The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1324: Injured person

Order defeated the tyrannical legion, but later maintenance is an astronomical figure, and the trouble is not just a maintenance issue.

Ninety-nine percent of the enemies were obstructed behind the city wall, but a few monsters broke through the wall and broke into the life circle where humans live.

The order now has nine circles, and the outermost circle is the residents who basically do not help the order. They need to complete some work and show their value before they can enter a more central position.

刚刚 And just now, a heartbreaking scene happened behind the fence, a brother and sister were attacked by the dogmen.

A man and a woman are brothers and sisters, Bai Fang and Bai Yuran. The age of seventeen and eighty was originally a young and orderly man. The fact is the same. The two worked in the five-story wall before, but during the work, Bai Fang was harassed. Although the harasser had been punished afterwards, Bai Yuran was dissatisfied. He sneaked into the other's house in the middle of the night and broke the right leg with an iron rod. This violated the law of order and was assigned to work on a nine-story wall. .

Bai Fang was concerned about her brother. Although she could be exempted from punishment, she applied secretly and followed up. Because of this matter, Bai Yuran complained about the other party for a long time.

But they quickly adapted to their current lives. They were dreaming and looking forward to returning to the core area one day and staying away from this dangerous environment.

But sometimes, the more afraid of what is coming, just today, Bai Yuran and Bai Fang experienced a parting of life and death. A dog head broke through the wall, pierced Bai Fang with a bone knife, and killed each other.

Lu Wei noticed something, but at that time, he could n’t leave his post at all. Life and death were not as important as the wall breaking. He was no longer the **** young man who had stopped at a time when his powers were slightly uneven. . The cruel reality has made him understand the rules of the world now.

However, just when Lu Wei completed his defense and turned to help the other side, he found that the doghead who had killed Bai Fang had fallen to the ground, and there was a sting wound on his leg, and Bai Yuran was also full of Wounded, lying weakly on the ground.

A normal person actually hurt a dog head comparable to the bronze level?

Lu Wei stood in front of the other side, stopped the goblin who had the ability to move, and turned his eyes on Bai Yuran: "How did you do that?"

The power of the other party's outbreak seemed to exceed some of Lu Wei's imagination.

Now Bai Yuran has lost his ability to think and his whole face is twisted, but he still said loudly: "I want revenge! I want revenge for Fangfang!"

"Oh, let it go and do what you want." The cold voice sounded again, and a dagger handed over by Lu Wei!

Bai Yuran nodded, his stiff and pale hands clenched tightly into fists, staring at the doghead who killed his sister in front of him like a knife, yelling like a cold wind: "I want revenge! I want you eye for eye!

Bai Yuran will never forget that there is a girl who is with him when he is the most helpless and the hardest. He knows that he has no ability and has no strength to protect her. He can only watch her go to work outside and suffer The bullying of the co-worker, he originally wanted to bring himself and his sister back to the core through hard work, but the sudden appearance of the dog head man ruined everything!

"I was wrong!" Bai Yuran was complaining about himself. If he could hold back his temper and obey the judgment of the inspection department, they would not come here, and his sister would not be killed!

Wu Fangfang left, and she no longer had a relative. He didn't know how Fang Fang did not care about picking up a stone and working hard with the doghead when he died. He didn't know it before, and now he doesn't know it either.

I took up the dagger, Bai Yuran rushed towards the dog head with a short step, and his hand fell from the knife ... He fell from the knife to his hand, Bai Yuran's hearing changed from screaming to wailing to peace. He didn't know how many times he had stabbed the doghead, but only when he felt that his body had been completely wet with the bright red blood, he finally woke up.

He looked at the doghead who had been sifted into a sieve, Bai Yuran bit his teeth, took a bit of air-conditioning, and sat on the ground with his **** full of shame, with a look of confusion and helplessness in his eyes.

No matter how strong the hatred is, he is just an ordinary person after all, never seen blood, never seen killing.

怎么 样 "How are you feeling better?" Lu Wei, as a spectator, has witnessed all this.

Bai Yuran raised his head, his expression was stunned, Lu Wei waited quietly without urging, then Bai Yuran shook his head and nodded, and finally stopped behind and did not speak, but the answer was clear.

余 For the man in front of him, Bai Yuran expresses his gratitude and respect. After all, after seeing too much darkness and suffering too much, Lu Wei's appearance is undoubtedly the best definition of Bai Yuran's superhero hidden deep in his heart.

谢谢 "Thank you, really thank you."

苏 Waking up from the shock of the killing, Bai Yuran quickly knelt and banged his head at Lu Wei. For Bai Yuran, who had nothing, this might be his most expensive return.

Lu Wei slowly shifted his eyes to the girl who had been dead on the side of the road for a long time. There was no regret or sadness that the hero would show in Bai Yuran's heart. He just said lightly: "There are still many people like you in this world , Their loved ones died in harsh conditions, and are now waiting for someone to rescue them. "

"No one can save you, just like me before, but I just saw all this, but I can't help you with a little help."

Although he could n’t understand, Bai Yuran nodded indifferently, but suddenly Bai Yuran seemed to think of something, and his expression was forbidden from becoming rigid. He only asked, "You are not passing by? You are not looking at me." Are you going to be killed to save me? "

He clenched his fists and waited for Landing's answer, but waited for a look of shaking his head.

Looking aside, Bai Yuran lowered his head with a dismay, his face looked dull.

He didn't expect that this was the truth!

How hopeful Bai Jiran was, how much he hoped that the hero in front of him would say that he happened to pass by before he saved his life.

One second before, his respected savior thought that he was tall and full of justice. From that moment on, he is no longer alone, and he has to take care of the heroes to help the weak and save the same people who are in trouble.

