The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1321: The humble one!

Chapter 1322: The Humble!

Hextor was waiting for the bad demon to explode, but one second passed, two seconds passed, just when Chen Feng's fist was already on him, the bad demon squatted on the ground with some pain, but there was no slight explosion. sign.

"how can that be?!"

Hextor was so surprised that he couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, Chen Feng's punches had swelled to the extreme, just one punch, and it was immediately attached to Hextor's body.

"Dead to me!"

At this moment, the energy of countless summoning beasts gathered, penetrated through the void, and bombarded him. There were many figures around, including the anger of Chen Feng, the resentment of the Burning Demon, the indifference of Saruman, the firmness of Fura, and The evil's resentment, these energies completely covered his body, at this time, Hextor suddenly felt that his body was going to split directly!

"not good!"

Hextor only felt that now he was not only punched, but millions of punches, all banging, banging, hitting him, trying to completely destroy his powerful body!


With a loud noise, Hextor was shocked to his body by a powerful and explosive vibe, and the terrifying sound was almost deafening, and it was astonishing!


Hextor had only a short, terrifying howl, and then, like a cannonball, was shaken upside down, the flesh and blood of his body shattered and cracked, and even one arm was broken!

The most terrifying thing is that it has a terrible upside down speed and an extremely violent momentum. Wolverine crushed the bones while the body was hitting the battlefield. It went down to five meters in an instant!

That unparalleled destructive power directly caused Hextor's body to be inlaid at the bottom of the battlefield. At this moment, it was completely out of the power of the last second and was like a dream. It was struck from the sky by Nine Nether Springs!

Hextor, who has mostly ruptured his body, instinctively wants to yell, but his power has gone madly. When he reaches the mouth, he can only make a weird sound of "keke". In addition, the entire cheek is not like Before the wild, but in the face of the horrible impact, his face was destroyed, leaving only hard bones.

In the punch that Chen Feng had to kill, Hextor turned into a skeleton, and the fire of the burning soul in his eyes flickered uneasily. It seemed to see the end of the world like a landslide and tsunami, completely swallowed up by terror. ... It's like a dead dog waiting to be slaughtered. Where is there the previous fierce momentum?

"Is there only such strength?"

Hextor heard a sound of indifference. The next moment, he saw Chen Feng standing in front of him. As soon as he wanted to struggle, Chen Feng stretched out his hands and buckled it on his neck bone. Suddenly, Hextor could see for a second, the contempt in the other's eyes.

"Woo ..."

Seeing that the mansion of his faith was so hugged and lifted by a human, his loyal believers around Hextor all went crazy, giving out a sharp wailing and a roar of fear!

The demons with a slightly hazy IQ have retreated. They were originally employment relationships, but now, employers are almost dying, and they naturally do not want to waste their lives wantonly.

The attacks of some demons and dark creatures have begun to slow down. They try to leave this land and return to the abyss from the dimension channel. They originally thought that coming here was just a push, but who would have thought that order is like a flesh mill, and they are The soybeans on the grinder are crushed directly into blood juice!

Therefore, part of the soldiers of the tyrannical legion immediately retreated like the tide, no longer mixed with this incomprehensible battlefield.

"Are you cool?"

Chen Feng's eyes were indifferent, and in the depths of indifference was the wild fire of resentment.

Even if the order has magical artillery cannons and countless professionals, there are still some survivors who died around. It was just the previous horror tornado that basically killed all the professionals who performed the task. Not only that, the order was also terrifying. Power suffered heavy losses, and many industries that had been established in one or two years were destroyed in no time.

And all of this is what the guy named the God of Terror is doing right now!

Chen Feng wouldn't let go of the other person. At this time, he reached into the chest of the tyrannical **** with his bare hands, pinching the other person's heart.

These anger comes from the most hidden land in the bottom of my heart. Order is not to be defiled by anyone, even the divine house!

At this time, Hextor felt the coolness of his chest and raised his head. The faint cold mansions bloomed in his eyes, his complexion began to look distorted, and his face without a skin gave a more violent impact.

Now that His flesh has reached the load He bears, He can clearly feel that life is moving away from him.

Who is he? The mansion that commanded several levels has trillions of believers, but now, it is seriously injured by small humans, blocking its own progress.

In the face of all this, Hextor's heart was also filled with countless griefs. He raised his fist sternly and smashed at Chen Feng. But just when he waved his hand, Chen Feng directly grasped the opponent's fist. Hai Kesto's deity was swallowed up by the evil demon. At this time, he was at best only the power of the legendary rank!

The legendary and epic ranks are stubborn and weak.

Chen Feng just stared at the other side, then grinned at the corner of his mouth, and clicked, his arm was completely broken. Then a punch blasted Hextor's chest again, and it was extremely harsh ~ ~ Even the viscera and the crickets that he projected on this land were smashed ...

There are more than a dozen terrible cracks in his chest. Don't spray blood with money. Now, his divinity is swallowed up, and his physical body is just an ordinary human being. Chen Feng ’s attack at this time can be said to be extremely cruel Immediately let Hextor fall, he almost fainted ...

At this time, Chen Feng is no longer a simple showdown, but a real shame!

Seeing Hextor being severely damaged, the believers around him were going crazy, and immediately attacked Chen Feng here, but before they approached, they were burned by the hot flames and slumped to the ground, motionless.

After Chen Feng transforms into a Burning Demon, he can cause continuous flame damage around him, not to mention the silver stage. Even the golden stage can't reach Chen Feng, he will be burned to death.

"Are you happy?" Chen Feng asked for the second time. Hextor was about to say something. As soon as Chen Feng's palm was tightened, his opponent's neck was pinched.

Tyrannical God Projection, die!

(End of this chapter)

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