The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1294: Ambition broken

Only in the next moment, a loud, rattling noise spread from the middle. Mobile phone https: //

"Oh!" In the horrible cyclone, a figure flew straight out and fell to the ground.

"Cough!" Bai Yu continued to cough up blood, and his internal organs were all injured by the shock. Some were embarrassed, but the killing in his eyes continued unabated.

Bai Yu's face was a bit pale. He didn't expect that Chen Feng would suddenly provoke, even without the opportunity to explain to himself, he directly hurt the killer. You know, his physical body has been tempered and basically integrated with this human being. .

I do n’t know how it used to be. Until now, it has only half of the strength, and it has the strength of an epic level. I dare not imagine that if it is completely integrated, what kind of strength will it rise to!

But always waiting for him, Bai Yu wanted to fuse the body so that he could flex his muscles in this order, but who would have thought that the patron saint here suddenly found himself!

The dust dissipated, and Chen Feng's figure stood on the ground holding a sword. The figure of Dominant Universe stood there, full of domineering temperament!

"You are stronger than I expected!" Bai Yu stood up, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Chen Feng coldly. "But because of this, you are even more dead. This land is the last hope of our people. , Whoever holds us back will kill them! "

At this time, Bai Yu also tore up the hypocritical face. He grinned, the expression on his face became abnormally distorted, he knew that Chen Feng had already grasped a lot of information, blindly pretending to be stupid, not only would not survive, extremely It may be killed directly, and Bai Yu cannot accept such a failure at all!

‘Of course, we are not without opportunities for cooperation! ’

"My people are born in countless dimensions. As a foothold here, we can just multiply. The human world has a vast land, and there is always a piece of land that belongs to us. If you cooperate with me, I swear that I will not harm order. How about a human life?"

Bai Yu knows that human beings like to communicate, so first burst out of power to give Chen Feng some deterrence, and then hurry up in a way that can be discussed in detail. Even if they will come to the human world, they will choose other creatures to parasitize without contaminating order!

"Not to kill someone? You're hurt!"

"Nothing else, kill me to take order if I have the ability, and leave my life without it!"

Chen Feng knew that this was all the other party ’s rhetoric. There was no basis at all. To talk to the other party about the conditions was to seek skins with the tiger. It was not clear what the so-called dimension was.

The dimension plane is easy to open, but it is extremely difficult to close it. Chen Feng didn't want to regret it until he couldn't recover.

So the best way is not to listen to any other nonsense!

Chen Feng shouted, and did not eat the white feather at all. At the same time, his strength began to sweep away, and when he stepped out, he stepped on the ground. The invisible power must condense into a substantial kill at this time. I did not rush forward, just walked towards Bai Yu step by step.


The pressure is coming!

Feeling this strong pressure, Bai Yu suddenly frowned, and his heart froze. This move gave him an inexplicable palpitation, and even if he resisted, he would be seriously injured.

Not only that, Chen Feng was tough, with every step he took, his hand strength became stronger, he walked faster and faster, striding forward, and the terrible coercion overwhelmed himself.

This is a lunatic, and Bai Yu has only this idea in his mind!

"What must I do, if we are blindly suppressed by the other side, in the end, there is only a dead end!"

"You forced me!"

Bai Yu scolded angrily, and then stepped forward. Compared with Chen Feng's realism, Bai Yu only came to order just a few months. He was only gradually getting better. It is not easy to exert all his strength.

However, Bai Yu did not give up. He gritted his teeth and seemed to make a decision. He continued to move forward. Bai Yu went faster and faster. Now he is not consuming the energy in the body, but is consuming the vitality in the body, and overdrawn his life. .

At this moment, Chen Feng could almost see that even before Bai Yu was embarrassed, her hair was still black, but at this time, the originally black and lush hair slowly turned into white.

Is it worth it for the so-called race?

Chen Feng knew that for those creatures who had to cross the dimension to redeem their hometown, they were undoubtedly another hero.

Bai Yu was aware of Chen Feng's horror, so he took the opportunity to turn his flesh and blood into power in an instant. This crazy approach was simply stunning.

In this way, after a few seconds, Bai Yu's hand suddenly lifted up. In the next second, the fleshly arm suddenly cracked, like a jagged machete, and waved towards Chen Feng!

Bai Yu illusionized his arm, and its destructive power was almost not weaker than the endless blade without divinity. The whole wave, the air was cut off, the dust was swayed, and a horrible oppression blasted Chen Feng's body.

Seeing all this, Chen Feng's heart shook slightly, but he had no other choice. He knew that Bai Yu was just the end of a strong crossbow. It would take a while even to fuse the human body, and now, it has only arrived for less than two months. Some crazy people are dreaming.

Incomplete integration means better defeat!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng did not summon, and slashed at the other with the endless blade in his hand.




Each time Chen Feng collided with the flesh and blood in the hands of Bai Yu, it could make the surrounding area make a terrible noise, and the aftermath swept through like a storm.

There was also a little blood leaking out of the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, but he didn't feel anything. The other party was burning his life and attacking. He was bleeding, but it was nothing.

Pressure is a way of promotion. Chen Feng has been on the epic stage for some time. When it will not threaten his life, Chen Feng tries to use the pressure of battle to promote himself to complete the advanced!

Originally thinking that saving the dark areas would win Rose's favor, as a way to ask some ways to promote the epic, it took a few days to pass. Although with the help of her, the dark areas eventually won, but Rose kept winning No trace was seen, and no one knew which plane it was wandering in.

At this moment, Chen Feng can only rely on his own strength, use the endless blade to compete with it, and find a way to promote!

No joy or worry, no trace of emotion!

"You must die!" As for Bai Yu coughing blood ~ ~ The hair was half white, the blade of the arm's transfiguration suddenly waved, and the endless sword strokes attacked Chen Feng.

Facing this complicated attack method, Chen Feng suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, and the air was instantly evaporated.

But unfortunately, although Bai Yu exudes the breath of an epic rank, she is always condensed and not afraid. This level of pressure will not make Chen Feng afraid and escape!

Chen Feng was not afraid. The stronger the opponent, the stronger his counterattack. He gritted his teeth and was waiting for an opportunity.

"Cough!" Finally, Bai Yu coughed and shook her hand, and the whole offensive stagnation.

"Dying!" Seeing all this, Chen Feng shouted, the endless blade in his hand suddenly accelerated, soared into the sky, and at the same time smashed all the obstacles, slashing down against Bai Yu.


At this time, Bai Yu, a creature from a different dimension, had her eyes locked, an unbelievable look, but this was the end, and it was unable to return to the sky. It only felt a heat above the head, and then, the fused body was directly taken from Cut open.

The desire for the hometown to come, eventually accompanies Bai Yu's body rupture, and it is forever sealed!

Abyss Summoner

Abyss Summoner

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