The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1312: Sudden Change City

Chapter 1313 Sudden Change City

The destructive force of this storm exceeded the imagination of ordinary people, and even Chen Feng rushed instinctively and transformed into a demon form.

The coming of this disaster must be stopped.

The tyrannical **** is more cautious than he imagined, maybe everything in the dark area, let him remember it, so at this time, he will consume more power, but also first to destroy some of the hidden power of order.

In order to deal with the tyrannical legions, there are a large number of magic weapon cannons on all the walls. However, even the buildings can be uprooted, let alone hundreds of pounds of artillery. It is no exaggeration to say that this storm will weaken order Fifty percent or more defensive power.

After all, Chen Feng underestimated the abyss's mansion.

He defeated many divine projections and avatars, but at that time the dimension wall was not as it is now. The divine diversion came through, with some strength and even no legendary ranks. In addition, they instinctively despised Chen Feng, an indigenous person. This will be defeated one by one by Chen Feng, not only the look is taken away, but also the secondary artifact is directly plundered away.

But the **** of tyranny is different. He is truly prepared!

He released this catastrophic storm. Its purpose was simple: to destroy the defense system of order and make some budgetary preparations for his God.

"May I help you."

Just as Chen Feng transformed into a demon form and flew into the air, the voice of Ilmat suddenly heard in his ear.


He is a kind-hearted, gentle, and quiet divine residence. For him, everything is bitter. He treats all life as equal, whether human, weak doghead or cat. In his eyes, once facing suffering , Then He will come.

"No need to."

Chen Feng rejected Ilmat. The opponent is his biggest hole card now. The storm is a force that can be seen. Chen Feng still has a chance to defend, but if it is replaced by some other means, Chen Feng can't resist, then call Yi. It's not too late for Helmatt!

The giant tornado is getting closer.

Some trees and the monsters living in them were swept into the air, and there were even some professionals who were in charge of exploration. They were searching in the wild and did not expect that this disaster would come. So fast!

But Chen Feng now has no energy to help the other party. He must make a trade-off between order and the other party. Once he rescues these people and leads to distraction, he will not die a few people, but thousands or even tens of thousands. population!

No matter how heavy, Chen Feng is naturally clear.

Dazzling golden light shrouded the world.

Chen Feng can feel that the power of faith in his broken plane is constantly being extracted and then transformed into his own power. In the face of despair, he has learned how to use the energy that could not be manipulated before.

This is a happy event, but Chen Feng is not at all happy at this time, because all his attention is placed on how to resist the storm in front of him!

Chen Feng's strength began to rise, and in the next second, like a falling meteor born in nature, he rushed towards the front!

The indescribable force shrouded the storm, and the terrible flames seemed to have truly become the sun in the sky, completely trapping the storm in it.

Countless believers began to pray. They knew who the figure came from, and the other party was the guardian of the city. They worshiped the divine residence day and night!

Chen Feng established the order in one hand. He couldn't tolerate anyone to destroy it. The demons can't, the devil can't, and the divine residence can't.

The flames devoured the storm, and everything came to peace.

If it weren't for the air, the traces left by miraculous signs and some inevitable victims, I am afraid everyone thought that the terrible disaster that had just appeared was just an illusion.

A cheer sounded.

For the rest of the life after the disaster, the people couldn't help crying, thankfully they had survived this terrible disaster safely.


Chen Feng's expression was tired as never before.

He didn't fall down almost with the help of Fura. Fura's face was full of worries. Her abdomen had slightly bulged. As a eager family member, she hoped that her child could enjoy both father's love and mother's love.

At this moment, Chen Feng seemed to be a bit frustrated. He glanced at the worried Fu La and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm just over-consumption. There is no major health problem. Has Li Siyu come here?"

As her own high priest, Li Siyu now also hits the legendary rank. With her help to heal, it won't be long before she can recover to the peak.

After receiving the news, Li Siyu unfolded her wings and felt here at the fastest speed. She began to perform a large healing technique. Snow-like energy was poured on Chen Feng's body. The latter could obviously feel that his energy was in Start to recover little by little.

After nearly half an hour of healing, Li Siyu was sweating profusely, but Chen Feng's strength was restored to about 60% as usual.

Chen Feng waved his hand and let Li Siyu go down to rest, but he stood up and looked at the sky that had never been scattered.

Fu La grabbed Chen Feng's hands and said anxiously, "Is this what you mean by disaster?"


Chen Feng nodded: "This is an unavoidable disaster, and inform Xu Hongzhuang, Xu Zhe, and Wei Xun that the order will enter the first level alert now!"

Fura knew what first-order alert meant, which meant that from now on, the entire order would work.

All work is set aside, because order will face a battle that can be destroyed.

The black storm receded slowly.

But the sky did not return to the previous blue, but instead turned into dark red. Red replaced black, and once again shrouded the hearts of all residents.

Everyone was still immersed in the joy of Chen Feng's redemption ~ ~ However, the next second, his complexion began to look stiff, and he looked at the sky a little bit. The wolves and the abominable demon lie on the sky and look down.

It was the legion of tyrannical gods, and they seemed to have felt the abundant energy of the human world and the delicious food in front of them.

Their eyes began to become scarlet, and their restless spirit began to affect their surrounding companions. They followed the deities of the tyrannical **** and brought destruction to the land in front of them!

The killing is about to begin.

Unlike human panic, for the tyrannical legion, this is a rare opportunity for them to enjoy it.

The horror was shrouded in order, and then an unreal face appeared slowly, and the storm was stopped, which made him angry and violent ...

Just when the solemn breath reached its peak, the Avengers from the abyss really cut through the dimensions and landed on the land of mankind!

(End of this chapter)

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