The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1356: Provocator

Chapter 1358: Provocation


Looking at Chen Feng standing in the Colosseum and killing the half dragon, all the demons strove to their strength at this moment, and made a huge roar from the chest!

They witnessed a crazy battle!

The devil likes chaos. This is an indisputable fact. The half-dragons have misunderstood from the beginning. The devil is not chasing a certain strong man, but the blood and stubble in the Colosseum!

During the battle, the demons will still kill each other because of some rage, regardless of the sudden changes in the situation on the battlefield, but in the Colosseum, as the audience, how could they be because of the half dragon Man's bravery, but true, from the heart to admire and worship each other? The demons like it, but those strong vision shocks!

Countless roars and cheers passed from all directions. They roared and roared, and made Chen Feng look like a hero.

Chen Feng took a step forward and picked up a long sword from the ground.

The craftsmanship of the long sword is not high. In fact, after being used to the systematic building of human beings, even if it is a dwarven weapon, Chen Feng still can't see it.

However, because of the rich ore reserves here, there are some rare ore, so the destructive power is not weak. However, this weapon does not know what kind of attack it encountered. The whole body is broken by a long sword and only a small fragment is left. Sword head.

Chen Feng walked forward, and then came to the body of the half-dragon. He raised the broken blade in his hand, without any hesitation, pierced the opponent's chest directly, and then took out his crystal-like heart.


Chen Feng held the crystal high above his head, as if a lion was sworn to his competitors on his leadership in this land!

Countless thick sounds rang out.

These include rage, succubus, and even a fallen angel!

They are the same as the half-dragons. They were also a member of the Colosseum before. They belong to the star level. I do n’t know how many people have been feared and looked up. But now, when Chen Feng came here, their position Under a strong threat!

"I want to step on his head and look at that show-off, it's really disgusting!" The madman stood aside, watching Chen Feng, who was cheered by countless people in the Colosseum, sulking. words.

"Oh, I'm curious about each other. It's really an excellent human being, but it's not suitable for human life, isn't it?" The succubus licked his lips, like a fairy, with a pair of eyes glancing at Chen Feng.

"Kill! Kill all!"

As for the fallen angel, it is not a woman, but a man!

Compared with female angels, they will suffer more temptations. Male angels are well-known allegiances. Even if they die, they will not betray their beliefs. It is strange that half of the male angel ’s body is all demons. The bloodline, even the breath, has become extremely chaotic.

"Is this **** **** going crazy again?"

"Stay away from it, since it has completed the second fusion, it seems to have no decent memory. It is really a poor fellow." The succubus slipped away from the fallen angel and walked away more than ten meters away.

The strength of this succubus stepped into a half-step epic long ago, but it is still extremely afraid of the fallen angels, because even after the raging demon has risen to the higher ranks, he has some reason and knows when Do things without delaying work due to anger.

But this fallen angel is different. The other party was originally a member of the paradise of paradise, and somehow came to the Colosseum, and the owner of this Colosseum is actually an ugly, humble, evil, any dark word is Can be used to describe the devil of the other party!

The devil can have such a large power in the abyss. This is like a strange existence, which has proven that the other party is not an ordinary character at all!

This devil is not only good at negotiating, but in a short time, people have liked this Colosseum, and he also has a near-quirky experimental interest. It will buy some lifeforms at a high level and put it into the battlefield after giving some transformation. Make money for it and seek benefits!

This fallen angel is the most important thing for the other party is an experiment!

When the angel originally came here, he was severely tortured by the skeleton mage, but he still did not reveal his attitude of changing beliefs. However, after the devil boss knew it, he gradually injected demon blood into the other person ’s holy body. It did n’t take long for the sake of convenience. Corruption, and gradually blinded the mind, became the party to be enslaved.

Moreover, because the other party is not willing to fall, he even mastered a part of the light power, and this light power will have certain additional damage to any creature in the abyss.

Therefore, in just a few months, this fallen angel has become a new star, so that all audiences will remember it!

Unlike the half dragons, the other party is just synonymous with brutality, but the angels are elegant and horrible, like poisonous honey on a white rose. When you sniff, you can't afford to fall to the ground and lose your life. !!

After the opponent came to this Colosseum, they did not lose at all. This is the strength of the opponent, a proud life that cannot be challenged!

At this time, Chen Feng's performance undoubtedly attracted the attention of the other party. For a long time, the fallen angel who only spoke can not speak, and did not know what he felt. His eyes looked at Chen Feng fiercely, and then said hoarse, "Kill! I want to kill about you!"

When the fallen angels are about to kill ~ ~ they don't care if anyone is around, so the raging demon and the succubus will go far and don't want to touch the mold of the other party!

Like monsters, there are high and low points, and the fallen angels are undoubtedly at the top.

Chen Feng seemed to feel it, glanced his head to the side, facing the eyes of the fallen angel. At this time, Chen Feng saw a pair of scarlet eyes, like a ruby, oozing the brightness that cannot be ignored.

"Do you want to be my opponent?"

Chen Feng has now completely played himself as a member of the Colosseum. He is even crazy than the half-dragon, which is something everyone knows.

But even so, Chen Feng looked weak to the extreme, but still did not show timidity. Instead, he provoked the fallen angel and said, "Waste, come down if you can!"

The succubus's body was shaking, and it didn't seem to think that in this scene, someone would challenge the fallen angel. Does the other party ... really want to live?

(End of this chapter)

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