But the real situation is that all of this is his innocence, the hero saves himself only because he is like a person.

Alas, and Fang Fang's killing could have been prevented! But he didn't take any action and let Fang Fang die!

The respect and admiration I just made now looks like a joke full of ridicule.

"Hero? Why don't you save Fangfang because you have the power, why you let her die in front of you like this! Our life is just a ridiculous joke in your heart? If it weren't for me like the fool in your mouth , Will you watch me killed! It will definitely be so. "Bai Yuran growled in his heart.

He was embarrassed, he was angry.

He felt like he was being teased by Lu Wei, and he and Fang Fang were like two puppets raising a string, except that he performed better than Fang Fang, and received a reward for life, but Fang Fang The tragic death.

He felt cold when Lu Wei was talking.

"How can you do this to us?"

"Is the weak one destined to be killed by insult? I am forgiving my sins and doing a lot of work every day. Fang Fang, how can Fang Fang die in such a place, she is so young, and she has to read her own life , Even to get married and have children, to have my own family, at that time, I will let go and truly bless each other ... but ... why do you stand by and watch? "

I suffered a lot, my sister was killed, and Lu Wei's appearance seemed like a **** to Bai Yuran, but this **** who was willing to let him devote all his spiritual beliefs collapsed and disappeared in no time!

After a series of blows, Bai Yuran's psychic defense line completely collapsed. His face was distorted, and he questioned loudly a few minutes ago that he was still a hero's life-saving benefactor.

At the same time a shocking scene also appeared!

I saw Bai Yuran's five fingers hooked, his eyes refracted the scarlet patch of light, but this was not surprising, the most frightening thing was that while Bai Yuran was desperately landing, his body was slowly A piece of armor appeared like dragon scales.

At this moment, Bai Yuran awakened successfully!

Bai Bai's performance at this time also made Lu Wei unexpected, letting him see all kinds of strange events, but he did not expect, this boy actually awakened his ability by attaching anger!

How long hasn't I seen this scene?

Lu Wei also has a younger sister. Naturally he knows the desperate mood. He wants to make some explanations, not because he is owed, or because the misunderstanding of the other party will have a bad effect on himself, but that he is an older brother.

But what Lu Wei didn't expect is that even before he said it, the young man in front of him had changed and became a real professional.

A long time ago, scholars have confirmed that when people suddenly change, some physical changes will occur, and they are likely to be promoted to become professionals. Of course, this promotion requires the living person to experience unimaginable suffering and Pain can be said to be a state of soul rather than death!

From this, it can be seen how great the teenager's affection for the dead sister is, even allowing him to complete the promotion and leap to a new level.

I watched and stared at myself. Bai Yuran, who was not a lifesaver, was full of murderousness. For the first time, Lu Wei took him seriously as a complete independent body of life.

"Do you want to kill me?" Lu Wei said calmly.

The young boy looked at him, and couldn't help but say, "Yeah, he is my life-saving benefactor. Even if he didn't save Fangfang, my life was saved by others! My father said, knowing the gratitude, what can I do?" "

"No, it is because he ignored all this, obviously having a powerful force but not helping Fang Fang, leading to doom!"

Bai Yuran is very upset now. He obviously feels that at this moment there are two villains in his body, both are slamming each other crazy. One side is a life-saving benefactor and the other is a wicked person who cannot see death. He was surprised that he was helpless.

"Why? Why don't you save her? You can save Fang Fang in the first place, why should you just watch her killed?" Bai Yuran yelled at the landing loudly, his Hands and feet were trembling, and his eyes were reflecting cold.

"Do not!"

Facing the questioning of the teenager, Lu Wei shook his head. If the teenager knew at this time that the man who appeared in front of him was Chen Feng's confidant, the chief of the dark part of the main palm might have trembled directly, because in the rumors, Lu Wei was simply The strong person who can make children stop crying.

Lu Wei has one or two rights in order, but instead of getting angry with a newly promoted professional, he said, "I was fighting against the disaster on the wall before. Why didn't I come to save your sister? That's because I was here. Guarding order against a population of millions. What would you choose compared to a million people? "

Lu Wei said that Bai Yuran was dumb, but he didn't know how to refute.

"The reason you are confused now is because you have stood up and looked at the surrounding environment."

"Everywhere is full of monsters and beasts, their purpose is only one, that is to destroy the homeland of human survival!"

"In disaster ~ ~ Everyone is not immune, I understand your feelings, because I am also an older brother, if my sister is killed in front of me, I will be 100 times or even 1000 times crazy than you!"

Wu Luwei's face still had no expression, but his breath shock became more and more intense. His blouse twitched slightly, and two devil snarled and growled overhead.

"Do you want to have great power?"

"Do you want to have a new life? Although your sister is dead, you still have a chance to find your own happiness, find a beloved woman, have a few children, and let you say goodbye to the pain of your lost sister."

虽然 "Although the unbearable severe pain will last for a long time, but I also want you to be clear. It is not me or anyone else who has hurt you and hurt your sister, but your low-level strength!"

努力 "Hold on, try to rely on everything you have to swim upstream, and only then can you truly protect yourself and protect your next loved ones from harm!"

Yu Bai Yuran was a bit surprised by Lu Wei's words. He never thought that the other party would say this to himself.

Bai Bai's tears ran across his face. As a man, he had never cried even in pain, but now, he couldn't hold back the chaotic emotions in his heart, and he undoubtedly collapsed.

Lu Wei stared at the other person and said, "Cry, it will be better to cry. If you really want revenge, you can come to me, but your current strength is not enough. Work hard. With your current strength, you are not qualified. Enemies with me, even simple complaints, you can't do it! "

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