The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1287: Campus situation

Looking at Xiao Shang who was quietly reading in his seat, Ge Yunpeng dragged Zhang Chao aside and said, "Did you really hear that day? Lin Dan really confessed to him?"

Zhang Chaoya whispered: "You can hear clearly, Xiao Shang's boy proudly rejected Lin Dan, saying that now is a special period, we should fight for order, and learn, we must not waste extra time on children's love. Long above. Think-Free-Fee-Watch-End-Full-Version-Please-Hundred-Degree-Search-

Ge Yunpeng looked at the exquisitely curved figure in front of him, and thought of Zhang Chao's extremely sure source, only feeling disgusting than eating ten dead flies.

The goddess in her heart even fell in love with this nerd. You know, in the past, you have not bullied Xiao Shang a lot.

This feeling is like a little lamb that has been raised for many years and is not close to him, but came together with a hawker that sells kebabs.

Although he didn't believe it, he saw Zhang Chao's vows and thought that Zhang Chao didn't need to lie to himself in such a thing, so he had to admit that this was indeed the truth.

Ge Yunpeng glanced at Xiao Shang behind him, and said angrily to the extreme: "Why? Why! Why choose this wretched waste, what good is he ?!"

"No, Brother Peng, you see, Xiao Shang seems to have really changed. It used to be like I did n’t wake up every day, but now, I ’m full of energy, hey, don't you say ... girls like it now. "Oh! What are you doing to me?" Zhang Chao, who was talking, had a slap on his head before he talked. He looked at Ge Yunpeng with a grievance, but saw a discolored one. Face, I dare not say a word immediately.

"Why are you particularly sick? Which position do you belong to? Handsome? I will make him handsome today and tell him to stop him after class ... see if I don't kill him!" Thinking of her goddess no longer pure The anger in Ge Yunpeng's heart has permeated his body. He wants Xiao Shang to know what the price of a third party is!

In Ge Yunpeng's mind, Lin Dan has already regarded Lin Dan as his absolute imprisonment, but sadly, he has not yet started Xiao Shang, but he has reached his final destination before he confessed that his crush has become a mother. Still sad?

What's more, what is his position in order? His father, Ge Lang, has awakened successfully, and has reached the state of golden peak. This time there is a figure of Ge Lang in the dark area of ​​the rescue. After life and death, the strength of the other party seems to be loose. Seeing this, he can be promoted successfully within a few months!

Legendary powerhouse!

What this means, you know, Wei Xun, the current leader of the Blood Warfare Department, is just a legendary rank. If the promotion is successful, Glenn can immediately become one of the hottest order in the order.

As the saying goes, one person can get the chicken and dog to ascend to heaven. Glang was originally a repairman, but who can think of the end of the day and he has achieved the power of today. He had a son and a daughter, but in the end, his wife and daughter were killed. Only Ge Tianpeng is left. Therefore, Ge Lang is very distressed by him. In addition, the school also knows who his father is, so he takes care of him secretly and secretly. This also develops the personality of Ge Tianpeng. Suddenly become a bully in the school.

Early in the establishment of the order, Chen Feng established the school, because he knew that blindly killing and fighting would only slowly transform humans into a savage tribe. Only by passing on the knowledge of the past can humans remain human.

But wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Strict order prohibits violence against women, but with the population explosion, some such atrocities have occurred, and in places like schools, fighting and fighting in peacetime are common, not to mention the doomsday. We must know that in schools Some of the children have even personally experienced zombies and monsters.

Apocalypse affects everything, and children growing up in this environment are naturally tougher than ever.

With a book in his hand, Xiao Shang didn't forget to digest the knowledge accumulated today. He didn't notice at all, maybe he didn't even care that a group of people had gathered in front of him.

This Xiao Shang is also weird, because at the end of the day, the other family was killed. Only he lived in order lonely. He was unfortunate and fortunate. Although he did n’t have his family, because of the system set up by Chen Feng, he was able to feed and eat. With a secure residence.

Perhaps because of the death of his family, Xiao Shang was so indifferent that he even looked dumb. Ge Yunpeng and his team even bullied each other before, and the more they were bullied, the more autistic Xiao Shang became, and even his head and clothes later Don't wash, look dumb all day.

Really boring, Ge Yunpeng no longer targeted Xiao Shang, but weirdly, from a month ago, Xiao Shang looked like a person, suddenly became clean, changed his old clothes, and cut a new hair I have to say that Xiao Shang still has a little foundation, so he can be regarded as a school grass.

Not only that, after that, Xiao Shang seemed to be a godsend. Both academic and instructor-fighting fighting techniques came into his hands. For a period of time, he became a school figure and attracted a lot of girls.

Among them, Ge Yunpeng's secret love object, Zhang Dan!

Originally, Ge Yunpeng didn't pay too much attention, but because Zhang Dan confessed to Xiao Shang, this caused his anger. Today, he will give Xiao Shang some hardships to see!

Until Ge Yunpeng and a group of people deliberately stood in front of Xiao Shang, Xiao Shang stepped out of the world of the book intently and looked at the boy who was standing in front of him with a little question.

In front of Ge Yunpeng, there was still a tall man. Xiao Shang looked at a teenager wearing the same school uniform as himself, even when he was close to two meters above sea level, and looked up to see the appearance of this guy.

The most striking thing was that the tall man was wearing a basketball suit. Thinking of the guy in his class who had been hated by himself, Xiao Shang looked back and saw Ge Yunpeng with a haze.

Even though Xiao Shang's physique is not too thin ~ ~ But standing slightly tall with a tall man is a little thin. At this time, looking at Xiao Shang who is lower than himself, he is sullen and sullen. Ge Yunpeng said: "Peng Zi, this is the guy you want to do? You can't do it alone? As for a few brothers?"

Ge Yunpeng looked at Xiao Shang grimly: "Do n’t talk nonsense, don't you not know the virtue of our class teacher, I will have good fruit after I start? As for the reason why I called so many people today, I want to invite this waste Good fist. "

The tall man poked his lips: "You don't get your brother to do it, you're revenge, isn't your brother afraid of punishment?"

Ge Yunpeng's face was impatient: "Are you afraid of punishment? It's all mine to eat and drink at night after you finish the work, and don't you keep thinking about the flame dog in my house? It's done today, I'll borrow you to play one month!"

Dagao said with a happy face: "Don't worry about your account, haha, man, I'll have fun with this!"

Then the tall man turned his head and said to Xiao Shang: "Is it you to lie down or do I do?"

Looking at Xiao Shang who was frightened by everyone, Ge Yunpeng's eyes showed a color of hatred. Today, he is bound to make Xiao Shang pay the price of insulting his first love!

Abyss Summoner

Abyss Summoner

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