The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1337: Bug slave

Lu Wei didn't expect that today, in addition to seeing insect control and chasing people, he also saw slaves!

What is a bug slave? To put it simply, it is crazy thugs, desperates! Or desperate extremists!

At the beginning of the last days, even if the professionals had supreme ability, they would not make good use of it.

However, in the past few years, professionals have become proficient in their own abilities, coupled with the emergence of some scholars, and have put into practical research and application. Therefore, some professionals' hidden abilities have been discovered and achieved grow.

Of course, civilization has risen to a certain degree, and often it is not convenience but destruction. It is just like the creation of human civilization in the past. The original intention is only to make humans better, but the birth of one terrorist weapon after another has changed the world. There are so many scars.

The same goes for the abilities of professionals!

That is to say, when they just woke up, they just felt that they could control the insects and order the insects. However, in continuous research, an insect control found that they could not only control the insects, but also fuse some humans with the insects. Together.

And this existence is called a bug slave.

Become a thump-like thug without fear of pain or death. These bug slaves are really freaks who live only for their own people. They are ruthless and unrecognizable!

However, the birth of worm slaves is too damaging, so the order clearly states that humans cannot be used in experiments of any ability except for demon and other dimensional creatures such as the devil. Once found, they will be heavily punished!

This is a pan-city, an independent area far from the jurisdiction of order. The environment here is similar to that of Shibao City. Dozens of forces are entangled together. In the end, the bitter people are ordinary people.

And looking at the other one of the insect slaves who was punched and killed by one another, Xiong Cheng stepped aside, and there was still lingering fear in his eyes. At this moment, he really determined that the young boy really killed the bear. Where the strength!

The enemy was identified, and Xiong Cheng's fear was gradually replaced by hate. When he waved his hand, the worm slave on the side also countered at Lu Wei!

This Bug Slave is obviously stronger than the previous Bug Slave. It already has the strength of a legendary rank, and it is also where Xiong Cheng can maintain a calm chassis.

Lu Wei has not seen any scene? In the face of the attack of the unsentimental Slave Slave, Fan Li was always able to avoid it cleverly, without any sign of defeat.

Looking at Lu Wei with ease, Xiong Cheng's face gradually became a little gloomy.

Xiong Cheng's back was so cold that it was impossible for people to look at the sea.


The worms growled in a low voice. They also had some ability to speak, but they no longer felt pain.

Lu Wei calculated that in just a few minutes, he hit thirteen strikes on the opposite worm, most of which were the weakest parts of the human body, such as the waist, chest, and even his majesty. The pain was unbearable when touched, but the Zushi didn't react a little, and they attacked, attacked and attacked again!

Sure enough, his nerves have been removed!

After some fighting, Lu Wei came to a conclusion that the bug slave in front of him had no painful nerves at all!

No, maybe it's not just nerves, but in the process of fusion, the other party has become a worm, not a human at all, but a fighting machine in flesh and blood!

But just between Lu Wei's thoughts, the insect slave suddenly attacked, but the strength of the legendary rank forced Lu Wei back a few steps.

"Okay ... well done!" Seeing Lu Wei's embarrassing look, Xiong Cheng's eyes were flushed, and at this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene of the enemy with his hand!

But something was doomed to disappoint him ...

Over time, Lu Wei also had no patience to entangle with them. At this moment, he just wants to end this boring battle quickly!

Lu Wei, who was blindly avoiding, suddenly raised his head, a faint cold mang bloomed in his eyes, his face began to twist and twist, and he was full of a kind of despair and destruction of suffocation, as if he could shoot the insect slaves with his eyes!

"The game is over ..."

"What did you say?" Standing behind, still convinced that the worm slaves he created using countless resources will eventually triumph Xiong Cheng, suddenly frowning, and fought a cold war like an electric shock. It suddenly felt that there was no place Too right.

"I said ... you can die!"

The smile turned into a cold sneer, and Lu Wei stopped walking backward at this moment, and uttered such a sentence like a beast!

The next moment, his waving arms suddenly inflated slightly.

Larger bone spurs burst out.

"Quickly retreat!" Looking at the changes in front of him, Xiong Cheng finally found the source of terror. He did not expect that Lu Wei, who seemed to have no way out, still had hidden strength!

"Dead! I just want to experiment with the level of this force, but there is no doubt that you have failed me too much."

From the beginning Lu Wei did not come up with all the strength to confront the enemy, but simply wanted to understand the details of the opponent.

Now everything is clear and clear, and Lu Wei has no patience to play with them, and immediately releases the power of the devil, and comes again with invincible power like a fire!

Lu Wei's voice was cold and incredible, so he strode forward and arrived in front of the Slave Slave!

The worm slave had no feelings, but he instinctively raised his right arm to face Lu Wei. However, Lu Wei was fierce and powerful, and his powerful strength was revealed. The worm slave couldn't resist it!


In the face of this horrible burst, the right arm of Zongnu was broken straight away, and the dead gas radiated from his body was almost extinguished. Even if Zongnu was not afraid of death, but encountered such a destructive force, The physical defense was also completely defeated, and it would have no effect at all!

Lu Wei's arms remained undiminished, and he immediately moved forward, banging straight on his chest like a shell!


The insect slave immediately sprayed blood violently, and the internal organs were hit harder than ever. The internal organs were broken, and even the spitting blood was mixed with several internal organ fragments!

It was covered with blood, and the chest was sunken directly, and I didn't know how many ribs had been broken ...

Suffering such a blow ~ ~ The physical function of the worm slave has been completely abolished, even if he is the worm slave who knows no pain? Still no strength to fight back!

No longer paying attention to the bug slave, Lu Wei chuckled, his eyes flashed with astounding violence and madness, his body flickered, and he suddenly made the distance between each other, and in the next second, he stretched out two horrible arms to grasp He caught him in the middle of the air.

Feeling the suffocation around his neck, the insect slave lifted his feet and wanted to resist, but Lu Wei's arms were tight, and he heard a "click", and he was completely paralyzed and motionless.

Throwing bug slaves on the ground at will, Lu Wei turned his head and stared at Xiong Cheng, Ling Ling said like ice: "If I remember correctly, the brother in your mouth was killed by me!"

Finally got the answer, but Xiong Cheng's face did not have the surprise and comfort he had hoped for, but was full of great fear and shock.

He could clearly feel the horror in the other person!

Although he did not want to admit it, Xiong Cheng found sadly that for this journey of revenge, he regretted it from the bottom of his heart ...

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