The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1352: Mother Egg

What the devil is best at is not strength, but smoothness.

When communicating with the other party at the end of the road before, because of some words from the other party, I almost brought myself into an endless place, not to mention Li Bin.

Compared to the big pattern and big scene of order, Pancheng City is just a backcountry, and living here for a long time, Li Bin's consciousness is bound to be bound to a certain extent.

But the legendary powerhouse. But none of them are simple characters. Otherwise, they would have been doomed for a long time, and they would be swallowed up, and there would be no bone left.

"What do you think? The other party just came here and you can betray your elder brother? What good did the other party give you and make you look like this?"

Li Bin knows too much about the means of professionals. Before the end, he wanted to obey, but it was just money and power. But in the last days, because of the means of the professionals, many people were hypnotized or completely hyped. Is manipulation.

Even His Majesty Li Bin has such a number of people with extremely powerful hypnotic abilities. He will bury some different memories in the other person's mind during the conversation with others.

The pan-city is far more dangerous than it looks. In the past, Li Bin used this ability to not know how many dissidents were eliminated. Those people are enemies. He artificially sent people to negotiate with each other, but in the process of communication, the hypnotherapist would Some thoughts of suicide were implanted in the other person's mind.

As soon as a few people left, they were so powerful that the powerful who ruled a force suddenly jumped out of the window, or committed suicide by other means, and could no longer pose a threat to Li Bin.

Li Bin is far more vicious than the surface. For him, there is no long-term partner at all. Only the dead enemy can make him feel at ease.

In the past, he and the insect-controlling brothers had a long-lasting relationship with each other, but the inner world had already fallen into darkness, and they were anxious to annex the forces of the insect-controlling agents and master each other's resources.

You know, one of the purposes of his coming here today is to lay the oviparous emperor with extra insect control!

That insect emperor is the first insect to be controlled by the insect control. Even if it is a legendary order, it has no power, but the defense is relatively strengthened. However, if Li Bin wants to penetrate the opponent's skin, it is extremely simple.

However, such a bug that looks very useless has been given extra care by the insect control. Not only did he build a house for the other party, but he also sent no one to feed the other party with fine grain.

It can be said that hundreds of thousands of people in Pancheng City, 90% of whom have not known how long they have not eaten fine grains. In the past, they lived on hard, moldy relief grains. In contrast, a worm eats dozens of pounds of fine grains. There is even a supply of beef and lamb. In the last days, this life is like an emperor, enjoying the wealth of the world!

The insect control made it do this because the bug can produce thousands of eggs every day!

Pan city can't compare order.

A long time ago, order began to grow crops on a large scale. Although it is inseparable from some researchers, it is undeniable that it is precisely because the order is strong that all the surrounding enemies are killed, which opened up. More land enables more people to grow food.

As early as a year ago, order fundamentally solved the problem of food and clothing. It can be said that although there are people who live in unsatisfactory order, they no longer use starved people.

But Pan City is different. It is dominated by different forces. In addition, the superiors have a low vision and cannot make useful predictions for people's livelihood. Therefore, there is a long period of famine here. Every week, no, there are a lot of daily Of people starved to death or were killed while stealing food!


Became a problem that Pan City must overcome!

You know, it ’s not just refugees. If there were n’t so many worries, forces and forces would have developed each other long ago, and they would not interfere, and this pan-city has three days a day, one week, and one week. Fight for food!

In the past, I don't know how many small forces were overthrown, the professionals were killed, and the food stocks were taken away.

Insects have a large amount of food. A red rock beetle rations even exceeded ten humans a day. The reason why the insect control can keep so many insects in captivity and let the legendary strongman Fang Yuan use it for himself is the real reason. It is precisely because of that worm king who produces a thousand pounds per day!

As long as the food source is sufficient, the other party will continue to lay eggs for the energy source, and this egg is just a golden egg of the peace era for the insect control ambassador. No matter what you exchange for, you can get it!

In addition, this bug has a mild temperament. As long as it has food, it can be extremely obedient, and it will not happen to the commander.

Li Bin ’s power is even greater than that of Fuyunlou. However, because of food problems, he can only satisfy some middle and high-levels, and cannot satisfy ordinary people. Therefore, in the past, many voices secretly narrated behind the scenes. He was not A qualified leader.

Li Bin had ambitions, and naturally did not want his reputation to be lost like this. Therefore, he awakened countless times from dreams, all because of remembering the worm emperor.

Now, Fuyunlou is under attack, and after learning that the insect-controlling corpse has died, Li Bin's unhappiness is false. As long as he can get the bug, he can quickly stabilize the hearts of the forces. By then, he will be slow. Slowly spreading around, it is very likely that he can become the true master of the pan-city, completely unifying these dozens of forces in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, Li Binwang's gaze towards Fang Yuan is a little interesting, I don't know what to think about ~ ~ However, what is the existence of the femme fatale, what it excels at is to try to understand people's hearts, especially after parasitic, he slowly absorbs After learning most of Fang Yuan's wisdom, combined with Li Bin's sudden arrival here, he naturally knew all the causes and consequences.

Thinking of this, the viper demon controlled Fang Yuan's mouth and grinned high, then gave a loud laugh: "Li Bin, I know what you are remembering, you are just trying to take the brother's egg mother, okay, all right Need some intermediary, how about I use this egg mother as a gift to ally with you? "

Li Bin was startled. If he could really take away the mother of the egg without blood, he would naturally accept it, but the most expensive thing in the world is a free gift.

Thinking of this, Li Bin didn't rush to answer, but just said, "You've lost so many twists and turns, you can't have no plan at all, let's say, what plan do you have with that outsider?"

The viper demon looked back at Lu Wei, then turned around and looked at Li Bin again: "I can avoid all forces and professionals, but I need a population, a large population!"

"This is the only opportunity for Li Bin. Let's work together. How can we divide up Pancheng?"

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