The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1301: Ready

The recent orderly events and the increase of millions of people are also a challenge for leaders. Fortunately, Chen Feng began to train his staff early in the morning, searching for some good management talents. Within two years, the talent reserve can be stopped for Chen Feng. Ninety percent stress. [.New.Thinking.Road.Chinese.Text.Net.Www. Starting Hand]

With a population of millions, many of them have the leadership of some large companies, without Chen Feng, without order, they are just lowly survivors who are apprehensive in the last days.

It is precisely because Chen Feng created the order that they have a chance to show their skills again, or they have been screened or recommended by Mao, and together they have carried out the construction of the order.

Of course, there are scum scum whenever and wherever they are. Those people are like hyenas who smell good food. Because there is no computer query, the history information of all people cannot be queried. Many people try to find a hole. They are not rude, many speculators are caught, and the outcome is naturally conceivable.

Severe punishment in troubled times. For those who are in such a riot order, Chen Feng has given severe punishment, which has allowed many speculators to converge and not dare to be too brazen.

There is no doubt that it is because of the existence of some people that Chen Feng has reduced most of the pressure, but one thing has to be admitted is that the remaining 10% of the pressure is not reduced compared to the burden on ordinary people. Increase, because Chen Feng defends the security of the entire order!

Tyrannical God!

One of the abyss of the abyss has powerful and terrifying power. Yes, if it is not sheltered by Chen Feng, when the tyrannical **** comes to this land, it is the time of human destruction.

Blood flowed into rivers, living beings were covered with charcoal, and millions of people would become a pile of bones in no time.

The tyrannical **** likes to kill. Naturally, all believers are thugs without mercy and goodwill. There is no need to even suspect. When those ugly people break into order, there are almost no survivors.

For any evil deity, blood sacrifice is precious food.

And millions of people directly sacrifice blood, which is full of energy, enough for Chen Feng to impact the myth and the next level of epic!

Such rampant energy will naturally arouse the keen interest of the tyrannical god.

Order today is like a piece of cake, everyone wants to come and take a bite.

What Chen Feng has to do now is to hide a steel gun and bayonet in the cake. When the enemy swallows the cake into the stomach, instead of filling the stomach, he will be pierced by the internal organs and violently lay beside the cake.

In addition, Chen Feng also prepared a gift for the tyrannical legion.

The dozens of magical artillery cannons in the dark area are nothing. Now the order fires, and a large number of weapons are created every day.

With a long preparation period, there are now more than six hundred Order Demon Cannons in reserve. I can imagine, but when the Slaughter Corps descends on this land, what kind of artillery will wait for it!

A shell like a condemnation bombarded the monster, even if it was a legendary powerhouse, and died under the horrible shelling. Even if it survived, it was just a stretch, no chance of turning over!

The tyrannical **** tried to invade the order and swallowed the order, and Chen Feng went the other way. After the tyrannical legion was destroyed, he enslaved the pair to work in order!

Those mobs die badly, and death can't restore the wrongdoings. Only by putting them into the construction of order can they repay the consequences of their crimes.

In addition, Chen Feng also asked His Majesty to build some more destructive weapons!

Those weapons are not just gunpowder, there are many monsters in it. After years of development, there have been thousands of professionals in the order, among them there are many scientific and technological researchers.

In the peaceful era, some ideas cannot be put into practice, but now it is different. The end is coming. Professionals are born. With strange abilities, many technologies have made breakthroughs.

Take the simplest medical treatment. Cancer is a disease that is difficult to eradicate on weekdays. But now it is different. Some healers have successfully awakened and consumed energy to easily destroy the cancerous factors in the human body and pull people out of the gate .

Even more, nowadays, Li Siyu and Chen Feng's high priests have been promoted to the legendary rank. Don't be cancer, even broken limbs, and internal organs lost. As long as you perform a large treatment, you can grow slowly, so that blind people can regain their vision Broken Arm Rebirth!

This is the end of the world. Although it has given countless people a miserable life, it also has many unimaginable miracles.

In this case, some studies that are difficult to break in the peaceful era, even with the help of professionals, succeeded directly. This is a little ironic.

Weapon research has never stopped. After the tyrannical army arrives, it will naturally be clear what is called real fear.

Moreover, Chen Feng also formed an ally with a deity ~ ~ He even hoped that the tyrannical **** could attack the order quickly, because he wanted to see, after seeing Ilmat, he would What an expression!

To sum up, to treat the tyrannical army, Chen Feng has only four words, that is

Ilmat wandered around every corner of the order every few days. Observing carefully, he obviously had the idea of ​​stealing a teacher.

But compared with Chen Feng, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes. First, he was a deity, and if he thought, nothing could be hidden from him.

On the other hand, no matter how intelligent, a scientific family who knows everything can't succeed without the help of technical staff.

Even if Ilmat had some knowledge, he could not mass-produce in the abyss without industrial energy to rely on.

Of course, what Chen Feng has pioneered are some research results of construction and food.

Like weapons construction, non-employees are strictly forbidden to enter, and Ilmat is also included.

That is the root of order in the human world, and also a big killer to dominate the abyss in the future!

These secrets are enough to trigger a real blood battle!

Ilmat knew all of this, so he was not reluctant to stay out of the door, but instead continued to focus on the food issue.

For this compassionate deity, the weapon of terror is far less important than the food that fills the belly of believers.

Everything is on track, and Chen Feng has to wait now.

When the question of the tyrannical God is resolved, he will go back to the abyss and go there to find the true meaning of his promotion.

As soon as Chen Feng was about to rest, a pleading voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Chen Feng closed her eyes and felt the prayer, but found that it was Fula's message to herself.

Chen Feng frowned slightly: "Fura? Does she have anything urgent to see me?"

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