. The energy will be multiplied. At that time, two fireballs and even more will be cast.

But now, the priests have found that they can no longer cast some spells, as if they are in poor contact. Often, it takes more time to perform a large bloodthirsty or healing operation.

Panic is spreading.

With the passage of time, this change has continued to worsen, and many priests have even entered a certain crazy state. As a think tank in the slaughter army, they often think more than ordinary soldiers think.

Spell fails.

Does this mean that there is an inexplicable change in the battle between the **** of killing and Rose?

This kind of thinking makes the priests extremely embarrassed. As a mage, their melee ability is not strong, but because of their excellent casting ability, an orc unit of a hundred people team with a priest can even destroy a thousand people team. How important is the meaning of the priest.

The Slaughter Legion was struggling to face the Dark Legion, but now, as the priest can no longer cast spells, the morale of the Slaughter Legion has suddenly fallen to freezing point!

Saruman has been watching everything on the battlefield, so that the panic expressions of the priests and the bodies that no longer have energy fluctuations are also captured by it!

A smile appeared inexplicably on the pale cheeks.

Sudden change!

I saw that Saruman suddenly raised the bone bone scepter, and the thick energy was directly projected below the ground.


Below the ground in the dark area, there were suddenly cracks in the squares. Some of the forces in the two sides that were still fighting fell off, and then some tragic sounds and harsh chews sounded.

In the sound of a heavy muffled sound, a huge shadow was drilled out of the cave and the mouth!

These dark shadows are three-armed six-armed ogre, or a variant of Warcraft with a stab-bone spine, or a thick meat ball composed of weird viruses, or three **** dogs with sharp teeth, or extremely disgusting. Tentacles, or dried up giant demons.

Various forms, different creatures, weird abilities, but the only thing that is the same is that they are all undead creatures!

As a Lich, Saruman naturally has the habit of collecting undead, but because the human world has a dimension wall, it cannot summon too many undead at all, but here is different. This is the abyss world. For the creatures here In other words, the energy of the dimension wall has been weakened to the lowest value. Therefore, Saruman can summon so many collections!

All these released creatures have tremendous power. Even among these creatures, there are several rotting angel corpses. These are the prey that Saruman slaughtered in a long time, or Treasures bought from other merchants!

These undead souls ~ ~ actually have as many as a hundred heads. The shadows are like a flood of torrents, and the momentum they emit is united, terrifying and weird to the limit!

The momentum that destroyed the heavens and the earth made the soldiers of the slaughter army unable to breathe!

And under such a terrible attack, how could the Slaughter Corps survive a series of auxiliary spells such as the Zombie Aura?

The left side of the Slaughter Corps has been defeated. There was originally a large corps of wolves, which had suffered heavy losses under the hard support of demons and dark elves, but now, with Saruman's card turned over, this elite suddenly They were killed cleanly, and the square array of more than 100,000 wolfmen was destroyed in this way!

Now that the situation on the battlefield is so clear, then Chen Feng has enough time to make the next call.

Three-eyed giants, Krurić, and the Green Dragon.

An epic corpse, two half-step epic flesh, such a rich sacrifice is enough to add another majesty to Her Majesty Chen Feng!

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