The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1298: Big hand

Original Chen Feng has rested. Although promoted to the epic rank, Chen Feng has been immersed in sleep differently, but the habit is a troublesome thing. Chen Feng still maintains three to five hours of sleep every day.

I ca n’t!

这个 At this time, he suddenly felt a wave of divine power, actually near his room, and Chen Feng touched some divine houses. Naturally, it is clear that the power radiating from the other person is a wave different from any energy. The moment it appears, it is quite panic and difficult to control.

Chen Feng's expression was tense. In this case, he even thought of the tyrannical **** himself launching an attack. After all, Rose had just notified himself that this kind of energy fluctuations had appeared in his mansion, and Chen Feng could not help feeling a bit of fear. .

Nowadays, there are not many things that can scare Chen Feng, and Shendi is undoubtedly one of them.

"who is it!?"

Suddenly Chen Feng stopped his footsteps, and then a crack appeared behind him. Once a god's residence really came, he first entered the damaged plane, and then tried to entangle the other party.

But when Chen Feng was hesitant, he found that a middle-aged man appeared in front of himself, not a tyrannical god, because the breath on the other's body looked a little soft and there was no hatred at all.

However, the appearance of the other party looks a bit miserable.

In addition to his soft breath, he looks like a seriously ill patient, a male human covered with wounds and scars. When he walked strenuously, he could see that his feet had been lame and his hands had been seriously injured. He had only a waist cloth around his lean, short body. Although his head was slightly bald, his shameless face always had a comfortable and gentle smile. His body with thick hair was crisscrossed with scars, bleeding wounds, burning scars, and the marks of various tortures.

This is undoubtedly a weird dress. When the divine residences appear, they are often glorious. Even the gods of tyranny and hunting look ugly in battle, but they usually disguise themselves as believers ’feelings. What a normal person looks like.

The unexpectedly appearing divine mansion in front of him was different. The other party turned out to be so ugly. It looked like a poor man who had been hit hard, instead of the divine mansion that controls the lives of millions of people!

However, the more such appearance characteristics, the easier it is to distinguish his identity, and soon, through the abyss search, Fan Li found the other party's information.


He is a kind-hearted, meek, quiet, peaceful deity.

Ilmatt is an ancient deity. He is an extremely close ally with Tyre (the **** of justice) and Tom (the **** of loyalty), and is called "three gods" by the world.

深 Knowing that "unity is power", the three gods often act together. In addition, the Weeping God is also allied with Mount Rhoda (Morning Light). He was hostile to those gods who loved to spread destruction and bring suffering and suffering-especially Lao Vita (torture goddess) and Talona (poisoned goddess). These two goddesses are completely opposite to the broken gods.

He has many enemies, mainly aimed at some evil divine residences, as well as Bann (the **** of tyranny), Carrigos (the **** of war), Mara (the **** of hunting), Shaer (the night goddess), And Tarros (God of Destruction).

In the long river of history, he has had some battles with the other party. However, it is difficult to predict the war at the divine residence. A battle for decades or even hundreds of years is a very common thing.

Chen Feng stood on the spot for a while.

I discovered that Ilmat seemed to be waiting for him to come out of the damaged plane. Although the other party gave Chen Feng a little fear, the strong sixth sense told him that the other party did not have any hostility towards himself.

"It doesn't look like something bad?"

Chen Feng shook his head. After confirming that the other party really did not want to kill himself, he got out of the broken plane.

"Chen Feng ..."

Ilmatt looked at the human like that, and after a moment he said again, "I want to make a deal with you."

Chen Feng has already thought of countless possibilities. Perhaps he infuriated the other party inadvertently. Perhaps the forces in the abyss affected the development of the other party, but Chen Feng never thought that a god's residence came before him. It's about talking to yourself.

Ilmat doesn't like nonsense. As a divine residence, his daily work is unimaginable. Some useless nonsense will, for him, reduce the response to the prayer of a poor believer. Ilmat briefed:

"I learned from you about Fura. The land that originally belonged to the devil. The most common daily occurrence is killing and devouring. The comrades who fought together in the last second, because of hunger, they directly bit into their companions. Around his neck. "

"In fact, this is unavoidable anywhere in the abyss. In the long history, I have seen too many tragic encounters. I tried to make some changes, but it did not help."

"Fortunately, I met Fura and learned from her that I want to make a deal with you. I need more food and seeds. If possible, I hope you will use your own planting techniques. Pass it to me. "

当然 "Of course, I wo n’t take it for nothing, I will give you a satisfactory price, and I will pay a second artifact as a bargaining chip!"

Yilmatt directly expressed his intention to Chen Feng ~ ~ His purpose turned out to be a deal with Chen Feng, the purpose was to get more food, but what Chen Feng did not expect was that the other party Even willing to pay a second artifact as a bargaining chip.

Great job!

This is really a big deal!

Even Chen Feng did not expect that the food produced by the order was so much valued by a divine residence!

However, it is not difficult for Chen Feng to know from the information before that the other party is indeed a kind divine residence, and has been devoting countless years to let ordinary creatures live a stable life.

One artifact is precious, but for an old monster who has lived for centuries, it may be just one of the many collectibles.

Chen Feng didn't even want to hesitate, he promised now, for fear of the other party's remorse, but the other party's appearance was so sincere, which finally made Chen Feng calm down.

Perhaps, you can try to make the price higher.

The other party was a god's residence. Naturally, Chen Feng could not speak with a lion, but he had the right to defend his rights and interests. His light flickered in his eyes. Then Chen Feng grinned and said the first sentence of seeing the other party: It ’s only natural to buy food, but I have another request. I annoyed the tyrannical god. It won't be long before the convenience will come to this land, destroy all the land, destroy all the land! "

所以 "So ..." Chen Feng paused: "On the original basis, can you stay and help me resist the tyrannical army here?"

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